"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A BIG Day for Tommy

Today, almost exactly 2 years after Tommy got his braces on, he got them OFF!  woo hoo!  So much fun!  His teeth are so straight and beautiful.  His gums, are a little puffy, which we expected due to the condition he had but in a couple of days they should be back to normal.    So fun to see his beautiful smile. 

A BIG day around this house!

My friend Makila put this collage together for me of pics...
Left side before and after July 2009....Right side before and after today
center photo...fresh smile, and still puffy gums, at home!
How much older does he look on the right?  wow!
(side note: when Tommy saw this collage he said to me "Mom, your photo skills have really improved"...I thought that was sweet. I have been working on that so cute he noticed)

They come off in one big chunk..

Our good friend Jeff, AKA Dr. Sturdivant polishing them up

July 2009                         July 2011

After a lunch at Fuddruckers, his choice...we stopped at Walmart, his choice, to make a candy purchase. He went a little candy crazy!!!!  All the stuff he missed with braces!  


Jack played "Second Season" baseball this month for the Giants.  He had a fun time.  Last night was the last game for him.

Here are a few of my favorite pics from the short little season.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Special Birthday

Today my Uncle Harold Lee Terwilliger would have turned 80 years old.  Next Monday, we will honor him in a service at Arlington National Cemetery with my family. Below is a note that my Dad sent to the Chaplain at Arlington that gives more detail of the history.

Dear Master Sergeant Dixon,

It was a pleasure visiting with you by telephone from Alaska last week.  We very much appreciate the thoughtful attention being given to the Memorial Service for our older brother Harold Lee Terwilliger by you and all of your associates at the Arlington National Cemetery.

As we discussed, I am sending along to you details of Harold’s disappearance while on a routine cross country flight from Guantanamo BayCuba to Cherry Point,N.C.  Harold and others in his squadron had been practicing aircraft gunnery in Cuba for several weeks precedent to heading back to their home station. 

Harold departed the Naval Air Station,. JacksonvilleFlorida at 5:59 p.m. on December 15, 1954.  It was reported that  prior to leaving Jacksonville  there had been difficulties getting his aircraft started; however, Harold reported all was well once he left Jacksonville.  His flight plan was filed to the Marine Air Station at Cherry PointN.C. He was scheduled to arrive at Cherry Point by 6:;59 p.m.  Search and Rescue was notified at 7:25 p.m. that he was overdue at Cherry Point.

The air search commenced at 7:35 p.m. and continued until the night of December 20, 1954.  Our family was assured that the search was very thorough.  and covered the coastline from south of Jacksonville to north of Cherry Point as well as an area of sixty square miles inland and sixty miles out to sea.  The search was conducted by both military and civilian aircraft.

Harold was reported to have planned his own flight and was familiar with the current winds and weather at the time.  Further, our parents were assured that Harold was very well qualified to undertake such a flight.  In fact, they were also advised that he was the squadron leader and that the others accompanying him had used his flight plan as well for their respective flights.

Our parents were advised of Harold’s disappearance by telegram on the morning of December 16th by his Commanding Officer, Col. C.E. McCulloch and were advised  in telegrams received on both the 17th & 18th  that the search was ongoing.  They received a final telegram on December 20th saying that the search been concluded on that day with negative results.

Harold was subsequently declared dead in a letter received in mid-January.  A Memorial Service was held at our home church, the First Methodist Church inMadisonSouth Dakota on February 6, 1955.  Attached to this letter is a copy of the church bulletin from that servicer along with an editorial which appeared in the local newspaper, The Madison Daily Leader, the day following the Service.  I would be happy to provide you more biographical detail if you would like as Harold was a very athletic and talented young man who was quite popular and highly respected.

Needless to say, the death of our brother Harold was an extremely difficult event for our parents as well as my two other brothers and me as well as the larger community.  Harold was engaged to be married awaiting only the final date being set for the ceremony.  Ironically, the date was to be set when Harold was to return home for the Christmas Holidays in 1954 the week following the completion of his return to Cherry Point.

Our parents are both deceased having passed without ever having a closure to their loss of their oldest son.  Likewise, another brother-Dick, now deceased as well, our other brother, Don, and me as well always mourned the loss without knowing what had happened.  We have all taken comfort and solace over the years in the fact that Harold believed deeply in what he was doing for our Country and felt very privileged to be a Marine.  He was a dedicated pilot who had a very deep Christian Faith and was deeply loyal to the United States of America.

My Dad has talked about my Uncle for as long as I can remember.   My Dad taught us how to fold a flag properly and all of the details of patriotism at a very young age.  We weren't allowed to wear anything camouflage, he felt it disrespected those who earned the right to wear it.   We were raised with VERY strong ties to our country and to our respect of it.

  My Dad was the youngest of the 4 boys, Harold Lee (named after my G'pa Harold and my G'ma Alice Lee) was the oldest.  They had a very close relationship.  My Dad looked up to his brother.  Dad was only a sophomore in High School when this all happened.  It's amazing to me, I guarantee you not a DAY has past since December 16. 1955 that my Dad has not thought of his brother.  Max carries his name, Max Harold...his legacy will live on and we will keep his memory alive.  

It is a privilege that we will be able to honor him in a special service...I pray it gives my Dad, and his brother Don, the closure that has lacked for so many years.  Until we can all meet him in heaven...

Happy Birthday Uncle Harold Lee!

With Love and Appreciation for the life you gave our country and for the brother you were to my Dad....

P.S. A side note, December 20th is when they got the final word on Harold Lee not being found.  That is also my birthday.  Until I read this note from Dad I didn't realize my birthday held such STRONG ties to my Uncle.  And such STRONG memories for my Dad.  I wrote my Dad after I saw that and here was his response to my note...

Thank you Susan,
Yes, that was a significant date that only gained in real significance when you arrived and made it so much more memorable.
Max Harold I hope will be proud of his name when you reaches manhood and realizes its significance with both his great uncle Harold Lee as well as his Great Grandpa Harold.
Love you,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The last Sunday

Took this picture tonight at the pool, he was sitting at the end of my chair chatting away while eating his oreo milkshake.  His last Sunday with braces.  Tommy's braces come off on Thursday Wednesday.  (ahem insert Mom had the wrong date on the calendar until the confirmation phone call came on Monday night, with a comment from Tommy "do not  let me miss this appointment Mom"....crazy schedule we have)  I am not sure who is more excited, me or Tommy.  :)  His teeth will be beautiful.  His gums have reacted to the braces and have had issues swelling, at first I thought he wasn't brushing enough....but both the dentist AND our orthodontist said he is having a reaction to the metal.  Guess it isn't terribly uncommon.  So it will be nice to have his gums less swollen too for his sake.

Can't wait to see his flashing smile on Thursday...Wednesday!(bonus it's one day sooner than we had thought, bummer Dad won't be in town he is in the lovely state of Arkansas speaking (Go Hogs Teresa), he will see new teeth when he gets home)  We will celebrate with candy of his choice.  He has missed Snickers, taffy, gummy bears, fruit snacks and tootsie rolls.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lake of the Ozarks

We were gone AGAIN this past week to Lake of the Ozarks.  Scott was speaking at a meeting there for one his customers and they graciously invited our entire brood to tag along.  We went on Sunday after Drew's last baseball tournament.  I didn't take many pictures with the real camera, I mainly used my phone.  We had a fun time.  We didn't see Scott hardly at all, but we had fun being at such a nice resort.  

Boys checking out "their" room....they were slightly excited about having their own space.  They had a room, we had a family room and kitchen and then a Master bedroom.  It was lovely.

Traveling and eating out is Tommy's gig...notice he already has ESPN turned on in the background of their room.

Max relaxing in the family room...

Max trying out a strawberry smoothie at the Parrot Bar

We mainly played in this lower pool. NO ONE else used it, it was like our private pool.  Note the Parrot Bar at the top of the hill.  :)  

..and our pool had this little shade grotto thing where Max napped every afternoon in his stroller.

Tommy enjoying a "Shirley" while he waits for lunch

3 of the boys watching baseball at the Parrot Bar enjoying their Smoothies

It was SO hot and the curls and surfer tee made me melt

..and the tan bigger surfer boy whose hair gets blonder as the summer goes on

...another afternoon in our private pool

Our last night we went out to dinner at Baxters which had a 7 mile view of the lake...it was beautiful and the food was delicious.  A perfect spot.

Then we went to a go-carting place...Max loved the Merry Go Round
..and this go cart

Jack's first time driving his own cart with the big boys...

...he kept up just fine.  
Ended the evening with a little 10 cent Skee Ball games.  Hot and muggy but so much fun.

Enroute home we had 3 of the 4 boys crashed out.  It was a busy week with lots of fun memories.

It was fun to see the Lake of the Ozarks area...we have heard about it a lot.  And we are so grateful for a company trip, it was a gift.    But personally, I will stick with Northern Minnesota and their lakes.  

Sticks End

Drew's final baseball tournament was last weekend.  He had a GREAT season with the Sticks baseball team, it was a great fit for Drew.  Great coaches, great families...it was a real blessing.   It was a BIG deal for Drew to tryout for another team, he is NOT a fan of change and he had been on the same USSSA team since second grade.  Lots of prayer and God came through, like we should ever doubt that he won't. Here are some of the pics I snapped at this last game.  

 Jack taking a turn chasing Max...

 Drew pitching in the final game

 watching his big brother

 chatting between innings

 Max ALWAYS headed to the gator

 Tommy cheering Drew on

Max helping run the scoreboard with Daddy

 Drew and Coach Yaccinich

 Heading home


 I am a sucker for the walking behind photos...think they capture such cool moments