"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 10, 2009

The quiet of country

I am a city girl, born and raised in suburbia and yes I would love to live in the country. I married a farm boy and love that side of him. I took Drew over to a friends house this morning...15 minutes from here...and they live in the country. Ah the quiet and peacefulness. I am reminded of the passion I have for the country, we have.

After being at the quiet cabin for a week and then visiting there today I am reminded how very much I love quiet and space. I always love the quiet of the farm in Ohio, I sleep better in it.

My friend Stacie mentioned she could sell some land for us to live by them...told her not to tempt me or my hubby. But I came home tempted...talked to Scott told him about the land, quiet, space...he and I have dreamed of country for our entire marriage, especially since we had kids. ah now if only the economy would turn around, our house could sell for what it's actually worth, our lives settle down after this baby comes...we will keep praying. Someday I pray, God willing, that we can build a house in the country with space and quiet. Picture a photo of Country Living magazine, the porch around the front, sitting on the porch swing, the dogs laying quietly in the front yard, children happily playing, the flowers blooming...that is what I see in my head and in my heart.

I do love where we live, I love our home, it is the closest thing to country we have. Love our porch, our porch swing, our yard , our flowers... I am grateful so don't misread this...just a moment of daydreaming into the future.


  1. lance and i both grew up in the country. i loved it and still love going home to the country. i will be so sad the day my parents sell that house and move to town. can't even think about it. i have many days when i drive the "back roads" where i look at the places in the country and think what if... we love our neighbors and being close to grocery store etc.. but there is a part of me that would love to get to the country. maybe someday!

    btw- go check out a new site (just wrote about it on my blog) www.incourage.me put out by dayspring. group of 20 women/bloggers writing and offering encouragement as well as selling their handmade goods with a christian twist. fun stuff.

  2. :) There is a house down the street from us but it's nothing like your dream, the house anyway. Great lot though. :)

    It's always fun to dream. always.

  3. We have this same discussion from time to time - wide open space to run and play, outside dogs, four-wheelers, tree swings -- there's so many roads to take in this life, isn't there? I always come back to Target and Hy-Vee a few moments away, but who knows - maybe someday...loved daydreaming with you.
