"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Miss a Childhood

A friend posted this on facebook this morning.It hit me right in the gut.  It's time to take a break from Facebook for me.  It's time to quit running to my phone the second it rings.  It's time to slow down and drink in these boys of ours.  I refuse to miss their childhood.   

How to Miss a Childhood

Each minute of every day, we are presented with a choice on how we spend our moments. We can either miss the moments or grasp them. This photo was taken at a time in my life when I was missing the moments and in doing so, I was missing more than life.
By sharing my own painful truths when it comes to the distractions of the modern age, I have gained an unexpected insight. In the 18 months this blog has existed, I have been privy to a new distraction confession every single day.
Up until now, I never knew what to do with this unusual collection of painful admissions from an overly connected society. But today, in a moment of clarity, I knew. And a woman with 35 years experience as a day care provider held the key.
It came as a message in my inbox after the woman read my post “The Children Have Spoken” which included heart-breaking observations from children themselves about their parents’ excessive phone use.
As soon as I read the first sentence of the caregiver’s email, I knew this message was different than any I had ever received. The hairs on my arms stood up as I absorbed each word that came uncomfortably close to home.
It was a voice of heartache, wisdom, and urgency speaking directly to the parents of the 21st century:
“I can recall a time when you were out with your children you were really with them. You engaged in a back and forth dialog even if they were pre-verbal. You said, ‘Look at the bus, see the doggie, etc.’ Now I see you on the phone, pushing your kids on the swings while distracted by your devices. You think you are spending time with them but you are not present really. When I see you pick up your kids at day care while you’re on the phone, it breaks my heart. They hear your adult conversations. What do they overhear? What is the message they receive? I am not important; I am not important.”
In a 100-word paragraph this concerned woman who has cared for babies since 1977 revealed a disturbing recipe … How to Miss a Childhood.
And because I possess hundreds of distraction confessions, including stories from my own former highly distracted life, I have all the damaging ingredients.
All it takes is one child and one phone and this tragic recipe can be yours.
How to Miss a Childhood
*Keep your phone turned on at all times of the day. Allow the rings, beeps, and buzzes to interrupt your child midsentence; always let the caller take priority.
*Carry your phone around so much that when you happen to leave it in one room your child will come running with it proudly in hand—treating it more like a much needed breathing apparatus than a communication device.
*Decide the app you’re playing is more important than throwing the ball in the yard with your kids. Even better, yell at them to leave you alone while you play your game.
*Take your children to the zoo and spend so much time on your phone that your child looks longingly at the mother who is engaged with her children and wishes she was with her instead.
*While you wait for the server to bring your food or the movie to start, get out your phone and stare at it despite the fact your child sits inches away longing for you talk to him.
*Go to your child’s sporting event and look up periodically from your phone thinking she won’t notice that you are not fully focused on her game.
*Check your phone first thing in the morning … even before you kiss, hug, or greet the people in your family.
*Neglect daily rituals like tucking your child into bed or nightly dinner conversation because you are too busy with your online activity.
*Don’t look up from your phone when your child speaks to you or just reply with an “uh huh” so she thinks you were listening.
*Lose your temper with your child when he “bothers” you while you are interacting with your hand-held electronic device.
*Give an exasperated sigh when your child asks you to push her on the swing. Can’t she see you’re busy?
*Use drive time to call other people regardless of the fact you could be talking to your kids about their day—or about their worries, their fears, or their dreams.
*Read email and text messages at stoplights. Then tell yourself that when your kids are old enough to drive they won’t remember you did this all the time.
*Have the phone to your ear when she gets in or out of the car. Convince yourself a loving hello or goodbye is highly overrated.
Follow this recipe and you will have:
• Missed opportunities for human connection
• Fewer chances to create beautiful memories
• Lack of connection to the people most precious to you
• Inability to really know your children and them unable to know you
• Overwhelming regret
If you find this recipe difficult to read—if you find that you have tears in your eyes, I thank you, and your child thanks you.
It is not easy to consider the possibility that the distractions of the modern age have taken an undeserved priority over the people who matter in your life. In fact, when I admitted this difficult truth to myself almost two years ago, I experienced an emotional breakdown. However, that breakdown became a breakthrough that propelled me to begin my life-changing “Hands Free” journey.
Here’s the thing: You don’t have to follow the above recipe. Yes, it is the 21st century. Yes, the whole world is online. Yes, the communications for your job are important. Yes, at times you must be readily available. But despite all those factors, you do not have to sacrifice your child’s childhood; nor do you have to sacrifice your life.
May I recommend this recipe instead?
How to Grasp a Childhood:
Look into her eyes when she speaks to you … Your uninterrupted gaze is love to your child.
Take time to be with him—really be with him by giving your full attention … The gift of your total presence is love to your child.
Hold her hand, rub his back, listen to her heart beat, and smooth his hair … Your gentle touch is love to your child.
Greet her like you missed her when she was not in your presence … Seeing your face light up when you see her is love to your child.
Play with him … Your involvement in his activities is love to your child.
Set an example of being distraction-free while driving … Positive role modeling behind the wheel is love (and safety) to your child.
Create a distraction-free daily ritual … Consistently making him a priority each day is love to your child.
Focus and smile at her from the stands, sidelines, or the audience … Seeing the joy on your face as you watch is love to your child.
The recipe for “How to Grasp a Childhood” requires only one thing: You must put down your phone. Whether it is for ten minutes, two hours, or an entire Saturday, beautiful human connection, memory making, and parent-child bonding can occur every single time you let go of distraction to grasp what really matters.
The beautiful, life-changing results of your “Hands Free” action can start today … right now … the moment you put down the phone.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Snow wimps...

So Iowans are snow wimps...not as bad as North Carolina people...my friend Leanne texted me a picture last week on their "Snow Day" and there wasn't even SNOW on the ground.  :)

The phone rang at 5:30 am, thank you Waukee automated calls how did I get on YOUR list?  Scared me to DEATH.  And I had a baby next to me in bed (okay so he is 3 but I am still going to call him a baby) and didn't want to leap over him to get to the other side to answer the phone.  Scott was already up...so I just let it ring and ring LOUDLY and heard the caller ID saying it was Waukee Schools.

Seriously?  There was NO snow when we went to bed at 11.  And now there is maybe 4-5 inches?  And yes it's cold and blowing but really?  We could have gone to school.  The boys had mixed feelings.  Excited to have a day off in the middle of the week but frustrated that now school goes until June 4th.

I can tell you in Minnesota there are hardly EVER snow days.  I remember one from all of my years, and it was due to ice, not snow.  We had a few 2 hour delays in those years but maybe 3 or 4.  Iowans are snow wimps.

I had a picture appointment this morning for some dear family friends and their sweet grand baby....so we went to those this morning, I had 2 assistants along thanks to the snow day.  Jack and Drew loved to help and LOVE babies so it was a double bonus.  Then came home to take Tommy to his ortho appointment for yet another retainer, it was a ghost town there.  Picked up one of Tommy's friends on the way home fed them some gourmet Tombstone pizza and redeemed the meal with homemade chocolate chip cookies.

A pretty laid back day....

I love to look out at the snow, and listen to the wind and be in our warm home.  Love that feeling.  Making meatballs for dinner...it's a meatball kind of day.

Stay warm wherever you are...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Orphan Update

Drew and I will be heading to Visit Orphans in October...in Costa Rica with the organization "Visiting Orphans".  While there may be bats in the walls of the lower end hotel (by US standards), lots of heat and humidity (which is NOT my thing) and a week away from my other boys...it still feels like the right thing to be doing.

Scott enjoys his Buckeye weekends every year with the boys.  It is important to me to have time with them as well.  For a long time we have debated mother/son trips and what those would look like.   We have had some clarity about that recently and we feel like Missions Trips with each one is where that time and money should be spent.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it" 
Proverbs 22:6

Drew has been asking to do a Missions Trip for a long time now, I have been scared for a long time now about Missions trip, I have never been on one...and Scott a bit skeptical with the idea too.  Last night hearing more about orphans, this past month reading Kisses from Katie, watching children in videos last night, in photos... just solidified the prayers about where to go first.

Tommy has other ideas of what kind of Missions Trip he would like to go on.  Jack as well.  We will continue to pray about those for the future.  But right now it is clear....

Drew and I will be headed out in October.  Please pray for us these upcoming months that God would honor this desire on our hearts.  That God would provide just what we need for this trip in many ways...that we would know what to ask for, what items to bring...that we would stay healthy and strong.  That our family would continue to be in unity over this decision.

We are excited about this opportunity that God has put in front of us...we pray that we would honor him in this decision and this leap of faith.  And maybe, by the time we get there the bats will be gone and they will have a cold front. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Random Orphan Thoughts

163 Million Orphans in this world.  Only 8 million of them in orphanages or Institutions.  I can NOT imagine.  It brings me to tears, it breaks my heart.  As a Mom I can NOT imagine not being able to care for my child.  I can NOT imagine having to drop them off at an orphanage.

James 1:27

 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I have always felt like children were my "thing", it's why I became a teacher.  When I could tie God and children together...it was a bonus.  Sunday school teaching, VBS, Camp Counselor....  Children with special needs are another one of my "things".

This Red Card Class we are taking at church is eye opening to me in SO many ways.  

Last week in class I was assigned to read the following aloud...I didn't make it more than 3 words before the tears flowed.

"Poverty means that I may put my children in an orphanage, hoping that the people in charge can take care of my sons and daughters better than I can."

Our family verse for 2013

I John 3:18

 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Where is this leading my heart....sometimes it feels like God is whispering and sometimes ....it seems a LOT LOUDER than a whisper

Pray for our family as we sort through all of this.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Boys boys and more boys

Tonight the boys just left for the Varsity Game after a little end of the season Pizza Party here.  Thankfully it was nice outside so they were outside MOST of the time they were here.  :)

I did grab a couple of pics of them enjoying the warmer temps.  I had my HUGE zoom lens on so I wouldn't have to get off of the deck.  The pics are a little blurry.  Oh well

DMCS Freshman Boys team...and Drew.

Boston Creme Pie Love

Today I have been busy baking for the DMCS Hoops for Hope Bake Sale.  Just finishing up my Boston Creme Pie.  Drew and Scott's very favorite dessert.  Last time I made one and donated it to school for the Cake Walk Drew played the Cake Walk until he won the Boston Creme Pie back for our house.  We will see if he purchases this one back tonight from the Bake Sale. 

Love that boy!

***UPDATED FRIDAY night....Yes, indeed when they got there for the girls game, the Boston Creme Pie was STILL there and priced at $8-.  Scott AND Drew were both thrilled and purchased it back.  :) ***

Friday Insta Dump

We have had a good week, short week.  I actually wish every week were a 3 day weekend and a 4 day school week.  It fits our family well.  Basketball ended for Drew on Tuesday and ends for Tommy on Tuesday.  We are hosting a freshman basketball party tonight here, pizza and cookies are on the menu.  Right now I am trying to whip up some baked goods for the school Hoops for Hope Bake Sale that is tonight as well.  I would not win any awards on Cupcake Wars I can tell you that right now.  :)  Where is Morgan Durick when I need her and her cupcake skills?

Potty Boy is doing great..no accidents.  We are SO proud of him.  Have I mentioned that before?  He is so proud of himself and tells everyone we see he is wearing underwear.  Yep every single person.

Pics from the last couple of weeks on Instagram (less the potty pics from the last post)...random yes, but it always reminds me of what is going on in our family.  Almost a photo diary. 

 Yes we even have Buckeye Band Aids in this house

 Someone likes to brush my hair

 "Mommy I have to check my emails"

 Tommy took this for me when we were driving.  Perhaps Station Wagons with wood paneling are coming back?  The last one we had was white with wood sides..

 Sigh...well check ups with these 2.  Jack in 97% in everything and sweet Max in 45%.  We have a center and a guard our Dr said.  :)  Doesn't matter to me, just love that they are BOTH so healthy.

 Ooing and ahing over the new Mini Boden Catalog with my friend Leanne....

 New canvas in our hallway...Family Verse 2013

 Jack made cupcakes all by himself the other day while I was running boys, yes he asked first and yes he knows how to safely use the oven. And yes he made the display of them on the table and he left one unfrosted since Tommy doesn't like frosting.  Sweet huh?
 Note the hamloaf dinner on Drew's plate, a family favorite.
 Friends of ours went to Key West on Vacation and came home with this for us, something Buckeye we didn't have.  Boys were very excited.

 Potty training has been a tiring job.

 Take the Red Card Class at church, changing so much about how I think.  It's SO good.  Life changing for our family.  SO good, I need to do a post just on this class and the book Kisses with Katie.  You will never look at water or a $20 bill the same again.

 One of my toys from childhood that my Mom saved, she didn't save a lot of them...but this was one of my favorites.  It broke last week.  Sadness.  

 Jack had his very first sleepover at his friend Christian's house on Sunday night.  He sent me this picture in the morning telling me he had a great night and was having breakfast.  Love him.  Excited he has had more friend stuff lately going on.  It seems like it's been a long time coming for him.

 A favorite verse...

 Tommy and Drew had ortho appts on Wednesday...no complaining from them.  A drive thru Krispy Kreme after and a stop at Subway for their school lunches and all is well.

 I love hearts..

 Drew is ALWAYS so good about offering to do my gas for me...even on really really cold days.  Here we are after the ortho....at Kum and Go.  We are trying to raise gentleman and this makes me smile.

Scott loves Hyacinths...they remind him of his Grandma Shisler.  So whenever I see them out in the Winter or Spring I can;'t help but bring some home to him.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wrap it Up

We have officially been potty training aka "Potty Boot Camp" since last Friday.  It has been on the list of things to do, but just hasn't been at the top.  It is NOT one of my favorite parts of parenting.  But alas...Thursday night I was putting Max's diaper on before bed and I had one side fastened and he looked at me and said the following

Max "Quick Momma Wrap it Up, I have to go potty"

Meaning, get the other side of my diaper on so I can go potty IN my diaper.  Ahem, he KNEW when he was going potty.  You see we tried this past summer and he had NO clue when he was going potty, what it meant, that he had gone....so I had given up.  Now I KNEW HE KNEW.  And just like that I realized Friday my schedule was open and it was TIME to just DO it.  As most Mom's know, and a few Dad's, it is a VERY tiring process.  LOTS of trips to the bathroom and lots of time making sure your child is in sight and you are watching them for any cues of potty time.

We started the day with a selection of underwear laid out, M & M's in hand, Chick-Fil-A as a grand prize for poop on the potty and a BIG bottle of WATER!  And he has been doing GREAT.  Friday we made a few phone calls to Grandma and Papa for some praise, Papa promised Oreo's to Max...Grandma Ooed and AHhhed even Great Gma Lu was there to cheer him on over the phone.

 We have stuck to our guns and dedicated most of the weekend to potty training...I stayed home MOST all of the weekend with him about 10 feet from me.  And we did LOTS of cheering, stickers, high 5's.  The boys laughed and asked me if I REALLY said " I am proud of YOU" as many times to them as I have been to him.  I said "Yep"...they think it's a little over the top but they are going along with it and cheering for Max too.  I have sang a LOT of songs in the bathroom, did you know there are verses about the Potty in Old McDonald?  Well there are now.  We have read a LOT of books in the bathroom too

So 4 days and a few bribes later Max is doing terrific.  Only 3 accidents in 4 days...I cannot complain.  I will say I am looking forward to NO diapers!  That freedom will be nice, not to mention the savings.

Potty Boot Camp continues on...