"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Iowa State Fair....EVERYONE

It seems like a whirlwind since school started, it was supposed to feel like things were slowing down. hmm maybe next week. Thursday was our "date" day to the fair...just Scott and I went. It was a cool day which was perfect for us. We leisurely strolled around starting with our favorite warm chocolate chip cookies and milk stand, and ending our day with it as well. Saw a few friends along the way. Enjoyed talking without interruption most of all I think. I love that my heart still skips a beat when we hold hands. 16 years since we met, and still.

Yesterday, Friday, was family day at the fair for the Shislers. We picked the boys up from school and went right to the fair...well we park at the Capital always so we can ride the city bus there, that is one of the boys' highlights. Riding on the "twisty bus" which is over 60 feet long.

Here it is moment by moment...feel free to skim. Once again, in traditional Shisler style, we started off with cookies for our "after school snack" and loaded the boys up with tatoos. We went from there to take the family picture at the official telecom site where they email it off to you...

...walked up past the fun Iowa State Fair cut outs for pictures...
then stopped to see our favorite weatherman and good friend Ed Wilson before he was on for the news,
did the Little Hands on the Farm loop which Tommy still participated in all because you get free food at the end,

Drew and Scott hit the Butterfly house as we had free tickets for 2 for there...
from there it was a wagon pulled by the John Deere tractor ride up to the Campground, where we visited one of Scott's customers Mom at her fancy RV.

Ran into my good friend from college Lisa and her hubby there, Lisa was in our wedding....

back then for dinner at the Pork tent, ran into more friends there and ate with them....down to the bumper cars for one final ride...

over the see our dear Miss Emily and Ross who were working for a friends at a restaurant there, next to the Giant Slide...and the Grand Finale of the fair for the Shislers...the GIANT slide back for one more hug from Emily and we were OFF.

Walked back to the bus past the tractors, Jack's favorite...and loaded it up for another great 2009 at the fair. The ride home was filled with quiet, a VERY tired Mom and some pretty tired little boys.

P.S One of my favorite conversations was on the way down to the fair in the bus, the boys were talking about how next year we will have a baby with us. They said "well Dad, will have to take the baby for his or her own day at the fair. " I said, I don't think that will happen because Daddy won't be able to feed the baby when it's hungry. Scott then chimed in "I'd be happy to take the baby, then I would get a day where I could do JUST what I wanted to do, the baby would let me choose". bless his heart...think of how many days he has gone to the fair and only done what others with him have wanted to....never a day for him to choose.


  1. Loved seeing all the fair pictures and hearing about your great family day! Yeah!

  2. I'm thinking the baby would like the food the best and a snuggle from mom or dad in a baby carrier. :)

  3. It seems so real to talk about the baby being at the fair next year...will it be a boy or girl, what will he/she look like, what kind of personality...I'm just so excited to find out!

  4. you ran into lisa - how fun! did you know that they were going to be there?

    love your new family pictures - they turned out great!
