"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas: Cabin Edition

We headed to the cabin a few days after Christmas at home.  It's always so much fun to be there with all of the cousins, and to play in the snow.  This year there was a lot of snow and the lake was smooth enough to shovel off and skate on.  There was lots of sledding, skating, hiking and hockey played.  We opened presents one evening as well.  So much to be grateful for...most of all each other.

Allow me to also preface these photos....we got a new camera in November.  A smaller one that is easier to take along than my BIG good one.  Obviously we don't know how to use it yet as nearly every photo indoors is blurry.  But I still wanted to post the photos for the memories.  Sometimes it was easier before I cared SO much about every photo looking perfect.  That's the downside to taking photos.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day : Afternoon Edition

After a full morning of playing with the treats from Santa we had lunch and opted to sort the presents from each other.  The boys each choose 1 gift for each of their brothers and Scott and I give them each 3 gifts...Jesus was given 3 gifts, so we give 3.  One is always the Shutterfly scrapbook that I make for each of them.  So they have 2 other gifts to be surprised with from us.  Once again I number coded the gifts so that no one could be sneaking to see what was in their packages early and shake them.  So once I handed them the "key" they were off to sort and deliver.