"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, April 30, 2010

This made me think today...

Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
1 Peter 4:19, NIV

If our kids always behave
and our boss is always pleased
and our home is always orderly
and our bodies always feel good
and we are patient and kind and thoughtful and happy and loving, others shrug because they're capable of being that way too. On the other hand, if
we have a splitting headache,
the kids are screaming,
the phone is ringing,
the supper is burning,
yet we are still patient, kind, thoughtful, happy, and loving, the world sits up and takes notice. The world knows that kind of behavior is not natural. It's supernatural. And others see Jesus revealed in us.

Tommy meets Harrison

Tonight Tommy went to the local FCA banquet with his Wednesday night church small group and leader. They met Harrison Barnes, for those of you who do not know who he is, he played basketball at Ames High and is heading to North Carolina for college in the fall. He was also names High School Player of the Year, I believe. So this was exciting and a BIG deal for Tommy. He also got his autograph, which he was thrilled about as well.

Petals in the Garage

Yesterday was very windy, VERY windy here in iowa. Scott left the garage door open and all of the tiny white petals from our blooming crab apple tree blew ALL over the inside of the garage ALL around my car. I opened the door sometime around lunch to throw something away and saw the mess. Scott and I had just finished lunch, the advantage of him having a home office. I told him, not very happily, he had left the garage door open and NOW it was covered in a mess of petals. Here was his response...

"Just think of it as rose petals on the bed. Some guys throw rose petals on the bed for romance, I leave the garage door open to fill it with petals of love for you."

Hmmm...he is SO romantic isn't he?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Amish Friendship Bread

A dear friend of mine gave me a fresh load of friendship bread yesterday....and the best part...she didn't give me the annoying packet of dough that I would need to make another loaf for another friend. I don't like that tradition. But I do love the bread! NOW that's a good friend. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

True friends

Lately, I have been reminded the gift of TRUE FRIENDS. The ones who love you no matter what. Love you if you have showered or not, your house is a mess of not, love you for who you are, not for what you can do for them. Friends who listen. Friends who pray. Friends who don't laugh at you, but who cry with you. Friends who are REAL. Nothing more nothing less. God has given me some dear FRIENDS in this life, some have been with me since jr high, some since college, some recent friends...some from Minnesota, some from Illinois, some from Iowa...some from before I met Scott, some since I met Scott. Some from before I was a Mom and some since I was a Mom. With each pregnancy and baby boy I find I have found friends who care about the little details of my babies. They care how they sleep, how they eat, how often they poop even. :) They really care. Friends who have journeyed with me in different chapters of my life.

I so appreciate my REAL friends. The ones who can see me at my worst, and still love me. Sounds cliche I know but I believe God gives us the friends we need JUST at the times we need them. Friends to remind us of truth and direct us to what is REAL and what is NOT real.

I am thankful tonight, for those friends of mine. Thanks for being patient with me and for loving me just where I am each day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sweet Max

A friend I know through church is starting a photography business. She had a post on facebook last week asking for newborns to pose for free pics and a free sitting fee so she could practice. Here are a few from this morning. Sweet baby boy. Thanks Marisa. I can never have enough pictures of our boys, it's a bit of an addiction I will admit. Their lives are documented well through photos.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Another rainy day...a quiet afternoon home, as quiet as you can have it be with 4 boys.

Took this picture after church this morning. Our sweet boys...

P.S. Kind of fun to compare this pic with the one above it on the title of the blog. Look how much Max has grown.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rainy Day

Oh how I LOVE a rainy day...the boys didn't have school, the older boys had a piano recital rehearsal first thing, we went and got their haircut this morning without rushing, returned a gift to toys r us, walked the aisles there because we had time, met Daddy for a quick lunch, went to Walmart for a few things since we were right there...and spent the afternoon doing laundry, watching movies, a couple of wrestling matches gone bad, a few minutes of quiet reading in their rooms after that ;), Max slept in his swing for 3 hours! yes a 3 hour NAP, I folded laundry....then baseball games were cancelled...we had a nice dinner as a family at home and finished it off with warm brownies. Ahh it feels so peaceful.

Oh and here is a picture from last night, Scott had left the room and Drew moved Max to the floor beside him as he watched the NFL draft. So cute...Scott snapped a photo quick. Max is certainly blessed with big brothers who adore him. (Niki thanks for the cute shirt on Max)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This week...

With Daddy on Sunday...

Where has this week gone? It has been a non stop, way too busy than I prefer, kind of week. Today I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast...or lunch. So we had dinner at 4:15. Of course we also had to eat early due to baseball at 5:00. Have I ever mentioned before HOW crazy our house is in the spring with baseball? WELL if I haven't...I am mentioning it NOW! :) It is nuts crazy.

But the days have been crazy too...

Here are the some of the reasons why...Scott's in St Louis this week...Tommy was home sick, then Max was still coughing, went to Dr. meds to Tommy. Went to photo shoot to help a friend, 4 other kids there all running around while poor little Max waiting for his turn to model for the pics...braces had a wire break emergency off to the ortho enroute to school but had to drop 1 off at school first then back to ortho, computer not working right due to WAY too many photos on it, need to find time to pull some off...hmm when would that be?, Mom Can I make mac n cheese? Mom can I make cookies?, Mom did you get those notecards I needed?, baby Max still loves to nurse every 2 hours..off to order some pics of baby Max from when he was born, ran to a friends to pick up some goodies...dropped off a poster at the frame shop for Drew...oh back to Walgreens for more allergy meds for Drew...met a friend here to help with computer..oh dropped my phone in the bathtub with Jack...6 baseball games, 2 practices all since monday too...stood in the rain tonight to watch baseball, Emily and Ross brought their new puppy to the game, a quick run to DQ after baseball for a treat, call the lawn mower store to schedule service on it, pick up the house, oh and I have I mentioned a baby who loves to snuggle and nurse every 2 hours...those moments I cherish right now. They make me sit down, snuggle and take a deep breath. At least for those 20 minutes..oh and yes there is laundry overflowing.

life is good..too busy right now, but I am grateful for healthy boys and my sweet love.
I am off to bed...leaving you with a pic of Max from tonight...happy to be relaxing in his crib while Jack was in their tub.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why do they have to grow so fast?

I snapped this photo with my phone the other day. I was getting ready for the day, was getting Max dressed. I put on his shirt and went to grab some pants...when I looked back it was like I blinked and he was a toddler. I KNOW he is only 3 months old, I KNOW he is only 15 lbs, I KNOW he can't even hold his head up, sit up or do much of anything on his own BUT that is how I felt. I grabbed my phone and snapped this photo. It was like the Canon commercials, or Kleenex, where the camera keeps flashing and every photo the child is growing up and it ends when they are married.

I am trying so hard to BURN into my brain this baby stuff, the sounds, the smells, the snuggles, the sweet skin...every bit of BABY but yet I feel like it is slipping away from me. I tried to burn into my brain the entire pregnancy, and there are parts I have already forgotten how they feel. I KNOW my hubby and my Mom are smiling right now, I go through this with every baby. I tear up at every milestone wishing the time would slow down. Wanting to be more than I am as a Mom, wanting to be the best mom I could ever be to our boys.

I am so grateful to be home with our boys, to be able to have had the privilege of not missing anything with them. The privilege of waking up with them, nursing them, feeding them, loving on them, reading to them, napping with them, going for walks to the park, blowing bubbles in the backyard...there are so many moments I have had with them...I only wish I remembered them all. But I am so grateful to have a loving and supportive husband who feels the same way I do, that my job is here, at home, with our children. To my sweet husband who gets the babies out of their cribs in the night so I can nurse them, and then snuggles back in, next to me(us) while I nurse and tells me "thanks for feeding him, I know it is a lot of work. You are such a great Mom." and he falls back to sleep. I listen to his deep breathing and the sounds of a sweet baby nursing and thank God. Yep I married HIM, wisest decision I ever made. Thanks Love, what a gift it is.

Okay I am now sobbing at my own post...sigh.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rockies Season Opener at WCLL

Jack has his first game tonight...and it is sprinkling. Hope the rain goes away! He is very excited and his Coach is too. ;)

Go Rockies!

Laughing and teeth

Max had his first real laugh on Tuesday this week. So cute, it was just the 2 of us home, I tried to call Daddy on his phone but he was in a meeting. So I enjoyed his giggle all to myself. He laughed a little that night for Daddy and his brothers. Last night he giggled one big LOUD laugh when Daddy put him in his swing and this morning I got him to laugh even more. The boys want him to laugh constantly so they are trying all they can to make it happen. It's pretty cute.

And Max's first tooth is starting to poke through. Tommy and Drew had their first teeth around 3 months too, so guess he is following in their footsteps. Max doesn't seem bothered by it, I just noticed it coming in.

We are loving the warmer weather and going for nice long walks. Can't believe we have already had to turn on the AC. Hoping for cooler spring like temps this weekend...

Off to pick up and maybe even fold laundry...but maybe not too. :)

Happy 80th Birthday Grandma Shisler!

Today is Scott's Mom's 80th Birthday! Happy Birthday! Letha is a huge Buckeye fan, Smithville Smithie Fan (Scott's HS), Browns fan, Indians fan and Cavs fan. She follows sports closer than any other woman I know. Letha wins the award for making the best pies, best gravy, best applesauce and the best roast around. We hope your birthday is special and you feel very loved from Iowa!

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This makes me happy

Scott gave me this necklace 3 years ago for our 12th Anniversary, we were in Mexico when we found it. We were staying at a Ritz Carlton, (obviously a work trip normally we are NOT at Ritz Carltons)....but this necklace was in their gift shop. I walked by it day after day and I fell in love with it, normally I am not a hotel gift shop person. It was February, so not our anniversary yet, but I loved it. At the time we had been praying for God's will to be done with having another baby or not. It had been 2 years and we didn't have another baby so felt like that was God's answer.

BUT notice on this necklace, there are 6 hearts. I fell in love with that part of it, the red heart was me, the green was Scott and the little yellow and blue hearts were our children, goofy maybe, but how I felt. I have worn this necklace over and over ever since Scott surprised me with it...and always noticed the "extra heart" that it had. I haven't worn it since I was pregnant, it's not an every day necklace. I put it on tonight, and started to smile...notice all the hearts are now accounted for. Max completed our family....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


"I would be a good president because I am good at speech meet. I am good at cleaning up trash. I love to help people. I am good at spelling. I am honest"
-found on an assignment of Jack's from school age -7


Monday, April 12, 2010

My life and why things don't get done

This is a typical day...
3:50 am Max hungry
6:00 am Baby crying time to nurse
6:40 baby done eating close my eyes again
7:05 Jack comes in looking for something for school
7:20 boys all in our room waking up Max
7:30 think of taking a quick shower then realize someone has a test they need final review help for skip shower
7:45 turn dryers on to get wrinkles out of clothes that didn't get folded yesterday, or the day before, or the day before
8:05 find any lost items and boys off to school
8:10 decide to fold the laundry get it out of the dryer
8:13 Max is hungry again time to eat, laundry sits
8:40 Max is fed and changed laundry is now wrinkled and needs to go back in dryer
...get the drift of where this is heading?

Of course then there is the breakfast dishes to put away,
which reminds me the counters and table need to be wiped off,
which leads me to notice how dusty the lights are above the kitchen table so time to wipe them and wash the glass,
which leads me to the computer to check the email that dinged,
which makes me remember there are bills to be paid and put in the mailbox,
which then leads me to seeing the trash can
which reminds me to go through the magazines and catalogs and clean those out,
oh time for Max to eat again,
which leads me to a phone call,
which leads me to look for something in the dining room, which reminds me the Easter basket are still not put in the storage room,
which leads me to the storage room,
which reminds me that I need to sort through the box of jeans to see if any fit me yet,
which leads me to wanting to go for a walk with Max to lose some of these lbs,
which leads me back to the garage, oops need to feed Max,
can't find my favorite running shoes so back to my closet which reminds me there are clothes that need to be sorted and piles to put away for the other boys,
baby hungry again,
still haven't showered,
laundry is back in the dryer,
still haven't gone on the walk,
new neighbors are moving in better make them cookies and it's time to think about dinner, pick up the boys and do the baseball shuffle.
And then after they are asleep I fall asleep myself in the big green chair...laundry STILL in the dryer

If you think I am exaggerating any of this come and live here for a day.

Wouldn't give any of it up, wouldn't change my life....but would love a laundry fairy!

oh and it's time to feed the baby again. :)

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom's 71st Birthday! She is so very special to me, and to our family. Thanks Mom for always loving me, for always listening and for being there. I do not take it for granted that I can call you, I can drive to see you or you can always get here if I needed you to. Thanks for everything that you do for our family!

Enjoy the Twins game today with Dad, Mike, Charlie, Scott, Tommy and Drew...all boys who love YOU! You are one in a million

I love you,


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fridge notes from Jack

This prayer has been on the front of our fridge for many months...it is one Jack wrote out when I was pregnant. He edited it right after Max was born. Love it

Jack's school stuff

Some of Jack's school stuff...

Note the blanket on the mouse, the jersey and the ball

Driving to school, playing after school and in his room with Max. So sweet

3 months old

Max is 3 months old today. Where has the time gone? He is pure joy to ALL of us. We are so happy to have him in our family. What a blessing. Here he is this morning in his favorite morning spot. Sun is shining on him and he is swinging. He LOVES it there.

10 minutes after the big smile...zonked in his chair, reminds me a little of his Poppy!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Favorite Mariner

Drew and Scott went to Omaha this morning as Drew has his first baseball tournament of the season there this weekend. I got these pics on my phone from Scott of Drew in his new jersey and hat. New for the season. He didn't get the jersey until he was at the game today.

For those of you who know and love Drew...this is all up his alley. Drew loves anything that involves TEAM, he is one of the most loyal people I know...he has been on this team for 3 or maybe 4 years now and wouldn't ever consider finding another. Drew is all about the time at a hotel, you would think he was staying at a Ritz Carlton the way he described his room to me on the phone today. He loves time alone with his Dad...talks to him non stop about everything that comes to his mind.

He is having a great time, he was the starting pitcher for their first game, played first base on his second game, had an inning of outfielding I beieve, walked once, grounded out a couple of times and then hit a double to help the game tie into extra innings. They won both games. (of course I may not be 100% accurate I am not known for following sports quite to the letter but I think I have most of it fairly close) He was tired tonight but so excited. 2 more games tomorrow and then they will be home.

Funny Scott told him his favorite part of the uniform was the name SHISLER on the back of it. (we make a big deal about honoring your family name around here, always making sure it is a name we hold in respect...something Scott believes in and something my Grandpa Twig talked about when I was little too) Then I sent an email telling Drew my favorite part was the SHISLER part and he told Scott "you and Mom always think the same". Pretty cute.

Go Mariners! Cheering you on from home!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grandma on the dirt bike

If you haven't already be sure to scroll down and check out the picture of my 88 year old Grandma on the dirt bike with my beloved husband. Easter in benson pics

This makes me happy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another first for Max...

Max has a little cold...his first. We went to the Dr this morning. BIG brother Jack has a sinus infection, little baby brother Max (all 15 lbs of him) has a little cold and cough. We are using the nebulizer treatments and praying he heals fast and doesn't get any worse. He wasn't sure what to think of it tonight...

College friends

This past Monday was the annual Luther College reunion in Waukee. My dear girlfriends Lisa and Niki came with their little ones. Lisa from near Sully, IA and Niki Mpls. We have been meeting every spring for years...it is a special time that we all treasure. Lisa, Niki and I were all good friends in college, all Elementary Ed/Special Ed Majors, in each others weddings...and now sharing motherhood together. We spent many hours in college dreaming of our husbands, our futures, children, where life would take us...many a hot fudge sundae were shared in talking of these details. A few boyfriends came and went and we all met the men of our dreams...and this is what has happened since then. 16 years later....

Back Row L to R: Drew Shisler 10, Holden Jansen 9, Tommy Shisler 12, Caleb Jansen 12
Front Row L to R: Jack Shisler 7, Max Shisler 2.5 months, Nate Eisenmann 7, Katie Eisenmann 9, Megan Eisenmann 15 months, Korinne Jansen 7 and Zach Eisenmann 4.5

We had a great time catching up while the kids played. Our children all get along so well, it makes it easy.

P.S. Some of you may recall how excited I was for their visit on March 29th...oops baby brain for me, their visit was April 5th and 6th. Funny. We were ready for them Monday 3/29 too.

Easter in Benson

Great Grandma Lu meets Max on Friday night

Poppy with baby Max

Yes this is my Grandma on the motorbike with my Love to quote my cousin Andy (in background) "If you dump her, you're in a whole lot of trouble Scott"

The former BHS homecoming queen rides again

Drew and Jack take a 4 wheeler spin

Great Grandma Lu talking to Max

Great Grandma Lu with some of her 19 great grandchildren

Mom, Grandma Lu and baby Max

The Shisler Family

Mom and Dad with our boys and Vedarose and Kale

We went to Benson, MN for Easter. My Grandma Lu lives there and Max had not yet met her. My Uncle Mick, Aunt Mary Anne, Cousin Andy and wife Robyn and their 3 kids all live there as well. We had a great time with cousins. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Dean arrived as well with Annette, and my cousin Eric and his 3 little ones were there too. We enjoyed playing and being on the farm, Uncle Mick lives there now, when we were little that's where Grandma lived. So many MANY memories are held in that place and on that land. Of course my Mom and Dad came from Edina and brought along my sister's youngest 2 children, Vedarose and Kale. We all stayed at the local Country Inn and Suites.

Saturday after lunch at Grandma's house we played at Uncle Mick's farm with all of their toys...what fun we had. Grandma Lu even took a spin on the dirt bike with Scott if you can believe that. 88 years old!

Sunday we celebrated Easter as a family at church, back at Grandma's house and then to the Bowler for Easter dinner. Christ has risen, He has risen indeed.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Easter Basket...

Have I mentioned how complete Max makes our family feel to me? Complete. He is the exclamation point to the Shisler Family! We love having him here, love the blessing that he is, a true gift from God. All of our boys are gifts, precious gifts. We cannot imagine our house without them. Max is the icing on the wonderful family cake.

Tonight the Easter bunny will come, we will wake up in the morning to 4 Easter baskets and a lot of plastic eggs hidden to find. We had to ask him to come early due to our going to Great Grandma Lu's for Easter...

...how wonderful to have another Easter basket in our home.

My Love and I

15 years...

15 years ago I married my best friend and the love of my life. I couldn't be more pleased with that decision. God has blessed us greatly in life, in love and in marriage. We have walked through so much together, not always easy stuff, but we have always come through. We know that is only by the grace of God. I treasure my Love and treasure our relationship. We celebrate today!(with dinner out, baby Max included)

What a gift our marriage is...we are so grateful. I don't think I could love Scott any more than I do today, and I remember saying that 15 years ago on our wedding day. Amazing how love grows and grows.

PS For the details of our special day, April 1, 1995, you can go to the blog entry in 2009. Sorry I don't know how to link that here. Makila??