"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, July 30, 2009

On the road...

We are off to Minnesota...we will be at the cabin most of that time.

...back in a week!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tired Mama and my Love

Today was a whirlwind after a night of not much rest.... and tomorrow is another day. We head to MN tomorrow. Scott will golf with the Terwilliger boys (cousins, brother, uncle, Dad) in their every 15 year golf weekend. The boys and I will stay in Edina thursday and friday night and head to the cabin on Saturday. Lots to do tomorrow to get ready.

I am one tired Mama but before I hit the hay I must say I am SO very grateful for my beloved husband. Really he has stepped up to the plate over and over and over these past few months especially. I so appreciate that. Have I said that enough lately in my blogs??

Never ever complains about any of it.

Here's a little shout out to the love of my life...

I NOTICE all you are doing...I love YOU



Golf has been a big part of our summer this year....

Tommy and Drew have improved so much this summer at golf it is fun to watch. They LOVE it....they love to go to the driving range...love the connection with their Dad and golf....Jack loves to go and drive the golf cart with me sometimes. At the beginning of spring I decided I was going to golf more, this was before I knew the baby was going to be coming...and I was pretty confident that this would be my last summer where I could still beat the boys in golf. Hmmm...well maybe in April I could but after playing with them in July..think they may have me pretty easily.

This week is the end of the Junior Golf season. Both of the boys chose to play in the season end tournament. This is where they are partnered each day with another boy in their age group and they play 9 holes. You get a point if you "win" a hole with the low score obviously. We were unsure of how this would all go but both boys said they wanted to try it...they get set up with their partner and another twosome of kids and then a parent (not one of their own) goes along to keep score.

Tommy and Drew both won their first matches on Monday, they were both SO excited. Came down to a playoff 10th hole for Drew and a last putt for Tommy. So close. We had fully prepared them for losing, just telling them its for fun, no pressure. Yesterday Tommy won his 2nd match on the last putt again...Drew did not win but had a great time playing against a friend of his. Today Tommy is playing in the championship for his age group...as we speak. Scott and Drew are at the course so they will cheer him in on his last hole....

It's been so much fun to watch their love of golf grow. What a great sport to learn and love. I remember when I was little my Mom would drop my big brother Mike and I off at the local Par 3 course at the cabin while she went to the grocery store, life was safer in those days. He and I had a great time playing. I have great memories of growing up golfing with my brother, Mom and Dad too. Mike and I played with the boys when he was here in July...I STILL love to play golf with him.

It's been fun having the boys all enjoy it this summer....

Jack and his transformer

Another good Jack story from the week that I don't want to forget

Saturday..lunch at Burger King...
let me preface this with we don't usually go to burger king. It is a pregnancy thing and a chicken sandwich with Sweet And Sour thing for Mom. BUT nonetheless we were at BK on Saturday for lunch, just the boys and me as Scott had a meeting.

Jack: " Mom I want one of the transformer toys in their happy meals"

Mom: "Jack the sign says they are sold out of those"

Jack :"I will talk to the guy"

Mom: "Jack it says they are out so I don't think they have any more"

BK ordering employee: "Can I help you?"

Mom orders all food...

Jack: " Excuse me, but do you have transformer toys left?"

BK Man: "no the sign says we are all out"

Jack: " well there still are 4 in the case would you be able to get one of those out for me, they are fine"

BK Man ...ignoring Jack

Jack :"Excuse me, but can you please ask if you can get a transformer out of the case?"

BK Man digs through new box of toys and finds a TRANSFORMER toy in the bottom and hands it to Jack, realizing his persistent little personality

Jack "Thank you So much, I thought you might still have one in there "

Only Jack would be so bold to go through all of that for a toy. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let the nesting begin

Thankfully, I am feeling less tired these days. Over that hump I hope for now. But I am still losing sleep at night over the disorganization of our house, the closets, the boys rooms, the laundry room, the scrapbooks 3 years behind, just the stuff I haven't been able to get to...and is now lurking before me with a January 20th date to be DONE!

Let me ramble for a moment....

I am not sure why but I always have this immense feeling that I would like our house to look like Martha Stewart was just here. Organization wise I would like it to look like that, or like a Container Store ad, or the end of a Mission Organization TV episode, I would love for Peter Walsh to come in and transform every room to an organizational wonder. I love labels, and baskets, neat printing and rubbermaids. My sweet husband has reminded me more than once in our marriage that there is no on-slot of photographers on their way over for a magazine photo shoot....although once they did do that of the outside of our house. :) He reminds me that our house is very clean and organized compared to most in the world. And the funny thing is...I LOVE going to my friends houses that aren't so organized and clean. I feel quite at home there and less intimidated by it.

If you read my post yesterday about the" Sweet Smell of PineSol" you KNOW then that this is a struggle for me...to NOT have the house perfectly organized and clean and to just let it go and play somedays. That is a post that was a devotion in May and I have to continue to refer back to it and remind myself of the important things. Clean and organized isn't listed in the bible as top of the list...don't remember Jesus ever stressing out over cleanliness and pottery barn baskets with labels. So why do I? I am human and a MOM..of boys!

Today I feel a turnaround. I took yesterday off from organizing and cleaning....have taken a lot of those days these past 3 months. :) But TODAY I worked on the laundry room and got it back in decent shape and started work on my closet, with clothes that are starting not to fit now I am attempting to tackle it and organize it once again. Then my friend Deanna called this morning to congratulate us on baby...she is the queen of organized and simplified. When she asked if she could help me with anything before this baby I JUMPED on it and said YES you can help me organize. (she is the closest thing to peter walsh I know in town) My Mom has offered to come as often as I would like this fall to help as well. She knows that I lose sleep over stuff like this...I was the little girl who asked if I could start a chart of cleaning chores for Saturdays for my brother, sister and I to do....yes I ASKED. It may not have lasted long and I don't think my brother or sister were ever on board but nonetheless shows you how I am wired.

I am trying to balance it...trying to keep the balance of doable organization where I realize NOT everyone likes things as organized as I do...and not wearing myself out...but still allowing myself sleep at night and not panic over messes. I DO NOT want the boys to grow up remembering me for wanting things in their right baskets, but I want them to remember a Mom that made cookies with them, played games, played ball, went to the pool, snuggled on the couch, read books....So I here end my rambling.

Let the nesting begin....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shrinky Dink Monday

We are laying low this Monday morning, kind of wish it were raining as we need a quiet day.

We dug out our Shrinky Dink Kit from Klutz, I think we have had it for over 2 years now and never used it. When I was little Shrinky Dinks were one of my very favorite things to make. I am sure my Mom was given many treasures of my artwork in Shrinky Dink Form. The boys LOVED making them. I had forgotten how much fun it is to watch them shrivel up in the oven and then flatten back out.

What a fun morning...we played some board games, the older boys did run outside to shoot some hoops on the court...but Jack and I stayed in to snuggle and read books.

Days like these, when everyone is getting along well, it is quiet and the list of things to do can be put in the back of my mind...these are days to remember.

I'm feeling very thankful and blessed this morning. Enjoy our shrinky dink collection.

Jack's Star Wars Lego Creations

R2-D2 I made for Jack

Drew's sports collections

Tommy's one of a kind "My Mom Rox"

Part of the assortment

Drew's ode to Ohio State

Made as gifts for my Love when he gets home

Sweet Smell of PineSol

This is a post from my Proverbs 31 daily devotions. It was a great reminder to me in this time of summer, where the boys are in and out, the house is not organized like I would like, I have been so tired, I am losing sleep over the fact that things are not in their place, or even CLOSE to being in their place..time together is what is important. The house can smell like PineSol later.

Sweet Smell of PineSol

T. Suzanne Eller

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

I admit it. I'm the world's worst when it comes to preserving photos. I have boxes of photos stacked in various cubbyholes. I tried to organize the pictures once. I divided them and placed them in large envelopes. My next step was to put them in albums. They are still in the envelopes—stacked in a box.

Melissa, Ryan, and Leslie are now in their 20's and newly married. The chances of me ever getting these precious memories organized are slim to none, but I'm realizing something powerful. Memories aren't limited to pictures.

Remember when, Mom…? is a common phrase in my house now. We have become the hub, a privilege once reserved for my husband's parents. At holidays and special weekends, they drive up, unload luggage and pile into the guest rooms. We laugh and reminisce a lot around the table. Remember when we went on treasure hunts in the pasture? Remember when you jumped on the bed and popped Ryan up in the air so high it scared you? Remember that yellow Slip N' Slide?

I do remember. But I also remember a young mom who worried that her house wasn't spotless when an unexpected guest showed up. I remember the angst of trying to do everything and the fatigue when my day ended before my chores did.

But there were days that I threw caution to the wind and jumped on the bed, even though it might make others frown. I grabbed a shovel and gave the kids plastic buckets and we looked for old bottles and trinkets at the abandoned homestead nearby. We mixed Dawn dishwashing liquid and water and I laughed out loud as the kids flew like greased lightening across the yellow slippery slide. Some of those memories were captured in that pre-digital age, but most were not, but they are etched on the heart of my young adult children.

They reminisce about what we did together. They don't reminisce about the smell of PineSol. Whether my house was perfect or how it compared to others' isn't even on their radar. It makes me wonder why I worried about it. Is it good to have order and structure? Sure. But don't allow the pressure to be the perfect mom keep you from the beauty of simply playing with your children. The unmade bed will still be there, but I promise that a child will grow quickly and leave the nest.

Take a moment today and look past the clutter and the to-do list and play like a child again. It might not be a picture-perfect moment, but it will be a memory.

Dear Lord, time passes so fast. Slow me down, God. Let me enjoy the smallest pleasures around me. Let me play with my child instead of knocking down a to-do list. Let me laugh with my teen instead of fussing at him. Thank You for the sweet memories of today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Shisler

We all went together tonight to our Dr's appt for the baby and me. Jack requested to "See the baby" and the Doctor agreed. :)

We went into the room with the ultrasound machine. The little one was quite active and strong according to the Doctor...and we, the proud parents and big brothers would agree. It was kicking and punching, flipping and moving all over. The boys thought it was quite amazing, their first time ever seeing an ultrasound. Think it made the baby more real to them. 2 arms, 2 legs, feet, hands and the most beautiful heart beating. We only got one picture as it was moving so much, and in this picture you can't see a lot. But trust me, it was wonderful.

We are so thankful that this little one is coming into our family. What a blessing it was to see him/her growing so well. God is good.

And to top it off we called my Grandma Lu on the way home, she is still in the hospital but getting a little bit stronger every day. She is SO excited to be a great-gma for the 19th time now. When we told her we were expecting over the 4th of July she beamed, she can't get enough of these babies. So double the blessing that our baby was well and Grandma is able to talk and share in the excitement with us. Continued prayer for Grandma and baby too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tommy gets braces

In the chair waiting...

A big morning here...Tommy got braces. He only got the top ones today, the bottom ones will come at his next appt in 2 months.

Jeff (aka Dr. Sturdivant, friend from church and ortho) even let Drew help put one of the braces on...

Handsome guy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "What A Guy" Award

My Mom has used that phrase for years...when my Dad would do something extra special she would say your Dad deserves the "What a Guy Award"...and now when I tell her something Scott does that is sweet she says the same thing. It has stuck.

So here is the latest "what A Guy Award" that my sweet husband has earned...I have been SO tired the past 10 weeks. And I mean TIRED....the joy of your first trimester. He has done more laundry, cleaning, dishes, grocery shopping, errand running than I normally ask of him. He has allowed me to nap many weekend afternoons. He has been an all around great guy with this whole pregnancy, which is "normal" for him. He never complains about how tired I am, how little motivation I have to do a lot of my normal stuff.

Sunday afternoon I must give him the award for...normally when I lay down to nap it is interrupted 5-10 times with questions from boys..."Mom can I have a snack?", "Mom where are my baseball clothes?" , "Mom, what's for dinner?" , "Can I watch a tv show?"...you name it they ask it and it doesn't ever seem to matter that I am laying asleep...they still ask. Well Sunday, after a very tiring weekend of the wedding, rehearsal etc. I was beat...I laid down in bed to take a nap and was shocked to wake up 3, yes 3 HOURS later in my bed without having been woken ONCE for anything....I wondered how this could happen...then I opened our bedroom door to find this sign posted....

That is why my Love, has earned the "What A Guy Award" this week....

Happy Birthday to Grandpa Shisler!

Grandpa Shisler on the Bobcat with Jack this spring

Today is Scott's Dad's birthday, Don Shisler is 82 today. Grandpa Shisler lives in Ohio, of course, and still farms. He sells seed to farmers on the side as well. He is an active guy who works very hard. He drove a milk route for Smith Dairy for many years before he retired from that job. Waking very early to drive that and then returning home to farm. I think that must be the gene that our boys have to wake early....hmmm should I thank you for that??

Our boys are the only grandchildren on Scott's side of the family. And the only great- grandchildren from Don's father, Ray, that carry the Shisler name. We have always thought that was pretty special. We don't take the meaning of our family name for granted and we are doing our best to teach our children the importance of honoring your family name in all you do and in who you are.

We are thinking of you today and hope you have a special day!

With love,

Tommy's Birthday Party

Last night we celebrated Tommy's 12th birthday with some of his buddies. This is his LAST friend party, where did those years all go. We met the boys all at the pool and they swam for a couple of hours. We brought them back here for some pizza, pop and a whiffle ball tournament. Drew and Tommy had coordinated and planned the brackets and teams. It was low maintenance for Mom and Dad, they ran it all themselves.

Then brownies and ice cream for dessert, a few gifts to open and that was it. An easy party which was good for this Mom who has been SO tired lately. Jack went to bed at 8:00, Drew 9:30 and the party ended at 10:00. I was in bed by 10:25 and asleep by 10:26.

Happy Birthday to our sweet 12 year old boy! The years seem to be flying by more and more. How can it be your feet are almost bigger than mine, you are almost taller than your grandma, you will be in 6th grade soon, you get your braces put on tomorrow...ugh my heart smiles and aches all at the same time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

prayers for my Grandma

Please continue to lift my Grandma up in prayer. She is now in the ICU with fluid around her heart. My parents have headed back to Benson tonight.

Prayers for the Doctor's wisdom, for the best care possible for Grandma, that she is comfortable and is able to get rest. Prayer for healing. Continued prayers for my Mom and her siblings, this is a very difficult time for all of them.

Jack doing his "robot dance" at the reception

Trying my hand at uploading the videos via YouTube thanks to Sarah's help...hope Jack's dancing comes through it was too

Jack brings in the flower girl and ring bearer

Trying another video...if anyone has video tips for blogging let me know. Scott taped it. This is one of Jack pulling the little ones down the aisle at the wedding. So sweet....

Since this one worked, I think the other ones I have tried to load are too big, anyone know how to edit them shorter or take some of the quality out to take up less memory on here?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The boys and the sand...and the silly runner

upload update...got the video now.

Hoping the video uploads...it is taking forever. It has been uploading for over 2 hours now. argh

Emily and Ross did "Unity Sand" not a candle at their wedding. So everyone in the wedding party, grandparents and parents included all came down with a vile of sand and poured it into a vase before they took their places or were seated. Then later in the ceremony Emily and Ross pour their sand in as well. This vase of sand they will display at their house to remind them of their day. Kind of a cool idea...of course when Emily explained it to Jack last week he said if she needed sand she could take some out of his sandbox. :) sweet guy he is...

here are the boys bringing their sand in....then the mess of the runner happens.. Whose idea are these runners anyways?? Oh well what's a wedding without a couple of mishaps...

PS Don't think the video worked....oh well sorry

Emily and Ross Get Married

Yesterday was the big day, the day Emily and Ross were married. It was a beautiful day in every way. The weather could not have been any nicer, sunny, slight breeze, no humidity and 72 degrees.

It was one of the most special days for our family I can remember. Everything about it. From the moment the boys saw their "Miss Emily" and watching their faces as they saw her so beautiful, to those 3 precious Jr Groomsmen walking down the aisle together in their tuxes, to Emily walking down the aisle with her Dad, to the reception...I don't even know where to begin.

Emily and Ross were both so relaxed about it all. Jack leaned on Emily, hugged her every chance he got and she would always take a minute hug him back or just let him lean on her while she continued to talk with whoever she was with. None of it phased her. It really made me realize just how connected she and Jack are...I knew they were but watching them yesterday just cemented that in me. Emily has really been the only babysitter he has ever known. She has been with our family since he was just 1 year old. She was just SO happy. She was glowing. I realized it's a good thing that Jack likes Ross so much that he is willing to share Miss Emily with him....I cannot imagine how else Jack would have made it through the day. :)

Oh and the older boys, Tommy and Drew, hanging out with the groomsmen in their dressing room before the wedding. Just wanting to be grown up, sitting around while they played cards, chatting sports with Ross, eating the snacks, waiting for the wedding to begin, just being "one of the guys". Reminded me how grown up they are becoming. And made me realize how connected they have become to Ross. He fulfills that "fun uncle" role in town, since we don't have family here. He hangs out with them, wrestles, plays...just never is bothered by them. Wants them around.

And Emily....radiant and stunning. She and I have had so many talks through the years about marriage and the blessing of it. We have had the privilege of watching her be friends with Ross, to dating, to engagement...I feel like we have walked with them through this. And what an honor to see this day come. Their wedding ceremony was lovely, so many details...and so honoring to God in it all. From worship music, to Dr. Bob's words, to the scripture chosen...to their vows....

Jack dancing it up at the reception

Cole and the ladies talked Jack into dancing with them...

Jack asking for a piece of Emily and Ross' cake....and Emily gave it to him :)

Pictures at the park

The happy couple

Loved this one at the reception

Loving on Mommy

The wedding party

The boys with Ross and Emily

Out through the bubbles...

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rethmeier

The Jr Groomsmen hand out programs

The Owens family

Taylor, her closest in age brother,(red hair) could hardly stop crying...it was precious

First time Emily's Dad and brothers see her...

The boys with Ross

The men of the wedding

Boys hanging out with Ross before the wedding...Jack is all thumbs up

All 3 boys loving on Miss Emily before the ceremony

Drew sees Emily for the first time

"Miss Emily you look so beautiful"

Jack sees his Miss Emily

Weddings like this one don't happen every day....Emily and Ross are sitting on the beach by now in Cancun. We are still celebrating here with them....memories I will not ever forget of our dashing boys and their beloved Miss Emily. There are some days you just know will never leave your Mommy heart...and this was one of them.

P.S. I wish I could post a ton more pictures...but I took over 700 plus we did take some video. Will post my very favorites and try to do the video later too. The pictures are in reverse order of the day...sorry I uploaded them wrong and didn't want to redo them. Start at the bottom.