"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Jack was snuggling with Max this morning and said the following to me "Mom, I would give up all my legos for him"

Most of you know Jack's love for Legos...

Precious moments, precious words

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Going, going, gone

One of Jack's favorite things to do is snuggle, hum and sing to baby Max. He will always take Max even if he is ready to sleep and a little bit squirmy. And Jack has this way of snuggling him and singing to him...it puts Max to sleep every time. It is priceless to watch. They have such a neat bond already. What a blessing to be a part of...

Look at Max's eyes in these pictures...

Banner day

Finally the sun was out and it seemed warm enough to sneak out for a quick picture by the banner welcoming baby Max home.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Amazing stuff

My friend Makila put these pictures side by side. One on the left is from one of our 4D ultrasounds and the one on the right is one day old. Pretty amazing stuff. Max looks like Max and did the whole time. AMAZING!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Numbers and more numbers...and I don't even like Math

Max's bilirubin number 14.2 (excellent)
My hemoglobin number 11.2 (great leap)
2 meals brought today, 1 lunch and 1 dinner thank you friends
5 inches of snow with blizzard
4 frosted brownies left
3 boys sad about Vikings lost, 1 baby boy who could care less
June 7th boys last day of school now with snow days
14 emails back and forth with my Mom today (nothing unusual)
2 phone calls with my Mom too (not unusual either)
1 call from my brother checking in on Max and me
Scott's 82nd trip in last 2 weeks to Hyvee for more groceries
3:00 and 7:00 times Max was up in the night to eat
2 gifts that came in the mail for Max, 4 cards, fun to feel the love for him

life is good, busy, trying to keep my feet up, tired, but loving life

Friday, January 22, 2010

Why I have a minute to blog...

Our neighbor brought over a pasta dinner...
Tommy is doing the dishes, into the dishwasher(without being asked ;)...
Drew was picked up for basketball practice by a friend...
Scott's on his way home from an out of town meeting...
My big brother Mike came from MN and was here all day helping me(he has since left)...
Jack is singing and rocking baby Max back to sleep...


P.S. I actually had time yesterday (Thursday) and started this note. Then Max woke up. So funny...I am finishing a note about having a minute to blog a day later. While he is asleep again.

Update on prayer

My friend Leanne's Mom Kathy Coleman passed away on Tuesday night, while holding her beloved husbands hands. She was released into the arms of God. It is a bittersweet moment for her family. So hard to let her go but the cancer was too much for her to stay.

Please continue to pray for Leanne and her family as they have services tomorrow, and Monday. Prayers for strength for them to get through these very hard days.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our after school

I am back on the blog...I have so much to catch up on but not quite up to it yet. We are focusing on getting the jaundice numbers down for Baby Max. So he is nursing every 2 hours around the clock, needless to say not a lot of time in between. Thanks for all of your prayers this past week. It is a bit of a blur. But I do hope you know we appreciate your loving concern. We are happy to be home. 5 days in the hospital is a LONG time away. We feel so blessed with little Max....he is adored by us all. Hard to imagine our family without him.

But here is what our house looked like after school. Ah...this is what life is all about.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sweet Baby

Max Harold Shisler made his beautiful entrance to the world, yesterday, January 11th at 8:34 p.m. He weighed 8lbs. 15oz. and was 20 inches. Both Susan and Max are doing well.

Makila (on Susan's behalf)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Been praying..

I have sent emails to several of you in regards to praying for my friend, Leanne's Mom, Kathy Coleman, who is now at home preparing for her trip to heaven soon. Leanne and I have been friends since Jr high, they all live in Edina, MN. I wanted to post these pictures of her, they were all taken in November or December and I found them off of Leanne's blog (hope you don't mind Leanne). I think they are beautiful in the joy that shines in her eyes. The love she has for her grandchildren...

With the little ones...Mid November
reading stories...Grandpa looking in from the outside window
Leanne's parents stopping over at their house to read a bedtime story, mid December

An early Christmas Celebration with Abby

My friend Leanne and her husband Jesse, Luke, Abby and Mr. Coleman after church

Please pray for their family as they are saying goodbye to her, knowing she is going to heaven in a whole, healed body. There is still much pain for Leanne, her kids, her Dad, her sister and hubby. It is never easy to say goodbye. BUT with the assurance of heaven and knowing that Mrs. Coleman is going there healed there is a lot of peace.

I have been keeping up with Leanne the best I can these days and am overwhelmed most days by her comments and strength. I feel there has been so much beauty in these days for their family. So much beauty in hearing how her children are sending "Mahmo" off to heaven with their love and blessing. (Leanne's kids are almost 3 and 5) Just today I got a note from Leanne telling me that yesterday Luke (almost 3) climbed in bed with Mahmo and gave her a full body hug and as she leaned down to tell him "I love you" Luke responded, "Mahmo, you are going to heaven". As much as it makes me cry to read that from Leanne, it makes me smile knowing the peace that God is giving to the entire family.

Please continue to pray for Mrs. Coleman and the rest of the family. This has been a very quick thing, she was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. Fought that battle and won...and it came back early November of 09, they did some strong treatments and felt good with those results mid December. And then right after christmas...she became very ill once again and now the tumors are aggressive and rapid growing, they call it a "tumor fever", her communication does not easily come and she is preparing to meet her maker. Her sisters and Mom are in town visiting, her in laws will come early next week, old friends are making their visits....

This is the verse her family has chosen and asked people to pray Psalm 29:11 "The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Monster Jam

Tonight is the Annual Daddy and Jack Monster Jam night. They head to Wendy's for a pre-jam dinner (and of course, a frosty) then off to Monster Jam downtown they go. This is the 4th year in a row they have done this. Jack was very excited Daddy didn't forget about it this year, how could he?

I will post pics tomorrow here are a couple from last year. :) Look how young Jack looks, they grow up fast! Daddy never misses a good snack or 2 there for Jack as well. mmm..

The older boys and I are home, hunkered down in this cold. They both have basketball tournaments tomorrow, one in Ames and one in Pella. So they will need their rest. Scott and Jack will get home late and smell like gas fumes...can't wait to hear all about it!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

One of the reasons why I love being a Mom...

More snow and a clean basement

Some pics today of the snow...note our fence is a 6 foot fence in the backyard and the snow drift in the corner is up to it. Never have we had this much snow on our deck either. It's pretty amazing.

Out the deck door probably almost 4 feet of snow

And the basement is cleaned up...woo hoo. The move of Scott's office to home in September threw the basement into upheaval for awhile. His office is about done as well, quite the task to get it all put together. This organization is officially completed. Mulitiple trips to Good Will have helped as well. As you can see we still have plenty to keep us busy on a rainy day in the basement. Enjoy the proof of its organization. I think the pics are more for me to look back on and enjoy on a day where it isn't as neat. ;)

Playroom....love baskets and love labels

Main room basement...

more basement...
snow on basement window...

Even the game closet is cleaned out...

Think it's about time to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. mmmmm

Snow day and snowblower lessons

Another snow day here in Iowa. Blizzard conditions, winter storm warning, most schools in Iowa closed...AGAIN.

The boys went out this morning to help clear off the driveway, Jack stayed inside with me. Scott went out too, his first time doing snow since knee surgery over a week ago. About 10 minutes after heading out the door Drew came running to the back door and yelled inside...

"Mom, Dad is teaching Tommy and me how to use the snowblower. It's awesome, come and watch out the window. He's teaching Tommy now. Come quick and watch"

Ahhh wise husband of mine, now they both know how to work the snowblower...and the safety of never touching any of it too. And the best part is, they think it's super cool!

I will remind them of this day when they are 14 and maybe not AS happy that THEY are expected to run the snowblower. Ah the joy of having boys.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hiccups and a grateful heart

The baby has the hiccups right now, and seems to at least 4 times a day. I was sitting here thinking how much I will miss this part of being pregnant. I LOVE feeling the baby move inside of me, love the closeness that is for a Mom and baby. Love having the boys put their hands on my belly and laugh at the kicks, hiccups and wiggles. It has been a priceless gift for our boys to have experienced this. They were too young to remember or appreciate when it was Jack, and now all 3 of them have these memories they will not forget.

Can't wait to meet this little one, see their face, kiss their little hands and feet, look into their eyes... Can't wait to watch Scott holding this baby in adoration as I have seen 3 other times in my life. I can't wait to have my parents walk into that hospital room to see the baby, tears streaming on my Dad's cheeks. I can't wait to have the boys come in, Tommy and Drew will be a little nervous, Jack will be radiating a smile that will reflect off the walls as they meet their new baby brother or sister. I can't wait.

Scott went to a wedding on Saturday, and was talking to some friends of ours there who are struggling with infertility. And he came home telling me about their conversation, what a great reminder to me of this gift we have been given. 4 times we have been given this gift, the gift of life, of a baby, of a sibling, of a child....I do not take it for granted. To have been able to experience pregnancy, to have been there the moment a child takes their first breath and enters the world, to share children with the man whom I adore....

As uncomfortable as I am in these last days of pregnancy, I am reminded that God has truly blessed me. I am a Mommy...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Baby tummy

36 weeks 4 days

Thanks Makila for taking these today...now we will remember how big Baby AND Mommy are.....priceless. If you want to add your baby guess, let me know and I will put yours on the list. Is this a boy? or a girl?