"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Typical Saturday in Spring

Jack in the field

Tommy batting

Tommy pitching

Drew on first
Jack and Manager Daddy

Down and Ready

Drew on first

Jack playing "catch"

Drew getting a grounder at first
Tommy pitching

This picture is what it's all about....

Wedding in Cayman

update..picture I took off of Brooke's blog....married June 5, 2009!  Congrats Brooke and Brandon

When Tommy was 3 we were in search of a place for him to learn how to swim...we were led to Swim with Kim, aka Kim Johnson's backyard and pool.  We signed up and he had an awesome experience....here we are 9 years later and just finished another week of swim lessons for all 3 boys this past week.  Kim and her daughters, Brooke, Kasey and Taylor have taught all 3 of the boys how to swim and I am SO grateful.  It hasn't always been easy...Drew was NOT a fan of swimming so there were days of pulling him out from under tables, having Kim peel him off of me while he screamed and I ran out the gate, hiding in their bushes to watch Jack learn how to swim if he saw me he would run to me...we laugh about it all now.  All of the boys have become strong swimmers, love to jump off their diving board, would go to Miss Kim's every week all summer if they could.  

But in all sincerity we are most grateful.  Learning how to swim is a BIG deal in our opinion.  It has always been a HIGH priority in our house and there was never an option NOT to learn how.  It is one of those things you have to know how to do in life!  We recommend Swim with Kim to everyone who asks...we just feel so blessed that our boys have Kim and her family.  They make it so much fun.

This week is a big week for the Johnsons...and it's hard to believe that 9 years have passed since we first met them.  We are thinking of  Johnson family today as they all are flying to Grand Cayman for Brooke and Brandon's wedding this Friday on the beach.  The perfect place for a Johnson girl to get married...  of course if you ask Scott he would say we have probably financed this entire wedding for them with 3 boys in multiple weeks of lessons for 9 years. :)  He always has something quick witted to say.  :)  But I will have you know Kim ALSO taught Scott how to swim at 40 years old....so he has a special place in his heart for this family.  

Congratulations Brooke and Brandon!  Can't wait to celebrate at your reception with you!  The only pics I could find were of Jack last summer...I will update pics after the reception or maybe I will hack one off of Brooke's blog from their wedding day.  

Jack last summer off the board

Jack with Miss Kim practicing his back float last summer

Friday, May 29, 2009

Drew's Personal Day

walking to the green talking to Dad

end of the round with Mom

Today was the day Drew chose as his "personal day" off from school.  He was happy to wake up to a morning of sunshine.  He was wanting to play golf.  So this morning Scott and I played a round of 9 holes of golf with him.  We had a fun time, I had better start working on my game as he is getting to the point where he will be passing me up quickly in the game of golf.

We had a quick bite to eat together and then he and I headed to the pool for some time in the sun.  

It was special to have some one on one time with Drew before summer hits!  Only 1.5 more days of school left!

Field Day

40 yard dash was neck and neck...

Yesterday was field day at school for the 4th-6th graders.  I volunteered to help and was given the job of organizing the 5th graders before each track race..in their order.  It was more work that I expected, but lots of fun.   As of yesterday afternoon I was losing my voice from having to scream kids names to get them in order.  But my voice was fine....it was fun to be there with Tommy and his classmates.  He has a great group of kids in his grade.  It was a chilly start to the day

My good friend Barb was kind enough to send these pictures today, I wasn't able to take any pics as my job was busier than I had thought it would be.  But there are some fun ones...

Tommy and some of his classmates
Getting ready for the handoff
Look at our hurdler

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jack's Personal Day

Today is the day Jack chose for his PTO "Personal Time Off" from school.  He was hoping we could head to the pool but cold temps, sprinkles and clouds held us from being able to do that.  So instead we stayed home most of the day.  He played with legos and watched some of his favorite shows on TV.  I did laundry and tried to clean the pantry out.  :)  

A little before noon we headed to Toys R Us as he has been saving up for another lego toy.  He was excited to use his $10- to purchase it.  

From there we headed to Daddy's office, which is always a highlight and then Daddy took us to Fazoli's (better known as Tomatoes around here due to the large tomato on their sign).  Jack had his usual ziti with 2 chocolate milks and enjoyed a little quality time just with Mom and Dad.  

Then we headed home so he could make his new lego creation and so Jack could "snuggle-buggle his Mama".

We headed to pick up his brudders at school and he proudly stopped by his classroom to give his teacher a flower for her bday and a card he had made.  His classmates made me laugh when they said to him as he walked in, "Jack you're really late"....hmm with 5 minutes left of school he sure was late!  

We had a great day together and can't wait for summer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just me and my Dad

Drew had a baseball tournament in Kansas City this past weekend.  Bummer to have the family split up for the holiday weekend but they had a great time being together.  The weekend before he went with Tommy for a baseball tournament out of town.  They have both had fun hotel weekends with Daddy.  It was a great reminder to me of what a great Dad he is and how selfless he is to give up his own time, so often, to be with our boys.

Scott does such a great job of spending time with the boys.  It is such a blessing.  He takes them golfing, to the driving range, to I Cubs games, to Ohio State weekends alone, to Drake basketball games,  to Wendy's (Jack's personal favorite), coaching their teams for most all sports, takes each one of the boys to the Iowa State fair for a father/son day on their own...he just loves to be with them.  

Yesterday after they got home from KC they even worked on mulching the yard together...quality father/son time that they all were excited for.  :)  Drew and Tommy even made it mulching in the rain.  Even working they enjoy being together...we did have to bribe the boys with promises for 32 oz Gatorades.    But the mulching job did get done.

Today he is playing in a Charity Golf outing for a work thing...hopefully he is enjoying some time for him.  He pours so much into us all.

Tommy and Dad at the Iowa State Fair Aug 08

Daddy coaching Jack's flag football team fall 08

Dad and Drew at the Ohio State Michigan game...on the field after the game

Dad and Jack at Jack's Ohio State weekend

Coach Dad congratulating Drew on their basketball tournament win....love this pic

Love you my Love...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Big Cheese Readers

Jack was the "Big Cheese" this week in his classroom.  He was able to invite a guest reader to come and read a book to his class yesterday.  He asked his teacher if she would make an exception to having one guest reader and he chose both of his brothers, good choice.  They each read half of the book.  Jack was so pleased and so proud to have his brothers in his class.

It made this Mommy's heart melt to watch Tommy and Drew read to the kids and then hand the book to Jack to show the pictures.  One of the best parts of being a Mom, that I never expected, is watching the relationships between the boys as brothers develop.  I love that. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Challenge DONE

Well this weekend is the end of the fitness challenge.  I did do my weigh in today and will do my sit ups and push up testing tomorrow for the final testing.  I did lose 17 lbs in it.  And am down 5 % body fat.  So I am considering it a success.

I still would like to continue with challenging myself and continue to lose more weight and body fat.   Another 15-20 lbs and I will be where I am happiest.   But overall I am pleased.  I have been golfing and playing tennis again too, which has been fun.  Trying to get back in touch with the athlete in me.  :)

I am getting excited for summer and a more flexible schedule with the boys home.  They love to go for runs, bike rides, play tennis, golf and walk with me so that will be great!  The pool will be calling us many days as well.  Only 7 more days of school and Jack and Drew both still have their personal days to use so probably only 5 more days for me without them home.  Both boys plan on using their PTO next week after the pool is open.  

Jack is the "Big Cheese" this week at school ( which is like Star Student) and I promised the boys I would bring them Subway for lunch so need to get ready for that.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jack thanks the Nelsons

Tonight I asked the boys to write Thank you notes to their Sunday School teachers.  Tomorrow is the last day for the school year teachers.  They have served and volunteered every week since August, which I think it pretty terrific.

Jack has had the same husband and wife team for 2 years now and adores them, Adam and Michelle Nelson, I need to get a picture of them with Jack tomorrow at church.  

He came up with this drawing on his own and I thought it was pretty priceless.

It is a picture of the 3 crosses on the hill where Jesus was crucified, His crown of thorns in the center and the other 2 crosses with the blood stains.  It shows his SS teachers, the Nelsons, holding a bible together at the foot of the cross...and Jack at the bottom (with some serious hair) with a red heart above him.  This is how he views these teachers and what they have taught him.  Pretty cool words he wrote on his own as well.

God bless the Nelsons for the impact they have had on God's kingdom and on Jack....I hope they know how much we appreciate them and the gift of time and love they have given our Jack.
Update:  Picture of Jack with the Nelsons after giving them his picture and tote bag present.  You can see the love...love it!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tommy's Personal Day

I told the boys this school year that they were each allowed one "personal day" from school, where they could take a day off for no reason.  Today is the day Tommy chose.  He was hoping for sunshine and golf this morning instead we have rain and clouds....oh well he still is home.

We are planning a morning of running errands after I get showered and ready.  Tommy has a gift card for Game stop he has been saving up, so think we will go there and see what he can find.  

I really do love having someone home with me.  I told my parents this weekend how much I enjoyed Jack having 2 days off last week (the Kindergartners had Thursday and Friday off for the new K to have K-experience day). I told them "I even love it when the boys are home sick", they both laughed.  It's not that I love when they are sick, I just love having them home.  So it is special for me to have the morning with Tommy.  He leaves early this afternoon for a baseball tournament in Clinton Iowa with Scott, so he will be gone until Sunday.  Better get going...my date is waiting.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wax Museum

Yesterday at school the 3rd graders presented a "wax museum" where they each dressed up as a figure from history.  They all had a blue sticker on their hand and when you pushed it, they came to life and told you who they were.  I learned a ton!  Drew was dressed as Roger Williams.

"Hello I am Roger Williams.  I founded Providence in Rhode Island.  I thought it was God's Providence that led me to this land which is why I chose that name. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the 50 United States."

Mother's Day weekend

Whew I think I am finally recovered from the busy Mother's day weekend.  My Mom and Dad came down on Saturday morning in time for Jack's Twins Little League game where the Mom's were coaches for the day in honor of Mother's day Scott has done that several years.  He is the head coach and hands over the reigns to us Mom's.  It is entertaining and fun, and the boys really do love it. 

Mom's coach the WCLL Twins team Saturday in honor of Mother's Day

On to Tommy's game from there and then back for another of Drew's.  Jack and Grandma didn't make Drew's last game of the day, they decided making chocolate chip cookies and snuggling sounded better.  :)  Twist Grandma's arm for that.

Tommy pitching Saturday

Sunday I woke to Jack whispering Happy Mother's Day in my ear and then a scramble of noise in the kitchen, while Jack stood watch outside our bedroom door.  I could hear him sighing, obviously bored with his job.  He eventually went in and woke up Poppy (aka Grandpa) and suggested he get up and go downstairs to make his famous little rolls.  He was the bodyguard.  He got tired of that told Me to just stay in bed and wait for a surprise.  My Mom jumped in bed with me while we waited and wondered what the surprise could be we called My Grandma Lu, Mom's Mom and wished her a happy Mother's Day too :)  Then the boys all showed up with breakfast in bed for us, Drew made us eggs and toast with jelly, oj, Scott gave us both red rose corsages, Jack helped with napkins and Tommy carried the trays.  Very sweet

And after that we were off...I headed to church for Sunday School,  The rest headed to Drew's first ball game of the day.  3 games later and a 2nd place trophy and we were headed home.  Tired....we quick opened some gifts for Mom and sent them on their way.

Loving on Grandma
Drew's tournament 2nd place trophy 

The 5 os uf went to PF Changs for a quiet dinner and the boys each had made something for me, and most of all they were kind to each other pretty much ALL day which is what I had asked for more than anything else.

Before dinner out with my little guys

Scott and I climbed in bed that night, tired and worn but so grateful for the blessings of 3 healthy little boys who like to run, play and bring us so much joy.  A great weekend.  I love being a Mom.  And I sure adore my Mom, who is one of my dearest friends.  Scott's so grateful for his Mom too.  And Grandma Lu who continues to inspire me...wow.  And how I miss my Grandma Twig on days like this...she was an awesome Mom to 4 boys and the best Grandma.  I adored her.  What a blessed weekend...