"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to plan a Surprise Party in 30 minutes or less....

This afternoon as the boys and I were picking out balloons for Scott's little bday celebration here with us tonight I thought...we should really have invited some families and friends over to have cake with us.  It was 2:45 when this came to mind and we had a 3 pm basketball game to get to for Tommy.  We also had plans to have our family celebration at 5:00 here and the boys were going to the HS basketball playoff game at 7- not much time to hatch my plan huh?  

Sent emails and texts from Tommy's basketball game to a few families from church that we are good friends with asking if after the DMCS game they would stop over for cake and ice cream , called another couple of good friends from sports and church stuff.  And within 30 minutes had people coming but had no cake, ice cream or anything else.  Left the game ran to Costco picked up all the needed items.  Raced home for the 5 pm family celebration....which was a hit.  Sent Scott off to the game with older boys acted like I wanted a night in....then as soon as they were gone...Jack and I were working like madmen.  And voila we had a party ready by 8:00 pm.

Here are a few pics from our family party...and later the surprise one.  I think Scott knows he is very loved.  The kids all laughed at the ALL of the candles.  One of our friends' sons even said it felt like he was sitting at a campfire and it was keeping him warm.  :)  cute.  Jack was MOST concerned that the smoke alarm was going to go off...

Pre-Game stretches

Okay this is why I love being a Mom....this morning Jack was cuddling with Scott and I in our bed. (love Saturday mornings)  He quickly got up from bed and decided he needed to get dressed for his 10 am basketball scrimmage, one kindergarten team vs. the other.  After he got his "uniform" on, which consists of a collection of clothing pieces he sees his big brothers wear to their games, he told us he had to go...it was time to do his stretches.  He proceeded to go to the landing at the top of the steps and do a very creative assortment of  "stretches", all which looked like they probably really hurt more than helped.  

So Jack is all stretched and ready for his game...

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Friday...

Well it is Friday and I LOVE Fridays.  I love that the boys will be home for 2 days, Scott will be in town and we can have some time together.  This weekend a lot of that time will be at Tommy's last basketball tournament of this season.  Whew...made it through yet another season of youth sports.  Tommy has had a fun year playing for the Hoop School team but I do think he is excited for baseball season to kick into high gear.  

Which leads me to think....why is it that youth sports now all overlap?  Tommy and Drew both started their baseball practices in January during basketball season.  I don't remember sports overlapping when we were kids.  Did they?  Of course then again I was all about the social so just so I had a sport or activity I could be talking to someone I was good to go.  But I don't remember my brother's sports ever being at the same time.  Oh well back to the topic at hand...youth sports and the next season is baseball.

Scott did have the baseball "drafts" for Walnut Creek Little League this week.  The draft consists of drawing kids names out of buckets and putting your team together.  Both Jack and Drew are going to be on the "Twins" this year which is a big hit with Poppy, aka Grandpa.  Tommy is not doing WCLL this year just his AAU team, the Dbacks.  Drew is still doing both, Mariners is his AAU team.  And Jack just WCLL praise the Lord.  :)  SO only juggling 4 teams schedules this year vs. 5.  Hoping to have a few less conflicts with Tommy out of WCLL.  The boys are all excited for baseball to begin, Scott is too.  Tommy pitches and plays first most often, Drew the same and Jack...well Jack does love first base or pitching too because that is about the only spot there is action in 6 yr old tee ball.  

This weekend we are going to find some time to celebrate Scott's birthday.  The boys weren't with us in Mexico so missed his celebration.  So we will bake a Boston Creme Pie, have roast beef, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach...all his favorites.  And celebrate what a great guy, Dad and husband Scott is.  He really gives so much.  Adores all of us.  Love him to pieces.  

Did I mention that I LOVE Fridays?  The house is clean right now, thanks for the help Sharman, and I am hoping to relish and enjoy that for another 30 minutes until the boys roll through the door.  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still learning...

I am starting to feel like I am getting the hang of this.  I did get the pretty signature figured out.  So at least I have the basics down.  Not sure how fancy I really need to be.  My goal is to be able to print these into books for the boys.  Boys don't require fancy.

We had all of the boys' conferences this week at school.  Make up from missing last week when they actually had conferences.  All 3 boys are doing well and adjusted to their new school wonderfully.  Jack's conference was today, and his teacher had lots of entertaining comments on Jack.  But my favorite thing she said was that Jack does his own thing, he isn't a follower.  He makes good choices and is a leader regardless of the other kids.  That made both Scott and I proud.  The highlight from Tommy's conference on Tuesday was really that his teacher said he is just such a good kid, and that he has been such a wonderful addition to this class of kids.  Drew's teacher yesterday mentioned how Drew is diligent in his work and in his classtime.  So lots to be pleased with.  So fun to sit through.  I know that there will may be a day where conferences are a bit more complicated so right now I am going to soak this all in and count my blessings.

Drew is feeling better.  No strep throat.  He was at school for half day today.  I didn't get a lot done around the house BUT did use my new Haan Floor cleaner I ordered off of an infomercial.  LOVED it.  I am sure they have a website so check it out.  Worked wonders on our hardwood floors.

Hoping the signature works on this post...I tried to follow your directions Makila to get it on here.  We'll see.

New background..thanks Makila

Okay we are on day 2 of the blog and so far not much worth printing out for the boys...BUT thanks to my friend Makila I have a cute background.  She sent me the link to thehttp://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com/free-backgrounds/free-backgrounds .  If I weren't trying to get the boys ready for school I could spend a lot of time on that site.

Drew was home sick yesterday and seems to be better today.  He is still not 100% but I think he will make it through a day of school.  :)  Worn out more than anything.

Scott and I were in Cabo last week ALL week, and if I knew how to post a picture of our beautiful trip I would.  But that will come later...  When we are gone it seems like, Drew, more than the other boys is always sick when we get home.  I don't know if it is just the change of pace with my Mom here, his missing us, or just too much fun with Grandma.  But seems like we can always count on him being sick and worn out when we get home. (hey think I added a picture...not where I wanted it but nonetheless a picture)

I am hoping to get some organizing done around the house today, among other things.  I also want to figure out more on how this blog thing works.  I have so many questions.  

Thanks to my blogging specialists, Makila, Sarah, Holly and Kristen for helping me figure it all out.  Of course, so far, you are the only ones reading these blogs too since I have it set on private and haven't invited anyone else...well I did invite Scott but not sure he is reading it.  :)


P.S. Okay how do I do a pretty signature...Kristen I know you have a pretty one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What am I doing?

Well here I am attempting to start a "blog" for our family.  My main motivation is really the fact that my friend Holly told me about the blog books you can make off of your blog.  I love the idea of being able to chronicle our lives as a family and have it printed into a book.  Memories that I will forget and our boys will as well.  If I can have them bound I love that idea.

I will admit I am a little freaked out by the whole blog world.  And feel very intimidated.  I am hoping to figure this out one step at a time.  I would like a cuter background...would love to learn how to post pictures...oh so much the list is long.

So we will see how I do at this....I want our boys to know how much their Mom loves them and this is one way I see them knowing that.  Someday down the road I pray they will appreciate my efforts to remember their sweet thoughts and words and have them written down to keep close to their hearts.

SO here goes my blog....