"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Like family...

These people, are family to us...took their Christmas pictures today.  Oh how we love them.  Our dear Miss Emily, Ross and sweet baby Blakely.  Hard to believe we have known Emily for 8 years now... Tommy and Jack came along for fun on the photo-shoot.  It was SO cold....this little baby girl has MANY a protector.  So cute how they adore her...

PS Note Blakely's in Max's hand me down Uggs from last winter.  So cute

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Running of the flag....

 enjoy the traditional running of the flag that happens on game day at the Shisler house...

Visiting Santa

We went to see Santa yesterday...Max wasn't so sure about him.  He was happiest sitting with Tommy and away from Santa.  

and he loved the train...

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Christmas...We started decorating last night.  Drew did his room, Jack and Max did theirs.  Tommy's not real big on decorating his, so his was FAST!     We are 90% done with the house inside.  We will wait and do our real tree after Thanksgiving.  It's get in my in the Christmas spirit.  We have been playing Christmas music too.

Sadly today, Drew was home sick from school.  Max is not feeling well.  Tommy has a sinus infection but made it to school after a trip to the walk in clinic for all 3 this morning.  Jack is holding strong.  One more day of school this week and we have a wonderfully LONG weekend ahead.  My parents are coming for Thanksgiving, that's it, so it will be a quiet and relaxing day.  Lots of football I am sure and some napping. Friday Scott and I are going to see Wicked with a customer of his and his wife.  Can't wait!  I have heard it's terrific.  

Birthday Boy

Some of my favorite pictures from Jack's birthday at home yesterday...I didn't get one of all of the boys, or one of the 6 of us.  :(  Sigh, guess we can't remember everything huh?


 opened Drew's gifts before church, Lego Hero Factory guys

After church opened gift from Tommy, Lego Hero Factory guys

 Clothes from Mom and Dad, exciting

 This is from the parents who said our children would never have pretend or toy guns, or water guns...it's a nerf dart tag 2 gun set....

Max picked out a candy bar, silly putty and a pretend microphone that plays Christmas songs...

It was a fun birthday, Jack felt loved and special.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday to Jack!

Our sweet boy Jack is 9 years old today, where does the time go?  I remember VIVIDLY the day he was born, I remember when he climbed out of his crib, I remember his first night in his big boy bed, I remember the crazy surfer white blond hair, aww the sweetness of this boy.  He melts my heart.  He also makes us laugh over and over and over.  He has a line for EVERYTHING.  He is always about 2 steps ahead of me in his quick wit.  Even his teachers always say at conferences how Jack is always one step ahead of them, always has a respectful, but funny comment to share.  Thankful for the respectful part.  :)  

Jack is a joy.  Jack has become more of a sport nut this year, shocking I know.  But now he loves to watch the games and follow them.  He certainly knows more about penalties and rules of football and basketball than his Mom does.  He REALLY was intense in flag football this fall and we are seeing the same thing in his basketball season.  He takes no prisoners...and shoots a great shot.  Already wearing a size 7.5 mens shoe and projected to be 6' 5"-6'6" we think he is going to EAT his brothers for lunch, so it's fun to watch his competitive side growing.  He still LOVES legos,  and bey blades, he loves to build and design anything, he loves his brothers.  He loves his baby brother, and is so proud to have him.  Jack may just be an engineer someday and of course he says he wants to be a Dad.  He will be great at whatever he chooses to be.

Jack loves to EAT....anything chocolate, chicken alfredo pizza, anything sweet, anything BBQ, anything ice cream, any kind of apple, or applesauce and of course......can you guess his very favorite STILL?  Since he was 2 years old......A Wendy's Frosty still is at the VERY top of his list of favorites.  

Jack we love you, we love your joyful and free spirit.  We love how you still want to snuggle and kiss us.  We love how you would still sleep in our bed if we would let you.  We love how you love your brothers.  We are so proud of you and so grateful God chose us to be your family.

Happy Birthday Mr. Magoo!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jack's 9th Birthday Party

Tonight we hosted Jack's 9th Birthday party here at home.  He is a riot, wanted to plan it all by himself...well with the help of our super party planner Drew.  For those of my friends who LOVE themed parties...this was NOT one of those.  This was the most random of random parties, but just as Jack wanted it to be.

He was able to invite 9 friends...since he is turning 9 on Sunday.  He invited friends from school, sports, the neighborhood and one little friend from church with special needs (his Mom is in some of the pics, kind of wish it were my skinny body in the background, but it's hers :) )

We started with Captain America invitations, followed by an NFL birthday cake, games in the basement, paper airplane contests in the garage, pizza, cake and ice cream, and Christmas Pez toys for party favors.  All things Jack loves...so fun

Here are some pictures from the night...

Airplanes in the garage

Finishing up their scavenger hunt in the basement

The whole gang, less Tommy who was waiting for the pizza upstairs.

The fancy cake he chose.

Getting sung too....loving it

He got all of the candles

One of my favorite pics of the night, we always have their friends sit by them as they open their gift.  This was Jack's reaction when he saw his friend Seth had given him a Wendy's gift card...this boy LOVES his Wendy's...STILL!

After everyone had gone home he wanted to get to building, he built this Lego Hero Factory guy in about 20 minutes.  He does NOT get that patience or building skill from his Mom.

Sunday is the REAL birthday, and we are excited to celebrate as a family.  He has some special requests for meals, see if we can work them in.  :)  Happy early birthday sweet and funny boy.  XOXO

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A video our niece Ariana made....so true about how we learn

Ariana was in Africa for her spring semester.  I know many of you prayed for her, thank you.  This is a project she did for school.  I think it's beautiful.  Please continue to pray for Ariana... She is special to me, so very special.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our basketball guy

I really wasn't exaggerating when I said Max LOVES baskeball.  I pulled these off of my camera today, they were taken one morning last week.  Watch his facial expressions.  I mean seriously how cute is he?  And yes I know he has a bruised cheek, took a header into a friends rocking chair last week, while shooting hoops at their house.

It cracks us all up...he asks his brothers to go and shoot hoops with him all the time, when Scott walks in the door he asks him to come in with him...and he and I, well we shoot often during the day.

Now again...where is the league for almost 2 year olds on Little Tike hoops?