"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School

Tommy 6th grade

Drew 4th Grade

Jack 1st Grade

Well we made it through another first day of school, all of us.

The boys woke up excited for school and anxious to get going. Jack prayed for everyone this morning in our bed, with Tommy and Drew in there too. A great way to start the day off. On the drive to school the boys asked why I always cry on the first day of school..they determined it was because they were growing up, I agreed. Then Tommy made a funny comment but it is true he said "Mom, when we argue you are mad...but when we aren't home with you and it's quiet you are sad." I agreed and told them, it's just how I am.

I did well with not crying until I went to kiss Jack goodbye, our first one to be dropped off...when he kissed me he said "Mom, you can cry now." Do our boys know me or what? So I did started sobbing...then poor Tommy saw that and as we walked towards his room he started to cry too, has cried every year as well...he told me "Mom, stop you are making me cry."(poor child has the Terwilliger crying gene) So I did...I somehow, quit crying on the spot for him. Boldly walked him to his new desk, knew not to take a picture of him with his teacher or I would have cried all over again and he was trying to regain his own composure at that time. Then got Drew to his room, he was steady as could be. Scott and I both teared up but not Drew.

Just finished up some Dairy Queen from the ride home from school, they all took turns sharing their days. All 3 had wonderful days, all have really nice teachers, no homework, heard school agendas, schedules, specials, lunch, snack times, friends they were with, PE units, school lunch info, classroom jobs...lots and lots of info spewed out in those first 30 minutes. Now it's quiet, Tommy went outside to play basketball with his friend Will, Drew is on the couch watching a show and Jack is playing in the sunroom. Think this is the relaxation part of their days....

A great first day for everyone...we all made it.


  1. I'm so happy they all had a good day! Your boys are such handsome little fellows in their pictures!!

  2. All these first day of school posts are making me cry...

    How did Drew do today with the mono and all day at school?

  3. I'm so glad everyone had a good day.

    I've kind of been in denial about Seth going back. Seeing everyone's pictures today made me really sad.
