"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Diagonal mowing makes me happy

Just a quick comment...I was walking by the picture window towards the backyard this morning.   Scott mowed on Tuesday and I realized that diagonal mowing makes me happy.  I love the look of the grass when it is green and mowed at a diagonal.

thanks my Love for mowing!  and mowing at a diagonal


Reminder to myself,

I cannot be SuperMom.  Can only do what I can do. 

 Most important of all things on my earthly list at this time in my life are my husband and our boys.  Laundry, clean houses, perfectly thrown parties, school volunteering, Sunday School leading, Bible Study reading, kickboxing, tennis playing, meals for other, time with girlfriends...all wonderful things that bless my life in many ways.  

But at the core of who I need to be is a loving wife and Mom.  And I can only do that when my heart is settled into what God wants me to be doing and my faith in Him, I need to spend that daily time with him.  I need to remember to leave margin space and white space in my days so that God can use those times for His plans for my day.  Can't take laundry to heaven with me :) yippee;  but I can take little boys and a loving husband who are grounded in their own faiths and who have a relationship with God and his son Jesus.

P.S.  Thanks Mom for being a great example of this and gently reminding me of it all today.  love you

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Divine Prayers

Once again, God used my daily devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries to really hit home.  Although we are just now entering into those tween years here this rang so true for me. I need to be praying differently for the boys now than I always have been.  Think I may start that prayer journal I always say I am going to start, do for a few weeks and then stop, this time I am going to do IT...so I can have it on paper as a reminder of just what God has done.  And  reminder of His faithfulness.  Shelley....may need your help my friend, you are my inspiration for prayer journaling.  

Divine Prayers

28 Apr 2009

Susanne Scheppmann

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

I lifted myself from my knees and wiped the tears of frustration from my eyes. Once again, I felt like my prayers had bounced off the ceiling and rolled into a dusty corner, unheard by God.

Since my children were babies, I have prayed for them. The prayers continued through their elementary school years. All during those years, I felt peace and confidence flow throughout my soul—God would be with my children. Of course, I "helped" Him with my wise mothering and daily prayers.

However, adolescence struck my family. Three teenagers infiltrated the serenity of motherhood. Suddenly, my children didn't listen to my wisdom. I couldn't protect them from outside influences any longer. All I could do was watch them spread their wings of independence and fly out of the cocoon of our home. Their eyes rolled at my advice. Their mouths wagged words at me. Their faith fluctuated.

I responded with fear and a feeling of failure that haunted my prayers. My words were cumbersome. My own faith faltered as I watched each of my children struggle with different issues in their lives. I asked myself, "What can I say to God to make a difference during these tumultuous years?" Discouragement dogged my prayer life.

However, God didn't want me to give up. He brought a friend who had been through a similar experience in her prayer life and had learned to pray Scripture for her children. She taught me how to choose a verse from the Bible that would fit my troubled teen's situation and apply it in prayer. My friend practiced with me praying the verse aloud and inserting my child's name to personalize it.

Within days, I felt my prayers begin to soar again. I no longer felt defeated, but knew I was praying divine prayers. Divine prayers that arose to the throne of God because of the promise, "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11, NIV). As a mother, I no longer held the ability to control everything in my children's lives, but I could pray with God's power.

Thankfully, those turbulent teen years eventually passed. My children are now adults and I still pray for them using Bible verses, because His Word is purposeful and achieves its purpose. God's Word makes divine prayers.

Dear Lord, as I pray for my child, remind me to pray Your Word. Give me verses that will apply to my child and our situation. Increase my faith in believing that Your Word will achieve the purpose for which it is sent. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Monday, April 27, 2009

Best rate of return....

Scott sent me an email he had sent on to a friend today...copied me in on part of the note....as I scrolled down to see the email conversations this is what I found at the very bottom.   For those of you who do not know, we decided to take a leap of faith and switch the boys all to Des Moines Christian School this year from the Waukee public schools.  Many many reasons played out, but most of all we had prayed for many years over the decision.

And for those of you who do not know, my husband is a fairly conservative guy with money.  So the money portion of this decision played a large role into the decision.

But in the end we felt it was most important for our boys to grow DEEP roots of their own in their faith walk.  And to be sure their faiths were not ours, they were owned by them.  We feel confident that if their faiths are theirs and God's word is hidden in their hearts we will have done our jobs as parents well.   And the school played a part in what we feel, will help them with that root system.

His note touched me...with his comment on investing.  Hope it touches your hearts too.  And boys when you read this blog someday, know how you are our greatest investment in this world.  And know how very much we LOVE and adore YOU.

Note from Scott to friend:
We (Susan and I) think you guys need to consider Des Moines Christian for your boys! It is all about equipping them to lead their families in what is becoming a very difficult Iowa. Can you believe today? It is hard to watch the news! 
Pray about it! That is how we decided to spend the money. At the end of the day it is an investment. If I came to you today and asked you where you could get your best rate of return on your money? What would you say? I would contend that your best rate of return would be on money spent on those two boys that share your name. 
Something to consider 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Never too old to wrestle your big brother down

The boys love to wrestle...they especially love to wrestle with their Uncle Mike.  We affectionately call the wrestle time with him the "Take Down Cafe"...the boys "order" their wrestling moves..some examples are;

-The Chisel
-The Easter Bunny
-The Weed Hacker
-The Wow
-The Woody Hayes
-The Texas Two Step
-The Santa Claus

So whenever he is here, the countdown is always on to when they can do the "Take Down Cafe" in the basement.  This afternoon was no different.  But I proudly, still can hold my own with my little sister wrestling moves.  And after the boys had their "orders" I made a surprise attack on Mike and the other boys then piled on and joined in.  You are NEVER too old to take your big brother down.  (we are 12 months apart...my poor mother I know)

Scott grabbed the camera for a shot, the action was fast and blurry.  That is me in the black...Mike in the plaid and a whole pile of boys everywhere else.

Notice in the above photo, I am fleeing from the scene and allowing the boys to continue their "Take down" of Uncle Mike.

And afterwards, we tried for a nice shot of all of the kiddos on the couch downstairs...Alice wasn't such a fan of the photo opp.  

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Alice says SCOTT first

Well I have been working all day on getting our 14 month old niece Alice to say SUSAN....not the easiest name but I have been trying.

Scott walks in the door tonight from being gone at baseball ALL day...and I say the following...

Susan:  Alice, Look there is Uncle Scott

Alice :tttt  ttt ttt ttt and points at him

He leaves the room and once again....comes in and tttt ttt tttt

Wind, rain, cold, baseball and the playplace

Today is very chilly, rainy and windy.  Tommy and Drew are both in baseball tournaments.  My big brother Mike, his little ones, Charlie and Alice are with us this weekend.  Cara, my sis in law, is at a college reunion in town as well but staying at a hotel with girlfriends.  

The little kids and I made it to Tommy's 9 am game and then decided it was too cold and wet for them, especially little 1 year old Alice to be out.  So we opted to come home...we did make it out to the mall for an outing to the playplace there to run around awhile.  Here are a couple pics off my phone from our time.  :)  So much fun.  

We are having a fun day...Alice is now napping and Jack and Charlie playing away...they get along so well and LOVE love LOVE to be together!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Date night with Jack

The older boys have Monsanto's tickets to the ICubs game tonight....

Jack and I opted out for a date night.

Mom: Jack,  I sure love dates with you.

Jack:   They are fun Mom, it's just me and you, but I am not really your date I am your son.  Daddy is your real date guy.

Mom:  I still love dates with you, "my son".

Jack :  Aww Mom, you're so cute.

Mom: Thanks Jack,  so are you.

Jack :  I think I want to give you a kiss.


What I needed to hear today...

What We Can't See

24 Apr 2009

Marybeth Whalen

"'Don't be afraid,' the prophet answered. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed, 'O Lord, open his eyes so he may see.'" II Kings 6:16-17a (NIV)

Have you ever asked God to help you see what He's up to in the spiritual realm?

In II Kings 6:15-17, the prophet Elisha prays for his servant to be able to see beyond his circumstances. They are surrounded by a great army and the odds look to be overwhelmingly against them. He asks God to show the servant what is taking place beyond what the eye can see. The servant's eyes are opened to a supernatural realm and he is able to see the Lord's armies gathered to fight on their behalf. Elisha knew his servant was feeling hopeless and simply needed a different perspective.

We need eyes to see just like that servant did. Make no mistake, we are fighting a war. As Christians, we must suit up every day and face another battle. We have an enemy who wants to defeat us. And some days it seems like he gets the victory. We look around at the failing economy, the fractured families, and the fast pace of our lives and feel that the odds are overwhelmingly against us. We grow weary and feel like giving up.

In those moments we need to stop worrying and pray for a new vision. We need to ask God to change our perspective so that we can look past what we can see to what He is taking care of in the unseen. We need to remember to trust Him and to ask Him to help us see His activity—no matter how overwhelmed and unworthy we may feel. God sees us and He will send help when we need it.

The odds are never stacked against us because God is waging a battle we can't see. I love that He is always fighting on our behalf, even when we don't see it—and especially when we need it the most.

Dear Lord, please help me to remember that You are fighting even when I don't see it. Help me to have a vision for what You do daily on my behalf and not grow discouraged by the battles I face. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sweet Tommy

First day of Kindergarten, Fall 2003

I found this picture when I was organizing my scrapbook room, which I haven't scrapbooked in for over 3 years.  But someday maybe?  Until then I am digitally scrapping and blogging.  

Sorry I digressed, this picture was taken on the first day of Kindergarten for Tommy Fall of 2003.  When I look at this picture it makes me cry, how has he grown up so much in the past 6 years?  Where does the time go?  To me, he still looks the same, less chubby cheeks but I still see the same little boy in there.

And the days where I am frustrated with him, short tempered with him if I ONLY could stop and remember this picture.  This sweet boy, who is inside of him today and always will be, who is innocent in so much, who loves so much sometimes its a fault...who is a perfectionist, a competeitor in everything he does...he is a little boy.  A sweet little boy.

Lord, please help me to remember this picture.  Remember this face when I look at him now, growing up.  This gift of a child you have given to us...help me to parent with patience, fairness and love to him.  He is on loan from you, I need to remember that.  Thank you for our sweet Tommy.

And Lord, remind me on the days I need to be reminded that "It won't be like this for long".


First day of 5th grade Fall 2008

It won't be like this for long

I don't know how to upload video from the internet onto the blog, but this song was posted on a friend of mines page and it was just what I think I needed today.  Just a good reminder how quickly our boys are growing up and how quickly this time will pass.  Warning,  Kleenex will be needed and Mom don't let Dad read it, he will cry all day long.  

Hold your little ones close...it really won't be like this for long.

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all night
Layin’ there in bed listenin’
To his new born baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It gonna be OK

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin’
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
‘Cause it won't be like this for long

Four years later ‘bout 4:30
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This’ll only last a week or two

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won’t even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won’t be like this for long

Some day soon she'll be a teenager
And at times he'll think she hates him
Then he'll walk her down the aisle
And he'll raise her veil
But right now she's up and cryin’
And the truth is that he don't mind
As he kisses her good night
And she says her prayers

He lays down there beside her
‘Til her eyes are finally closed
And just watchin’ her it breaks his heart
Cause he already knows

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah, this phase is gonna fly by
So, he's tryin’ to hold on

‘Cause it won’t be like this for long

It won’t be like this for long

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jack's Sweet Singing

The Kindergartners sang at the end of their performance.  

Check out Jack's enthusiasm!

Love the words of the song, I pray this for each of our boys lives and for our own.

I won't turn left and I won't turn right.
Will not stray from the path that's right.
But I'll keep on seeking,
Keep on reaching.
Follow Jesus Christ.

I'm Fixin' my eyes on you,
Fixin' my eyes on you.
Only you....

Jack's Little Lamb Chapel

I hope you can click on this and watch it.  Jack did a terrific job in chapel this morning with his part in the Little Lamb story. (note the teacher behind on the risers when he says "no, not at all")

I have never uploaded video so hope it works.  I have another from his singing I will try to upload later.

Drew was our filmer, think he did a terrific job! 


Monday, April 20, 2009

Addicted to Video Games?

There was a headline in the paper today that said "More Kids are Addicted to Video Games than Ever".  Tommy was reading the paper, looking for the Sports page really and he read that aloud to me.

Tommy: Mom, I am not addicted to video games.  Aren't you glad?  I like to play sports too much to be like that.  There are a lot of days I forget to play them at all.

Mom:  Yes, I am glad Tommy

Hey Dad....

Scott just shared this with me to put on the blog...

Tonight Drew had his first Little League game...yes, he is on 2 teams, the Mariners is his AAU competitive team and then the Twins is his Little League team.  Scott is one of his LL coaches so he was coaching 3rd base.

Drew's team, the Twins, were ahead 12-0.  Drew hits one to the fence and as he gets to third base, where his Dad is coaching here is the conversation.

Dad:  Drew just stop here.

Drew:  Dad I could've had a homerun!

Dad: We are ahead by 12 runs, stay here.

Drew:  Dad I think you've been reading a little too much Tressel.  :)

To explain...Jim Tressel is the Ohio State Football Coach and has a great book out that Scott loves called, Winners Manual.  And Jim Tressel also is the kind of coach who doesn't like to run up the score on his teams...he likes to remain humble.  

The sheep by Jack

Jack's class is working on their chapel presentation for Wednesday...doing the parable of the Lost Sheep.  This was this mornings conversation as we practiced Jack's "lines".  (Words in caps are loud and emphasized by his voice)

Jack:  "The lamb was heavy, but the shepherd did not mind.  He did not mind AT ALL.

Mommy here comes the best part and you'll know why...

AT LAST they came to the sheep-fold.  The shepherd opened the gate.

Mom here it is...you're gonna love it.

He put the little lamb down beside his MOTHER (prounounced mud-er)"

See Mommy the shepherd found the baby sheep and brought him back to his Mommy.  Are you gonna cry Mommy?  Don't you think that I have the best part in the whole thing?

Me:  Jack I loved it, it is the best part of the whole story.  and yes I might cry...

...then a big hug and kiss for me from my Jack.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Go Mariners

Drew's team won their tournament this weekend!  1 game Friday, 2 yesterday and 3 today, in the cold, rain and wind I might add which is a LOT for the Mom's I can tell you that.  Drew even had a triple today with one bounce to the fence!  His trophy is about the size of Jack, and he LOVES it.  He pitched or played first base most of the tournament. He got the "Special Plate" tonight at dinner for being an encourager to his team and for doing his best.  Of course the quote we try to always remind the boys of that is painted in their bathroom..

"Always be humble in victory and gracious in defeat"....

 Drew and one of his best friends, Matt Moore

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What sport are we playing?

As I mentioned in earlier posts this week...baseball games are starting and everything is kicking into high gear.  Well guess what?  It's already time to think about signing up for football.  Yes FALL football sign ups, the deadline is May 1st if you can believe that.  

Our boys have played flag football since they were 5 years old and have always loved that.  We had always said we would wait for tackle football until it was a school sport in 7th grade (you can start tackle in 3rd grade in Waukee).  Tommy has had no desire to play tackle but Drew has toyed with the thought off and on.  Well the real kicker for him this week has been that 3 of the coaches of the ONE football team he has wanted to be on are all Dad's of good friends of his, and those buddies all play tackle.  They are Dad's that are more laid back than MOST tackle football coaches, don't make them practice in the rain, don't do the crazy 3 hour a night practices...they are reasonable, realistic Dad's who have lives and family outside of youth sports.  And trust me, there aren't a lot of those in youth sports in Des Moines!

They have been asking Drew to come and play with them next year...selling him on how they need another BIG kid (which Drew eats up), how much their sons want him to play with them, how they could use him as a running back or tight end (which means little to nothing to me and my football knowledge)...but Drew has been tossing it around since last fall when he went to some of their games.  Well the kicker came when they told him today, we need another coach and we would like your Dad to coach Drew.  Drew was IN!  If his Dad can be one of the coaches....sign him up for about anything.  (of course I did run it all by our pediatrician when I saw him last night at the benefit...and he assured me that tackle at his age should be fine, they don't go real fast with all of the pads, and he very well could be safer there than in flag with no pads)

I do remember my brother played tackle football when we were in elementary school and he survived.  His coach was CRAZY and my Dad was the assistant coach which was entertaining...not that my Dad isn't a great coach, or didn't know football, he played college ball BUT more that my Dad is a mellow guy who just wanted the kids to have fun.  And this other coach was PSYCHO about it ALL.  He would fit in well to today's sports crazed parents.  I cannot remember the guys name...which is odd since he is kind of the measure we have used for years for crazy coaches.  Mike...Dad...what was his name?  Coach Lennon?

I digress sorry....

Pray for us as we determine if this is the right move for Drew.  4th grade tackle makes me nervous, but the Dad's that are coaching, are some of the best guys I know.  They know me and they know Drew and have his best interest at heart.  And the Dr. did okay it....


Batters up....

Drew is playing in a baseball tournament this weekend in Indianola, IA. About 40 minutes from home.  Tommy and I went to his first game this morning, he played first base well, pitched well, struck out his 2nd time up to bat but then felt like he redeemed himself when he hit a double the next time up!  Scott and Jack got there in time to see his double and most of his pitching, they came right from Jack's first baseball game in Waukee.

It was a cold and very rainy morning...the rain was pouring down when it came time for his 2nd game of the day to begin at 1pm so Tommy, Jack and I headed home.  Yes, we are fair weather fans somedays.  But then Scott called to tell me...Drew hit ANOTHER double when the bases were loaded in his second game, think he even had a full count on him and a friend of his was the pitcher for the other team.  Wow!  Scott called all choked up, so happy for Drew and so proud.   Wish I could have seen Drew's face for that one.   Drew has been having some struggles with batting, just feeling frustrated by it...batting seems to be a very mental thing.   It's hard to be a Mom when your child feels sad and frustrated.   And so today is quite the victory for him.  He needed that for a boost in his batting confidence.  Sad I missed it...

Way to go Drew!  We are proud of you through it all....

we love YOU

Friday, April 17, 2009

Have I told you...

...that I LOVE Fridays?  Especially ones where the sun is shining and the weather is beautiful!   The grass is turning green, the tulips are coming up I believe spring may actually be here. 

Baseball starts this weekend.  Tommy's first game is tonight, Drew has a tournament starting tonight and Jack's first game is tomorrow morning!  It is that time of year.

Scott and I have a benefit to go to tonight for the boys' school so sadly we cannot be at the games tonight.  :(  Doesn't make either one of us very happy, but we had already committed to the school dinner and feel like we need to be there.  We have some friends we are looking forward to sitting with and spending time with as well.

I am leaving soon to go to a friends house and help feed babies!  Can't wait.  She had twins about 4 weeks ago and is wanting help with their feedings so I gladly volunteered.  I haven't met the girls yet so I am excited.  They are her first babies and it wasn't an easy road getting them here.  God is good and I am looking forward to it.  Holding and feeding babies NEVER gets old to me.    Always thought twins would have been so much fun.  But God had a different plan....grateful for our boys.  

I do love Fridays...tomorrow a day with the family at baseball fields, dinner at a friends' house, Sunday church, Sunday School and more baseball.  

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Window screens and my Mom

Why is it that every spring when I put my screens in the windows I think of my Mom?  I know...because when I was little I was always her screen helper.  (I use the word "always" loosely Mom)  But I do remember year after year wiping down the screens with her.  I can STILL SEE so vividly my bedroom window, and my Mom talking to me while we wiped down the screens.  I remember the goofy little triangle shaped things we had to use to put the screens into the windows and lock them in.  We were always short at least one for each window, but we made it work with 2-3 of the 4 they required.  The yellow floral fabric on the walls until I was older and then the Laura Ashley pink, balloon curtains...remember it all like a picture.  

Out of one of my windows was the backyard, terraced with woods and a pond.  And out of the other window was my favorite pussy willow tree which we would cut twigs off of in the spring and put on the kitchen table, always.

I need to remember that now as a Mom to 3 little boys, there are memories just like these that the boys will remember when they get older.  Something that probably seemed so little to my own Mom, something she probably just wanted help with...is something that to this day makes me tear up thinking of those happy times with Mom.  

Love you Mom and am loving putting screens in the windows.  


You know it's bad when you start having dreams about organizing.  I woke up this morning from a dream where I was trying to get the boys closets organized, and mine, and every time I opened the door to each closet it was a mess again and another pile of clothes was sitting there for me to fold, hang and organize.  Sadly not so sure it was just a dream!  Time to get on top of those closets!

Guess what I am going to work on today?  Cleaning out my closet.   It is something I need to do for spring and it must be bad if it's giving me bad dreams?  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Best Mom EVER

It doesn't take much at this house to be "the BEST Mom Ever"....

I cleaned out the freezer in the garage to prepare it for spring/summer treats for the boys.   The Schwans man came last night and I stocked up on ice cream and ice cream goodies.  4 different kinds of ice cream, chocolate chip cookie sandwiches, popsicles, dippin dots... 

We drove in from school today and Drew opened the freezer door, and did a little dance in the garage while chanting "you are the best Mom ever" for me.  

They say the key to a man's heart is through his stomach, think it works for boys too.  :)

Happy Birthday to the BEST pie maker EVER...

Scott's parents came to hear him speak at a meeting last fall in Ohio.

Today is my Mother-in-law Letha's birthday, Scott's wonderful Mom.  Happy 79th Birthday!  She is by far the BEST pie maker ever.  I am NOT kidding when I say that.  She has won awards and ribbons for her pies.  Her pies are sought after by every church member in N. Lawrence Ohio.  The men will pay a high price at any church auction for her pies.  I hope to someday master her skills, or at least sort of master them.  She probably has been making pies since she was 14 years old in the kitchen with her Mom and her Aunt Katie, who lived with them.  And when I say they made pies, they always had pies, and several to choose from on their counters.  So she has made 1000's of pies.  No joke.

If you know my beloved Scott, then you know he is a HUGE sports fan.  Well guess who else is?  His MOM!  Not so much his Dad..his Mom is the sports nut in the house.  She loves the Buckeyes most of all.  She follows the Indians and the Browns closely as well.  She follows Scott's High School team, the Smithies as well.  When we were in Ohio for Spring Break we took her to the Smithies regional basketball game, she was more excited than any of the rest of us.  She loves sports.  And I love that about her, and the boys think it is very cool to be able to "talk sports" with Grandma Shisler.

Smithie Game over Spring Break

I have a lot of respect for Scott's Mom.  She has worked very hard.  Scott's Dad was gone a lot when he was growing up, either out in the fields farming or driving his milk route.  She did a LOT of work.  She had a big garden as well.  Scott is the middle of 3 kids, he has an older sister and a younger brother and I can assure you there is a lot of effort in raising 3 kids.  Funny side note...from the time I have known her she was in charge of the church Sr Citizens dinner, which is a lot of people...and I always found it interesting that here she was a Sr. Citizen herself yet she was coordinating this meal and making it homemade.  She has since retired that position to someone else.

Thanksgiving 2007 with sweatshirts she gave to the boys..Go Bucks!

Grandma Shisler makes the best applesauce, best pot roast (sorry Mom), best snickerdoodle cookies, pies, mashed potatoes, zucchini casseroles, cookie dough, squish down cookies, pie crust, apple dumplings, best M & M cookies (right Love?)...EVER!  Don't ever go to her house and plan to lose weight there.

We appreciate you and all that you do....most of all thanks for giving me the Love of my life, Scott.  As a Mom of 3 boys I am sure it wasn't so easy to have given him to me, know he still loves you very much!  :)  Thanks for being supportive of Scott and I, our marriage, our family...we feel so blessed to have been given the parents that we have.  We appreciate the legacy that you are leaving for our boys, your only grandchildren.  We pray that they will always make you proud as they carry on the Shisler name into the next generations.

Happy Birthday...we love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How tall?

Tommy had a Dr's appointment today.  The highlight of it was when they measured him.  He was 5'3 " tall there.  He did have his shoes on so we determined they added an inch so that makes him 5"2" he was very excited about that.  Has felt like he was 5'1" for a very long time.  I think at the rate he is growing he will really be 5'3" by the end of summer.  

He has already passed up a couple of my friends in height and a couple of my cousins too.  Watch out to my Mom....he is going to pass you up SOON!

Gentleman Skills

Tonight at dinner

Jack: "Hey Mommy, I am working on my gentleman skills"

Mommy: "Jack that's great, what have you been doing to work on them"

Jack:  "I've been holding doors at school for girls and letting them go in front of me in drink lines"

Mommy:  "Jack I am proud of you, that is so kind."

Jack:  "Yeah Mommy, I know"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mom's 70th, Benson, Easter, the Farm....

We had a full weekend.  We left early Saturday morning to head to Benson MN, where my Grandma Lu lives.  It is about 2.5 hours from Mpls so it was about a 6 hour drive from here. The boys were so excited.  

We got to Grandma's in time for her yummy, homemade sloppy joes for lunch.  My big brother Mike, Cara, Charlie and Alice were already there as well as my Mom and Dad.  Jack couldn't get out of the car fast enough to see Charlie.  I couldn't help but cry when I saw sweet Alice WALKING!  We hadn't seen them since Christmas which is a really long time it seems.  

Charlie (5) and Jack (6)...the best of friends and cousins

On Grandma Lu's deck with the Terwilligers and Shislers

After lunch we drove out to my Uncle Mick's farm.  It is the same farm where my Grandma Lu lived when we were little so it has this wonderful feeling of home to me.  Although the house has changed, they have added a garage, the horses are no longer there...the land is so familiar to me.  I feel like I am 6 years old again running around in her yard.  I don't know how to explain it but it is such a happy place for me.  I have so many wonderful memories of the farm and Grandma living on it...the cool bottom drawer in the bathroom filled with the most wonderful bath toys, the metal swingset, the smell of her burn barrel, the garden, the barn where the horses once were, the kittens that were everywhere.  I remember playing in the yard with my cousins, running around, playing house, playing in the little pool...it just takes me right back to being a little girl.  Uncle Mick and my cousin Andy got all of the toys out, the 4 wheeler, front loader, gator...all of them and we had a blast playing with them all.

On the farm playing with the toys

That night we had a birthday celebration in honor of March and April birthdays.  We all went out to eat...14 great grandchildren under the age of 12.  It was so busy.  The waitress was so sweet, she was a little older and she just kept saying to me, you have the most wonderful family.  What wonderful people.  You are all so kind.  It has been a pleasure serving you all.  It was so sweet.  She even gave me a hug as we left and as I was apologizing for leaving the room like a tornado just blew threw it.  So much fun.  

Great Grandma Lu and 14 of her 18 Great Grandchildren

Sunday morning was Easter.  After the boys woke up at 6:15 am in the hotel...ahem.  (a little early for this Mom)  We had breakfast with the cousins who were all at the hotel and quick popped over to my Grandma's to wish Mom a happy 70th and sing to her before church.  We filled 2 1/2 pews at church and Grandma Lu was in all her glory.  I could see it in her face...despite the chaos of all the little kids moving, up and down, coloring, whispering, talking, crawling on the floor...etc...she didn't notice a bit of it.  You could tell her heart was so content.  She had 3 of her 4 kids home, she had 14 of her 18 grandchildren in town...her cup was overflowing.  She didn't mind the craziness.  She sat between my Mom and Tommy with one of the most content faces I have ever seen.

All the kids on Grandma Lu's step...looking into the sunshine...

The Shislers, Mom and Dad, and the Terwilligers

We celebrated Easter and our risen King at her house after church.  All of us...thanks to Butch Behrens who catered it and is a good friend of the family, we were able to relax and not think about the food.  We just had fun.  The little cousins all got along wonderfully...the big cousins did too and we had moments to catch up.  6 of Grandma's 9 grandchildren were there.   There was a lot of laughter.  An Easter egg hunt for the little guys, thank you Aunt Sandy for coordinating that effort.  And even some time to celebrate Mom's 70th with yet another cake.  

Happy 70th Birthday Mom!

Me with Sweet baby Alice

Charlie and Poppy in their matching shirts and ties

My favorite from the whole time was little Jack...Mike had Alice and they were walking while we waited for our food on Saturday night...Jack, Charlie and Soren followed Mike out and as they were walking Jack put his arms around the 2 other boys and patted them saying "Good Times...Good Times".  Couldn't have said it better myself.

Good times...