"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, September 30, 2011

When I grow up...Part II

I wrote a few weeks ago on how when I grow up I want to be a photographer.  Several of my friends have been so kind as to allow me to take pictures of their children and families for practice.  My friend Mariah from Texas, (photography by mariah milan) has agreed to come to Iowa for a few days to give me a crash course on settings and photoshop and editing in general.  I have had so much support and encouragement from many of you dear friends of mine.  So fun.  Thanks.  We will see where this goes...here are a few of the Senior shots I took on Tuesday of Andrew, who is the son of a good friend of mine Cheryl.  Great family friends.  Here are some of my favorites from the night...still have more work to do on the others with editing and learning.  But here are some...

My very favorite of course....son loving on his Mama

 It was so much fun to take these pictures.  It helped they are such great friends and were patient and understanding with me and all of my set up time etc.  But we had fun.  We laughed a lot!

Now onto another thing I want to "be" when I grow up....I want to be a WRITER.   I love to write, always have, and would love to figure out a way to use my writing in some wonderful ways.   I may have some fun and exciting news to share in a few weeks on this one...it may be longer.  But a friend approached me yesterday about a possibly project that would involve me getting to do some writing....and some photography..and some design stuff....and some stuff with my boys..all wrapped up into ONE. She and I are having a meeting next week to discuss this further with someone who has a "real" job in the industry.

So bottom line, God is good ALL the time.  He LOVES to help us fulfill dreams, he LOVES it when we lean on him and rely on him to make things happen.  Prayer friends.  It's all about praying for God's blessing, His direction...and then listening.  Hmm the listening and patience part is hardest for me.

I feel like God really has been providing right now in so many ways.  I have had a lot of time these past few months to really surrender more and more to His will for me, and some of it has been forced by Him and some of it has been whispered.

But He knows the woman, wife, Mom and friend I want to be and what He has designed me to be, and he KNOWS the passions and loves on my heart.  And it's been fun to see them coming together.  I truly am so thankful.  More to come...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Love this....

Found this on Pinterest this morning when I should have been cleaning, may have to write it on our chalkboard wall at the bottom of our stairs in the basement.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sigh...not sure what I think

Dining Room went from this....

...to this today

...not sure what I think.  Worried I don't like it.  But then again going from red to any color is a HUGE change.  We have had red for 17 years in every single dining room in our married life.
But still not sure I picked the right gray.  Coming off of the mustard kitchen, and khaki foyer.  
Sigh...hope I wake up and LOVE it tomorrow...or maybe the next day.  Sigh....frustrating feeling.  What do you think?

Meredith Corp people were here all day too, shooting pictures for their Spring Magazines around our house, and outside on the porch.  It was definitely a hopping place.  Non-stop action.  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let the tradition begin...

This past weekend was Max's first trip to THE Ohio State University, his first trip to the SHOE, his very first Buckeye GAME...and if I could have counted the amount of times I watched his Daddy tear up it might blow your mind.  Remember Scott and I didn't meet until he was 34 and didn't get married until he was 36, he had given up, at that point, of most likely ever being married(at the time he thought 34 was old...now we don't think so but it's all perspective)...and of having his own children to share his LOVE for all things Ohio State.  So each and EVERY time he brings one of our boys there, he is emotional...EVERY SINGLE TIME.  He does not take any of it for granted.  It was a privilege for me to get to watch Max's first time there through the eyes of his Daddy.  Many people asked me why in the world would I drive all that way with a 20 month old who will NEVER remember this day...
I think these pictures will tell you exactly why it was worth every ounce of effort.

 outside "The Shoe", it's really a beautiful stadium

 walking him inside for the very first time...

 Daddy and son talking about the field, the football, the band...Max pointing at everything

 sitting in our seats for the very first time

 more talking with Daddy

 Amazed by the band, the music, the noise...soaking it all in, wish you could see the tears on Scott's cheeks at this very moment...he kept wiping them away

 My kind of football, Momma and Max checking out the concessions.

 watching the bands halftime show

 love scott's teary smile here

 After halftime we moved down to sit by our friends Mike and Jane, they had front row seats, much more fun for a 20 month old...more action and more space.

 End of the game singing the Alma Mater

 Talking about Brutus who was coming our way...

 Not so sure we love Brutus...."Big Hea" he kept saying which is either Big Head or Big Hat...regardless Max was NOT a fan but now wants to look at this picture non stop and is sleeping with a Brutus stuffed animal as we speak...

 Why wives and Momma's do the things we do....for these smiles...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sorry I have been missing on the blog for over a week now, not like me.  It has been nutty busy around here.  And I am behind on these posts...but I will get caught up.  I have good reasons for being behind...although this made me realize I never have even posted on our Wash DC trip from August.  SO I need to go back and redo that too...well not redo...just DO.  :)  

Sorry I digress..but I figured I might as well get you caught up from today at least so here goes. ( I will add back dated posts as I get them done so be sure to scroll down for the next day or 2)

Tonight Drew had a football game, normally he plays on Sunday but this week it was changed.  So Jack and I went to cheer him on, Scott is out of town this week and Tommy stayed home to chase Max so I could actually "watch" the game.  

Drew is #54, he had requested #56, which was my Dad's college football number, but it doesn't exist so he settled for 54.  He also realized after he got that jersey that it was Chris Spielmans' number, who is a former Buckeye that we love.  

So onto the pictures....

 Drew blocking a guy and protecting his QB.  I think he plays Tight End..but maybe it's Defensive End...hmmm shows you my football IQ huh?  Regardless he looks great in his uniform and plays Offense. :)

 I think he has a great football stance...I love it when he gets down and ready, he's so serious.  (he's on the end :0)

 Open for a pass

 The ball is overthrown, and he looks like he may be getting held, but then again I revert to my previous comment and football IQ.
Walking toward me after the game, they won by the way.  I have no clue what the score was but I know they won.  Scott LOVES it when he has me running play by play for him via texts and phone calls when he is away.  As you can tell, my lingo isn't always quite ESPN worthy.  But I know when our boys are playing, and I know if they are having fun, and many times I even know if they are winning or losing...unless of course I sit next to a friend, then sometimes I just ask their husband quickly before Scott calls for an update so I kind of sound like I KNOW what's going on.

 All smiles after the game!  Great job Drew!

I love order

Fall is the time of year where I LOVE to organize, who am I kidding I LOVE to organize any time of the year.  :)  After Scott's parents left I felt the urge to get things in order.  Maybe it was all of the baking his Mom did that made me EMBARRASSED the state of my kitchen drawers and cabinets.  Of course one thing leads to another and the next thing I knew I had dumped many drawerfuls of stuff on the island....and proceeded to the laundry room.   I will spare you the PAIN, and me the humiliation, of what the BEFORE of that looked like.  :)

But after a 24 hour whirlwind cleaning effort here are some AFTER photos.  Now...if they would just STAY like this.  Why is THAT the hard part?  And while I was doing this Max trashed the sunroom with his messes... "Sometimes it feels like shoveling the sidewalk while it's still snowing".

but I am enjoying the order for today.  

 Laundry Room Drawers

 Scott's Mom won't even recognize THIS cabinet

I even labeled these drawers so my dishwasher unloaders will have NO more excuses :)

 desk drawers...

sigh...now to just keep them ALL this way.  :)