"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, November 23, 2014

InstaFriday Picture Dump

Looking through my phone while I sit down on the sofa and rest.  This Mom is tired.  What's new?  Jack's birthday yesterday. Editing piles of pictures. Planning Jack's class harvest party for Tuesday. Coordinating food for the homeless shelter dinner Sunday.  Scott in Ohio with Drew.  Laundry overflowing. A messy house and a sleepover party tomorrow for Jack's Bday.   Oh and a weekemd basketball tourney for Jack.  Sigh....

Someday I will miss the chaos right?!  Here are some of my every day moments. 

Snuggle time with My baby

This is how I edit pictures Somedays. While holding him. 

Writing JACK for the first time. 

Ohio bound boys

Pre birthday dinner at Bang Bang 

Boys laptop died. Sigh 

Trying to get our oldest to be in a photo with me.  Sigh 

Pinterest searching for the new townhouse Mom and Dad just bought. Cannot talk my Mom into this wallpaper I love. 

Max made our bed for me. ;)

The sock sorting never ends

A new canvas of my Love and me. 

Another fun paper that my parents rejected. 

My baby at the end of the day. 

Preschool pics. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Happy 12th Birthday Jack!

Today is our sweet and joyful Jack's birthday.  He is 12 years old.  Sigh, how does that happen so fast?  He woke up at 5 am ready to start the day, so excited he couldn't sleep.  I don't even know what he is SO excited about...but that's the joy of being a kid.  He is hoping for a hunting gun for a gift but nothing wrapped on the fireplace looks like a gun to me so I guess he will have to wait and see.

We couldn't celebrate with everyone this morning as Tommy went weightlifting and Drew had basketball practice before school.  So it was just Dad, Max and me to wish him a Happy Birthday and eat eggs, bacon and little rolls with him.  No presents opened since not everyone was here....

In a bit Max and I will bring him Subway for his birthday lunch at school and drop off a cookie cake for him to share with his class.  Max doesn't have school today due to conferences.  After school we will open Jack's presents.

Jack has brought us so much joy.  We are so proud of him and the young man he is becoming.  He is funny, smart, wise, tender, thoughtful and patient.  He is a lover of hunting, legos, Tim Hawkins humor and the outdoors.  He has a servants heart and loves to help at church, with the Kindergartners at school, cleaning lunch tables, at the homeless shelter, or wherever he can. I love that about him.  He is most certainly my right hand man when it comes to Max.  He helps more with Max than anyone could possibly understand.  Max LIGHTS up at the sight of Jack after school.  He is by far Max's favorite person in this world....maybe even more than his Mama or his Dad.  Jack LOVES tackle football and is enjoying basketball and debating if he wants to continue with baseball or not.

We are so grateful for Jack and the role that he plays in our family.  For a very long time we thought he was our last which makes him hold an extra special place in my heart.  I treasure him so much.  Happy birthday Jack!  Love you so much


15 Things Your Middle Schooler Wishes You Knew

This was an article my friend Makila sent to me this morning...it was so good I wanted to post it here so I wouldn't forget it.  I am guilty of not knowing these things, or not acting on them.  SO many good reminders here for ALL ages.  NOT just middle schoolers.  
1. Respect me. I'm my own person, not just your kid. Sometimes I might have opinions that differ from yours. Sometimes I just want to be your baby. Respect me either way. 
2. I still want to have fun with you, and feel like home is safe and happy. Smile at me. 
3. I need to make some of my own choices, and maybe some of my own mistakes. Don't do my work for me or get me out of every jam. You don't need to be better than me at everything. Don't condescend; you don't need to impart your elderly wisdom on me if I have a problem. Please wait for me to ask for your help. If I don't ask for it, I might want to work it out for myself. Let me rant without offering advice. Sometimes that's all I really need, just to talk my way through something and for you to just listen to me.
4. Sometimes I'm going to be moody and annoyed and frustrated. You need to just let that happen (though you shouldn't let me be rude to you; that's weird and embarrassing). It might just be a mood or something might be going on that I'm not ready to talk about yet. If you hang around doing stuff near me and don't interrupt or try to solve it as soon as I start, I might feel comfortable talking with you about things. 
5. Trust that I'll do my work. If I don't, you can help me manage my time, but wait until I'm not taking care of responsibilities to think I can't. Don't just assume I can't handle responsibility because of my age. Believe in me.
6. It feels really good when you ask me to teach you about what I'm learning or what I'm good at. You don't have to be awesome at computer programming to let me teach you some cool stuff, for instance. I have to be a beginner constantly. Show me it's OK to stay relaxed and present when you are struggling to learn something.
7. I don't like the drama either, and it surprises me as much as it does you. You think it's rough having this alien lunatic in your house? Try having it in your body, and you can't even get away.
8. If you don't like my friends, it feels like you don't trust my judgment or like I am stupid about choosing friends. Or both. Ask me what I like about them, or what we have fun doing together, or just to tell you about a new friend. Stay open-minded. Still, if you think my friends are being bad to me, I need you on my side that much more. 
9. Sometimes I am completely overwhelmed and need to zone out for a while. I am not becoming a slug and will not stay in my room staring at a screen for the rest of my life. Maybe just for the rest of the afternoon.
10. I will fight you every step of the way if you make me do stuff I don't want to do (get some exercise, do my homework, write a thank-you note, practice piano, apologize to my sister, take a shower, wear deodorant... so many things), but you should probably make me do them anyway. I know I will feel better if I sweat and shower each day, and develop my study skills, and show up tomorrow prepared, and, and, and. I know! But please don't overwhelm me. I might not be able to do what I should right away. I might need reminders, later, which will annoy me completely. Remind me anyway.
11. Explain why I'm being criticized or punished. It feels scary if I don't understand anything beyond that you are mad at me. And sometimes what I need more than a scolding is a hug or a cuddle. Especially when I am more porcupine than puppy.
12. I need to have private jokes with my friends and not explain them to you. It's how we bond. You don't need to be involved in every aspect of my life to still be loved and needed by me.
13. If my social life gets to be too much, I may need you to force a little vacation from it on me. But most of time what I need is to work through how to navigate life online and with peers. Now is my chance to learn how to deal, with your help. Just shutting it down keeps me from learning how to build my life online with scaffolding provided by you. Stay calm and cool, let me explain what's going on, and talk things through with me. Ask more, tell less.
14. Especially if I've been feeling stressed, maybe you could just hang out with me. Go to the park or get an ice cream or have a catch, whatever; it feels good to just do something together without discussing or solving or teaching anything. 
15. I like it when you think I'm funny. Or interesting. Or awesome. I actually do care what you think about me. Please find something specific you actually like about me because sometimes I can't find anything in myself to like at all. I might roll my eyes, but your words and judgments do matter to me, and I will remember them, the good and the bad. I will keep them with me like treasures even when I lose my keys and wallet and ID. Which I probably will. More than once. Sorry.
And bonus extra important thing you should know: The fact that my opinions on this and anything else might change tomorrow does not mean I don't feel them fiercely today. Keep up. I love you. Remind me you still love me, too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Morning My Mom Came In....

Sunday morning I was in bed at my parents.  Scott was in Des Moines, Max was already up and out watching TV with Drew.  I was snuggled under the warm blankets trying to wake up.  This was the morning my Mom came into my room and crawled under the covers with me.  I cannot tell you the amount of times in my life I have crawled into her bed, to talk, to laugh, to comfort her in these past months.  I crawled into bed with her in the hospital after driving through the night to get to her...I hopped right in that tiny hospital bed.  But it is RARE for Mom to come snuggle with me in my bed.

But THIS morning Mom came downstairs to snuggle with me...she hasn't been downstairs much lately as going down the stairs has been hard with her feet being somewhat numb from chemo.  She hasn't dared the stairs unless she has needed to.  But for some reason on Sunday morning she did....and I about LOST it in tears.

At that moment all I could think of was how very grateful I was to have my Mom.  I thought of my dear friends who have lost their Moms, and what they would give for that moment.  I thought of the unknown of cancer, and Mom's health and the fears I have over her dying before I am ever ready.  I thought of my Grandma who recently died and how my Mom must long to talk with her.  I just wanted to soak my Mom in like a sponge.  I literally had to fight back the tears at that moment.  They are streaming now as I type this...but I don't want to forget that feeling.  My Mom next to me...arms around me like I was a toddler again.  Her bald little head behind my head of hair....I do not want to forget that moment.  I do not want to take it for granted that I have my Mom here, on earth, to talk to, to laugh with, to dream with....

There is just nothing like a Mom.  NOTHING....my heart is full.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Update from a Tired Mom

It's Monday...I need more hours in my days.  I need less tired, more energy, more quiet, more time.  I am busily completing edits for photography clients, I am working on Jack's birthday party that is later this week, planning a harvest party for the 6th graders for next Tuesday afternoon, organizing a Shelter meal for the homeless for Sunday, working on designing and creating new yearbook curriculum for our Secondary at school, working on a Sunday school lesson that is Sunday morning,  planning a Thanksgiving meal here a day early next week due to an Ohio trip for some boys, Starting to work on our Christmas card designs,  I am TIRED, I am longing for a lazy day where there isn't anything pressing on my list of things to do.  I am starting to wonder if I will ever have one of those days again before I am 75 years old.  Is it bad if our Thanksgiving meal ends up being Pizza?  I am kidding, I promise I will do better than that.  But I am TIRED.  Last night I fell asleep dressed, contacts in with Max in our bed.  And woke up at 6:15 am by Max...still with my contacts in.  Ouch.  Not smart.  But tired. Would it be bad if we only did a Christmas tree for decorations this year?  Would it be bad if we only hung stockings?  No lights on the outside of the house?  How simple can I get?  I say that now but once I start opening up those boxes of decorations I will change my mind...I think.  I really LOVE Christmas.

Did I mention that High School basketball started today...not that there has been much of a break between football and basketball.  Coaches want you lifting weights at least 3 times a week.  It's something I fight against as a Mom.  I always long for our boys to have "free time" ...time to just BE kids.  Lay around, watch a show, play in the snow, play a game....the society we live in doesn't allow that margin and sometimes it just makes me mad.  Each sport runs into another sport, and when you are not playing THAT sport the coaches expect you to be training on your OFF days for THEIR sport.  We have emails coming every week from the golf coach, the baseball coach, the football coach and the basketball coach.  There is never anytime where they don't think you should be doing "something" to prepare for THEIR season.  I dislike this greatly.  I just want out boys to love being kids and love the downtime that kids deserve.  I must be in the minority for this...

We spent the weekend in Minnesota.  I headed up on Thursday night with Tommy and his friend David, dropped them off at some friends dorm at Northwestern University in St Paul.  They had a great night and I met them on Friday morning for a tour.  We spent the day touring and learning more about Northwestern.  It's a great school, with a pretty campus.  Tommy has now seen Ohio State and Northwestern.  Pretty opposites of the spectrum for him.  HUGE and TINY.  PUBLIC and PRIVATE.

It was great to get to be with my Mom and Dad.  I LOVE being near them and I LOVE checking to see how my Mom is doing.  It matters to me how she is sleeping, eating and feeling.  Instead of my calling her 3 times a day to check I can see with my own two eyes how she REALLY is.  I like that.  I have a hard time leaving.  I cry every time.  I used to cry just saying goodbye to my Dad...it's turned and now I cry hugging my Mom.  It's hard for me.

Some pictures of our adventures at home with Mom, and Max.  Max did get to spend some time with his cousin Alice too during the game.  He had so much fun playing in the snow.

Oh and let's not forget taking this little girl to the American Doll store for the very first time ever.  The stuff Aunts dream off...well Aunts who have all boys.  

Scott headed up late on Friday night with Drew and Max.  Jack stayed home for a basketball tournament.  Tommy, Drew, David and Scott headed to the Buckeye vs Gopher game on Saturday morning with my Dad, brother and our nephew Charlie.  It was SO cold and SNOWING but the boys were thrilled to be going.  here are some pictures from the adventures

 After the game they met up with one of Scott's OSU friends and his buddies, one happens to be an exec at Nike...Tommy's dream job so he had a good time talking with him.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Hello Kitty Love

So those of you who know me well KNOW that I LOVE anything Hello Kitty.  I have a slight obsession with Hello Kitty.  But most of you probably don't know how that all started.  And since it is currently the 40th anniversary of Hello Kitty let me share my Hello Kitty love with you.... remember I am 42 years old.  

When I was a little girl my Mom and I would go to the mall once in awhile.  Nothing like we all go to the malls these days, but we would go, maybe once a month?  Maybe every other month.  It wasn't a lot but I LOVED spending that time with my Mom.

We almost always shopped at the same places.  We certainly shopped at the Eden Prairie Center, my Dad was a banker in Eden Prairie so we always shopped there.  To help the local economy I guess which in turn helped the bank.  Dentist and Hair cuts...always in EP.  But we lived in Edina...go figure that one out hmmmm?

I digress....

Back to going to the mall with my Mom....I was probably 5 or 6 when these trips started.  I was in preschool, then half day kindergarten so I was with Mom a lot by myself.  She would go into the big department store in Eden Prairie Center.  In this department store there was a lucite kiosk that was FILLED with Hello Kitty stuff.  Mainly tiny pencils, stickers, pads of paper, tape, coin purses, erasers, pencil cases, glitter stickers, puffy stickers...my guess I everything was less than $2-  I don't know...but what I do know is that my Mom always let me look and look AND look at that kiosk.  I don't remember if she was shopping while I did this, or if she was just waiting while I looked...but she ALWAYS took the time to let me look and look at the Hello Kitty stuff.  And from what I recall, she ALWAYS let me pick something out to take home.  Hence my Hello Kitty love began....

In the 3rd grade Jean Donahue TOOK my pink Hello Kitty scotch tape and dispenser out of my desk in Mrs. Jones classroom.  I was devastated.  I saw that she had it.  She denied stealing it.  The next day she brought back 2 warm fuzzy things to stick to my desk saying she was sorry my Hello Kitty tape went "missing"....hmmm I am still upset about it.  YET....they make it now and I have a roll in my desk JUST in case.  Obviously Jean's Mom didn't take her to the kiosk at the mall.  And obviously I am not yet bitter about it.  

Long story short...this has been a lifetime love of mine.  For many years, you couldn't find Hello Kitty...she all but disappeared.  BUT in the past 10-15 years she has been making a comeback.  Especially the last 5-8.  Nothing could have made me happier from my childhood memories...well other than my brother finally coming clean on throwing my Donny and Marie microphone in the bushes and ruining it.  

Once again...I digress...

Hello Kitty represents my childhood to me.  Hello Kitty also represents my Mom and her love for me.  She NEVER complained about the times I stood far too long perusing the Hello Kitty kiosk.  She knew I love it.  Don't mention that the people in Japan and Sanrio are now saying that it's NOT a cat, it's a girl.  They don't know what they are talking about.  Hello Kitty is a happy cat...kitten perhaps.  I love that my friends see Hello Kitty and think of me...a week doesn't go by where I don't get an email, a picture, a link or sometimes even a gift of Hello Kitty.  I have a purse from Scott...duct tape, scotch tape, stickers, paper, my bathroom cup, plastic cups, silverware...the boys always do my birthday with Hello Kitty decorations.  It is something I really truly love.  As goofy as it may sound....oh and my poor nieces have been swamped with Hello Kitty stuff, just because I LOVE it so much.  

Thought this would help you all to know me a little bit better and perhaps explain my Hello Kitty obsession...just what you wanted to know on this Friday night. 

 This week at Costco

 my friend Sarah gifted this cup to me...

 Tennis balls on sale at Target...

 Even the Easter Bunny knows my love...

 Alice's new crocs...

 When we win the lottery, that we don't play, I am going to fly to Japan and go on one of these flights, JUST because it's Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty Hawaii...get it, she is tan.  I have another Build a Bear one, 
that's white the boys made me too.

 from my friend Jerilynn...Hello Kitty house in Japan

 sent on Pinterest from a friend

 Just because amidst Mom's illness this past summer

 Sent from a friend on Facebook

 My new shoes.

 Last week for Halloween from a friend

 texted from my friend Mariah in Hawaii.

texted from my friend Terra today

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

First College Visit ...."check"

Tommy has officially started the college search.  How did this happen?  How am I old enough to have a Junior in high school?  How do I have a son who is 6' 4"?  How do I have a son who just purchased his first size XL sweatshirt?  Who has 36 inch long legs?  Really?  I feel like I am still 23 most days...

He chose to begin his college search at THE Ohio State University...since we were headed to Ohio for Scott's parent's anniversary it made sense to throw in the tour so both Drew and I could attend as well.  Jack was a trooper and stayed at the Townsleys and played with Max all morning long.  It was so much fun for me to see the school from a student perspective rather than a college football game perspective.  Scott has taken our boys on more campus tours than he has taken me...that's my choice.  I kind of like to just roll in for the game and roll back out.  Hitting a Buckeye shop or 2 on either end.  I have never requested the detailed tour.    It was fun to see the library, the rec center, the lake on campus, the Oval...so much beauty there.  And shockingly it felt smaller to me than I had expected.

In the afternoon Tommy visited the Business school with Scott.  The other boys and I ran around town a bit, had lunch, hit a Buckeye store, the Lego store and then headed back.  It was cool and rainy.  We tried to capture some photos of the boys by the SHOE but it was pretty nasty outside.

I am sharing what we have for pictures...it was a fun day.  Ohio State is definitely still on Tommy, and Drew's lists, of schools to consider.