"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Proofs and My Pink Boom Box

Okay so I am not terribly patient...shocking to some of you I know. We have the proofs online now from the pics we had taken in July. I cannot copy them onto here off her site so I took pictures of my computer screen with some of my favorites...reminds me of 7th grade when I would put my little pink boom box up to the radio to record my favorite songs. (can you hear Chicago's "You're the Inspiration" in the background now, or perhaps "I am a man who will fight for your honor, I'll be the hero you've been dreaming of...." from Peter Cetera "Power of Love"....or "My name is Lucca, I live on the 2nd floor...I live upstairs from you..."....okay probably only Leanne W. and Jen D. are laughing at those I am sure I've lost my Mom by now) The point is not real great quality photos compared to the real thing.

But nonetheless here are some of my favorites of the family....

I was laughing so hard as I was rolling up his sleeves for his very chic look I was creating. Most of you know Scott and certainly have never seen him with his sleeves rolled up. But because he loves me so he allowed me to roll the sleeves and leave the shirt untucked all for these photos. What a GUY huh? Here he is telling me this is SO not him and SO not his normal look.

Mom joins in the tackle

My favorite of all of them...my boys.

I really do love this one..need the photographer to photoshop my calves smaller (and I'm not kidding I will ask her to do that) but other than that. Love it. Love my husband.

the ones of the boys in their tuxes are darling too but didn't turn out so great off the monitor. In a few weeks I should have some shots to upload from the photographer herself to post.


  1. They all are fabulous! My favorites are the tackle and the kissing one. I can't wait to see more. :)

    Oh and I think your calves look great!

  2. I don't even know how to start commenting s I was catching up on your post. First, the family picture are terrific...just incredible. I adore the kissing one with the boys all around. I laughed at the pink boom box songs - especially Luca, I got very teary on the kite string post - you captured something very difficult to explain in such a good way. I will remember that always. thanks for sharing your life with us - it's fun to be part of it!

  3. Susan, your pictures are wonderful! I love them all! And by the way, I too not only recorded those songs off the radio but I even went so far as to record a song off of TV during Days of Our Lives, can't remember the name of the song right now but it was Patch and Kayla's song and you could hear Patch walking on the pier in what I recorded!

  4. I am indeed laughing out loud!

  5. Beautiful pictures...beautiful family! I definitely love the rolling up the sleeves one because that is totally something I would be begging Josh to do. I finally got him to leave his shirt untucked one day and that was a huge step! :)

  6. Great pictures Susan!! I too love the kissing one. So cute that Drew and Tommy keep walking and Jack turns to look at your guys. That is SO Jack...isn't it?
