"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Randomness Catch Up

Seriously how is it that I am behind on this blog, once again…need to post on Tommy's season ending basketball,  still haven't finished Christmas posts, then there is Valentine's day, Scott's birthday and other random happenings….I will let this post be randomness from my iPhone photos.  So I will be catching up at a rapid pace.  Be ready to have the topic change 20 times.  Here we go….

 Yes I love Hello Kitty…and yes my beloved came home with this duct tape for me from Menards…that's love my friends.

 Totally copied my friend Marnie's outfit one day, she had it on at church on Sunday and I made my own version the next day…I had to send to her to show her my LOVE of what she had on.  And YES it's a Camo scarf.  Never say never.

 Someone woke up from a nap…as we drove into the dentists office.  Getting 4 boys into the dentist is never easy.  It was 3 different trips.  Only one of the 4 had cavities…I was happy with that…they do get $10- if they are cavity free.  Not a bad deal for them I don't think.

 Donuts when Hinckley came over…think he mainly ate his sprinkles.

 Chocolate iced for this little guy.

 The reality of our island many days…so much for Pinterest huh?

 I am watching our dear Miss Emily's little ones on Wednesdays this spring as she finished up her Masters degree.  Blakely is almost 3 and baby Quade is 7 months old.  It's been so much fun.  Somedays it has been the same time Hinckley comes, which is fun for everyone.  LOTS of playmates.

 and yes…I hold this sleeping baby most days, hard to lay him down.

 My friend Rachel made this print…I LOVE it.

 Valentine's day morning this little guy requested morning snuggles so after we were showered and dressed for the day we climbed back in bed to cuddle.  Love that.

 My Valentine's day gift for the boys was to deliver them each a Little Caesar's $5 pizza for their lunch. 3 trips to and from school to ensure hot pizza for each.

 This is Tyler, Drew's best friend…I forgot him the night before in carpool….so he was late to Driver's ed…I think his pizza made up for it and I was forgiven.

 Tommy had a golf meeting during lunch so I brought enough for friends…Sophomore Boys are not so into posing for photos…oh well.  I am THAT Mom.

 This is the basement of Scheels…

 …I took a 6 hour beginners gun safety class one Saturday in the basement of Scheels.  It was taught by a woman and was for women.  It was a great class.  These are what bullets look like after they are shot into something.  We learned all about handguns.  I took it mainly for Jack, he is so interested in guns and hunting it's time one of us learns more and I have more desire than Scott to learn about it.  Again I say, Never say Never.

 My friend Julie shared this quote with me one day after working out and complaining about my legs, and their shape, or lack there of…it was a great reminder.  

 Jack had a basketball tournament and made this beautiful free throw.

 Drew went ice fishing with Tyler at his cabin for the weekend.  He was thrilled beyond belief.  It's fun to see him fall so in love with fishing.

This was our Valentine's day celebration…we went out the day after Valentine's to Des Moines Golf.  We had a delicious dinner in their candlelight dining room.   I love this man.  20 Valentine's days together and a fun fact…the first time Scott told me he loved me was Valentine's day of 1994. I told him awhile later…

 The following Monday morning Max and I headed to visit our friends the Burts who moved to Omaha.  Max and Jacen are good buddies and I miss his Mama Terra a lot.  He slept most of the way there.

 Jacen and Max

 Our old church when we lived in Omaha.

 Our old house…which is now a hole in the ground.  We canNOT figure out what happened.  Why they knocked it down, why nothing has been rebuilt.  It's just weird.  I loved that house.

 If you knew the hours my Love spent on these rocks around the tree…sigh…I actually brought one home for Scott.  As a remembrance of our house 801 S 80th Street.

 This sweet baby boy on Wednesday

 Big sister playing Peek a Boo.

 Do you think the laundry piles up FAST around here?

 Our friend Brooke made this Sticks looking sign for us…it's hard to see in this pic but I LOVE it.

 Helping feed Quade…

 Spider girl

 This little guy loves Scott…and if Scott walks in the door he want him.  It's pretty sweet.  Scott stopped and held him for a bit last week.  Quade loved it.

 Taking girl pics with Blakely

 This made me laugh….

 Birthday pics from my phone…birthday boy with his beloved Boston Creme Pie

 I took Drew, Jack and Max to MN on Friday..we wanted to see Charlie and Alice play hockey…I thought for sure the roads would be FINE after all Minnesota KNOWS Snow and knows ICE and you never have issues there…hmmm again I say Never say Never.  What should be a 3.5 hour drive was a 8.5 hour drive on Friday.  Oh my…I almost gave up and headed to a hotel…Yes this photo is of us STOPPED on I-35 headed just over the border into MN. 

 …but we persevered and stopped at a Hardees instead for a late dinner and these two were HAPPY to get a break from the car.  We made it safe and sound.

 First night working at Jason's Deli.  Holding up his time clock slip.  

 Saturday morning breakfast at our favorite Original Pancake House in MN.  Max LOVES their whipped cream, so I have started getting a side of it for him to eat vs ordering him a hot chocolate.  

 These cousins were happy to be reunited.  

 While we were in MN Scott and Tommy took some friends to a Hawkeye game…you can see them in row 2 in above photo.

 My big brother Mike is "playing coach" as Max says…he is in the black.

 Go Alice #7, she scored 2 goals in their scrimmage.  We cheered so loudly at her practice we were embarrassing my Dad.  I think Alice LOVED it.

 Watching Charlie's game next….He is in the red.  So much fun.  I was amazed at HOW much he has improved.  It's like real hockey now..so fun.  We LOVED watching him play and cheering for him.
Mike played "coach" again.

 Our sweet friends the Ericksons came to the game too….

 Found Mike on the wall of the arena, it was in Edina….in the Division 1 hall of fame. 

 Love these Erickson girls…

 The amount of snow in MN right now is amazing…this is Mike and Cara's sidewalk.  

 Sunday morning we got up at 5 am to be sure we would be home in time for Jack's basketball game at 11:00 am.  As I was getting ready in the basement I said to Jack…"I smell Grandpa's little rolls…go and see if he really got up to make us rolls."  and sure enough…he had to have gotten up at 4:45 am to make these for us.  He gets the "WHAT A GUY AWARD"…seriously?  How blessed are we to be so loved and cared for…

 Got home and found that Tommy's iPhone had cracked…sigh.  Thanks to the amazing customer service at the apple store we were able to swap it out.

 Came home to find this in the afternoon…Crashed out after the 5 am wake up.

 And bedtime this little guy was happy to be reunited with his Daddy again.

 Oh and Jack told me Saturday he had to have his model in for the Science Fair on Monday.  So we made a quick stop on Sunday at Michael's Craft Store and viola at 10 pm he finished this model of a bullet.  He did it all by himself and I was so impressed.

 Yes you read this right…I officially have my Carry and Conceal Weapon permit….NEVER say NEVER.  The scariest gun we have is a BB gun…but that may change. :)

Last night after dinner this little guy was found on the sofa like this…sound asleep.  He slept from 6:00 pm until 6:30 am.  Think he was tired?

Whew…well if you have stuck with me and my 74 photos I am impressed.  Randomness at it's finest.