"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh Sweet Baby

We had another Dr's appt today, this time only Scott and I went. They were able to find baby heartbeat easily this time, although baby didn't stay in the same spot so she had to keep chasing him/her around to be able to time it. What a sweet sound that fast little beat is to a Momma's ears.

Then our Dr. offered a sneak peak at baby in the Ultrasound room, a pretty old machine and not very clear, didn't even get a good picture as baby wouldn't sit still. So much fun to watch them move, and flip around, and even got to watch them sucking their thumb. You could see baby's mouth sucking. It was pretty amazing. Saw the spine, the legs, the hands...the miracle of life growing right inside of me.

Wednesday we have our BIG ultrasound, the one downtown at the specialists office. We are taking the boys with us to it, they will be in awe. It will be a memory I don't think they will ever forget, being able to see their baby brother/sister on the big screen...I can't wait. I can't wait for my self but I think most of all I can't wait for the boys.

No, we won't find out if it's a boy or girl. We never do, we don't care. (but I sure wish I had $1- for every time someone asks us that) The blessing of a healthy baby is a gift. I was talking to a friend the other day about that...and told her that I was actually glad that we don't get to pick what gender the baby is...I wouldn't know which one would fit better into our family. I am glad God chooses that, and chose it long before we ever knew this baby would come. He knows what our family will be, He knows what is best for all of us..He just knows. And as Scott always replies to people when they ask...he says "We do know one thing, this baby is a Buckeye, and that's all we need to know". Cute response. And as Jack tells people, "we don't get to pick anyways so why find out"? Good point.

But oh sweet baby...we can't wait to meet you in January. Wednesday, January 20th to be exact it's officially on the Dr's calendar!


  1. I'm rejoicing with you at seeing your baby today. It's always such a special moment to see that little person. The big ultrasound will just blow the boys away...wish I could be a fly on the wall that day!

  2. I can't wait to hear about Wednesday. Did they schedule your c-section yet? I'm so glad you're not finding out. I can't wait to get the email saying "It's a ....." My favorite part. I love waiting during my c-section for those words and I love getting to call people and hear their reaction.

    I'm so excited for you.

  3. You know, I will remind you that January 13 is a very good day to be born. :) So very wonderful to hear and see a sweet baby growing. Makes my tummy tickle just thinking about it.

  4. Rejoicing with you Susan!!! Can't wait to hear the boys reaction to the ultra sound!

  5. So exciting! The boys will love going to your appointment on Wednesday. I am glad you aren't finding out. We didn't find out with any of ours either. With Mauryn my doctor had to put a note on my file to NOT tell us since we were his only patients at that time who didn't want to know. It was great when I delivered her (via c section) the whole team was excited - they said they don't ever get surprises anymore. I loved the surprise. Babies are such miracles. Amazing!
