"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well, as promised dinner tonight was our Kids Against Hunger dinner. As mentioned in Sunday's blog. (sorry don't know how to link you back to that blog) The boys were not very excited by this meal and were not very happy when told this was it for dinner, and there was no dessert or bedtime snacks either. I did promise them there would be breakfast tomorrow.

But to all of our amazement the meal was really quite good. The boys all liked it and said they would eat it again, but next time they wanted a piece of chicken on top. :) It was amazing how much it actually made. It is designed to feed a family of 6, and we had about one serving leftover when we were all done eating.

It lent to a nice prayer before dinner by Tommy thanking God for the food that we do have...and ended with Jack thinking we should do this every day for a week and make it our only meal then we would really understand the "experience" as he said.

I would say it was a good family dinner and a good way to discuss how much we have, and how little many others have for food. Just looking at the table and not having anything on it besides the bowl of rice was different. Usually our table is covered and we have stuff to pass and share. Not tonight.

We did have our "normal" milk to drink, Jack thought we should have had water. Next time...


  1. That's just awesome - that dinner will be forever seared into your boys' minds. I have one of those packets in my pantry - looks like I need to pull it out for dinner soon....

  2. Big tears rolling down my face. You're doing a fine job raising those boys. They are already gentlemen.
