"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yes, golfing in November

Saturday after seeing Santa the boys wanted to golf..could hardly say no it was such a beautiful day. I rode along in the cart for a few holes and escorted Jack. The older boys were all walking the course. Beautiful day....how often do you see 56 degree weather in Iowa at the end of November.

Dressed for golf...

Just made me smile seeing all 4 of the boys putting, what a great hobby they can share!

Drew's pretty swing...

That tooth is about to come out...

The golfer boys

Friday, November 27, 2009


Visiting Santa this morning....

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

P.S. We got a new camera! :) Today I was trying it out. I am very excited, as you know I LOVE to take pics of our boys. We can use all of the same lens' so that is a bonus. Hoping the pics are more clear and brighter. I was a little disappointed in how ours had been keeping up. Merry Early Christmas to us.

Thursday, November 26, 2009



After serving dinner at the shelter last night, I was beat, knew I would be so planned to eat Thanksgiving Dinner out. Hmm it could become a habit. It was wonderful not to have to shop for, prepare and clean up a big meal. The food was wonderful and we felt spoiled, well I did for sure.

It was wonderful to get up slowly, snuggle in jammies to watch the parade and get ready at our leisure for our 11:30 reservation at Des Moines Golf.

Some pics of us before and after the big meal. Mom and Dad were here for the ultrasound, the shelter dinner and Thanksgiving dinner, then left to head back to MN after Dad had a little catnap in the early afternoon. :)


No coincidences...NOPE none

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, I wanted to share this clip from Jon Kalvig's blog...he works at our church, heads up student ministries. He came to the shelter last night as a guest of my friend Shelly York who is on our shelter team. As those of you who know that were there...we had a LOT of help. There were moments I wondered if we had TOO much help. But after getting word of this story from Shelly today I am reminded and KNOW that each and every ONE of us there last night, was supposed to be there. God has no coincidences. And the story in Jon's blog is testament to that. To the moment he saw the girl he knew to the fact that a coat was provided for her...God KNOWS, He always KNOWS.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving day...

"Yesterday was a beautiful reminder that relationships don’t die. Then, after an unbelievable experience, I realized that God keeps people in your path for a reason. The whole day became a joy-filled time and an early Thanksgiving gift to me....

And then a reunion of unique fashion. As my in-law family decided to spend a bit of our Thanksgiving Eve serving a meal at a homeless shelter, I was shocked to find someone I knew. It wasn’t the fact that she was at a homeless shelter that surprised me – it’s been a difficult year for her. After completely losing touch with her for over a year, when her life took a turn for the worse – she called me out of the blue early this year. Since then I’ve seen her in the most random of places. Her situation does not bring a smile to my face, as she is confused, lost, and wasting her life. Yet God clearly wants me to keep praying for her; to continue to offer hope and nuggets of wisdom. God has a plan here – it’s evident. To end up at this shelter – my first time being there, and her second week staying there – is God sovereign. And then, to exclamate the evening, as we were leaving the house Kelly asked “Do you think the shelter could use a couple of my coats I no longer wear?” She brought them just in case. An hour later I was standing outside with this young lady as she smoked a cigarette. Noticing she was cold I asked if she had warmer clothing – perhaps a thick coat. She said they are hard to come across, especially when you have no money. I think you see where this is going. God provided.

Let this be a reminder to all that God puts people in your path for a reason. Some to be blessed by. Others to be a blessing to. Listen to the Spirit of God. He’s bound to shock you too." www.jonkalvig.com


Last night was our long awaited night to serve again at the Central Iowa Shelter. Tommy, Drew and I served with my friend Wendy and her church in September. That night inspired me greatly. If I knew how to link you back to the blog on that I would, but it was written in early September if you want to go back and re read. :)

I shared with a few friends how moved I was by the shelter and by the entire experience. Since that night, I was able to get in touch with the lady who heads up volunteers for the shelter and through my friends who made the initial commitment to each head up once a quarter, we have made a commitment, along with about 18 other families who are friends of ours, to serve 4 times a year there. This includes making the food, preparing everything, donating and providing everything for dinner and breakfast the next morning. Last night was our first official night! It was my turn to head it up and we were SO blessed. Once again, God shows up and amazes me.

As I stood there with a kitchen overflowing with people who signed up to help off of our team, and friends of those on the shelter team who invited themselves and wanted to help I started to cry. And nope has nothing to do with being pregnant....just overwhelmed. I looked over at my friend Wendy who came to help me lead it all...she is the one who invited us a few months ago. I looked at her and thought WOW! First off the fact that she reached out and asked if we would like to serve with her in September...and now here we are 3 months later with our own team overflowing....food everywhere. God had put it all together. He knew. He knew we would go with Wendy, He knew it would touch my heart, He knew that I would then be inspired to serve and set up the rest. He knew...

I stood there with this kitchen full of people awaiting direction, eager to serve and I knew on the other side of that kitchen wall was a room full of people waiting for food. We had more than enough people to be able to serve them a sit down meal. How often do you think a homeless person gets "served" food? Sits down and has someone waiting on them? It all made me so emotional...

So as I directed I cried...and my parents had come to serve that night as well I looked for my Dad, knowing he'd be crying with me, and he was. I wasn't the only one. We prayed and got ready to serve the over 130 people who were living there.

The whole evening touched my heart...watching the kids coming up to me and asking, "What can we do? What else can I pass around?" Isn't that what we REALLY want to be teaching our kids? How to serve others? How to put others before ourselves? Isn't that what we as adults want our days to be filled with? Less of ME more of Him?

What a blessed evening it was...our boys can't wait to go back. They want to do this every month! Fills my heart with joy...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Sweet baby

Sleeping Baby

Squinching up its face

Trying to suck on its arm

We got another sneak peak at baby this morning. He/she is doing well and almost 4.5 lbs now. The sonographer even turned the 4D machine on again and we watched baby with hiccups, make some squinchy faces and sleep. Pretty amazing stuff.

Scott is convinced this is a boy even more now...looks SO much like its brothers. I would have to agree. So we have been debating boy names again this morning. Healthy baby is the best part. And we still don't actually KNOW if it's a boy or girl.

My parents were at the ultrasound as were the boys, we needed the party room for the amount of people we had in there. It was fun to hear the collective sigh when she turned on the 4D and everyone could actually SEE this little one. Felt like a family get together. So wonderful...and yes, Dad cried through it all.

Monday, November 23, 2009

You passed!

"You passed with flying colors!" Now those are the words you love to hear! I talked to my OB nurse a bit ago and got my lab results back from this morning. 77 was my score and passing is 75-100 so I am doing great! woo hoo!

So I was able to cancel my appointment this afternoon for the diabetic clinic! That was a wonderful phone call to make!

No gestational diabetes here. I did learn a good lesson through this...when they tell you to FAST for a blood lab. They REALLY do mean it. It really DOES make a difference. :) SO much for sneaking in my rice krispies and skim milk before the test last week. oops. At least I know now that they do mean it. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Yenenesh!

Yesterday was Yenenesh's birthday, she is our Compassion child. She turned 7 just like Jack. We have been thinking of her and praying she had a wonderful birthday!

I wonder how she celebrated her birthday? Did she have a family party? What do they do to celebrate birthdays where she lives in Africa? Do you have a cake? Do you sing a birthday song? I really wonder about these things for her....

I pray she got our birthday letter and that the gift compassion chose for her from us, made her feel special. (you cannot send gifts you send money and they choose the gift)

Happy Birthday across the world sweet Yenenesh!

Friday, November 20, 2009

7 years ago today....

Morning present opening Toy Story Mania game for Wii...this was our favorite ride at Disney and now it is a game! So fun!

Buzz Lightyear shooter from the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disney, another family favorite.

Homemade "little rolls" for breakfast and LOTS of them

His class singing happy birthday to Jack before they ate his birthday snack of cookies

7 years ago today we welcomed our little Jack Michael into this world. What a blessing he has been. Those blond curls, and big smiles melt our hearts daily. Jack is a one of a kind, funny boy, entertainer, snuggler and great brother. He doesn't require a lot of sleep, never has, and is ready for adventure at the flip of a dime. He still loves to sneak into our room at night and hopes he will be able to go undetected and make it into our bed, doesn't usually work. Loves to get kisses from Mommy at 3 a.m. then usually heads back to his room from there.

We celebrated his bday today with little rolls made at home (Poppy's recipe), presents before school, Wendy's for lunch at school with the family, homemade chocolate chip cookies for his class this afternoon and a Lego birthday party tonight at home with friends. It has been a BUSY day! This momma is tired, and the birthday boy sound asleep.

Birthday Cookie Cake he designed, LEGO in the middle and than some Star Wars figures he chose from Hyvee for the top

The birthday party guests

Jack with his beloved Miss Emily and her hubby Ross, they are like family to us.

The birthday party

I do love days like this though...love celebrating the gift of each of our boys. Precious gifts. Last night when I prayed with Jack at bedtime and snuggled he reminded me, "this is the last time you will see me as a 6 year old Mommy, your last time to snuggle me when I am 6"....so very sweet. He climbed in bed with me this morning, Scott was long up, and said "Good morning Mom, want to wish your 7 year old a happy birthday?". Never skips a beat this little son of ours.

So Happy Birthday sweet Jack, know how very much Daddy and I love you. You are a priceless treasure.


Happy Birthday Sweet Jack!

Your own plate of homemade "little rolls" for breakfast...
Opening 7 gifts before school starts...
Daddy driving you to school.
$34- Wendy's lunch for 5 brought to school-
A medium chocolate Frosty for dessert...

Smile on the birthday boy's face.


Happy 7th Birthday Jack! We love you! xoxo

PS More later on the bday. Today has been a nutty day. Party is tonight!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wonderful reminder this morning...

I Don't Want to Raise Successful Children

19 Nov 2009

Lysa TerKeurst

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

I don't want to raise successful children. That's a shocking thing to read, and a shocking thing for a mother to type. So, let me clarify.

I used to define success according to my child's report card. Good grades and academic achievement would surely equal a good child with great potential in this world. But then several of my children wound up being average students with average grades. Though we carted them off to tutors and spent many a late night at the kitchen table helping them, they remained average. And I remained concerned and frustrated.

One report card day I found myself facedown in the fibers of my carpet crying and wondering, "Where have I gone wrong as a mom?"

I dug into Scriptures. I begged God for wisdom and discernment. I prayed for God's perspective with each of my kids. Finally, one day it dawned on me -
what if I simply chose to embrace the natural bent of each of my kids as God's way to protect them and keep them on the path toward His best plans for their lives?

What if my A student needs academic success to prepare her for God's plans while my average to below-average student needs to be steered away from a more academic future? What if my sports star kid needs that athletic excellence for his future assignments by God, but my benchwarmer kid is being protected from getting off course by her lack in this area?

And that's when it finally dawned on me.
My job isn't to push success for my kids. My job as a parent is to recognize the unique way God created each child and point them to Jesus at every turn along their journey toward adulthood. Yes, I want my kids to learn and thrive and grow up educated, but it's not a flaw in me or them if they don't have straight A report cards and trophy cases full of sports medals.

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" (NIV).

I am challenged to ponder these words, "… in the way he should go." Are we training our kids that the "way he should go" is to chase worldly achievement or to chase God? Whatever they learn to chase as a child, they will chase as adults. Therefore, we must be challenged to honestly assess the way we are pointing them to go.

My daughter, Hope, is one of my average students. She has also warmed many a bench in the sports she's tried, and can always be found hiding on the back row of the stage during school concerts. Using the world's benchmarks for achievement, Hope wouldn't be seen as a child positioned for success. But God…

This past January, my 15 year old Hope, shocked me when she announced she wanted to go to Ethiopia with some missionary friends of ours and live in the remote African bush for the summer. Yes, she may not have trophies and straight A report cards but she does have a heart of gold. And because she's not entrenched in sports and academic pursuits that could have created obligations for her summer, she was free to go to Africa.
Free to chase God in a really big way.

One of the first e-mails she sent me from Ethiopia read, "Mom, I've fallen in love with the AIDS orphanage children. They rushed at me when I held my arms out and I tried with all my might to hold all 30 of them at once. I love it here."

Now, don't get me wrong. I do expect Hope to return to her studies this fall, give 100% effort, and finish her high school career having done her very best. She will most likely then go to college. But she probably won't be delivering the valedictorian address or wearing the honors cords and medals. She'll be the one with a vision of a dying AIDS orphan pressing against her heart ready to chase God's plans to the ends of the earth.

So back to my original statement,
I don't want to raise successful children. It's true, I don't. Though Hope's sister coming behind her is an A student and can always be found on the front row of school performances - we don't chase after success for her either. I trust God that she needs those things in her life for the plans He's unfolding in her life. We train with that bent in mind. But, we don't chase it. Just like Hope, we point her in the direction of God at every turn and pray like crazy.

I stand by what I said and I'll say it again,
I don't want to raise successful children. Because--- raising God-honoring adults who will set the world on fire for Christ is just so much more rewarding.

Dear Lord, being a mom is a really tough job. Please help me, teach me and show me how to define success for my kids. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jack's day farming

These pics were on the camera with Scott hence the late post...

Last week, Thursday before Scott left for Ohio with Drew, he took Jack up to Mr. Sansgaards farm for the "Annual Governor's Harvest". :) A little background info for some of you, Brian Sansgaard dubbed Jack "The Governor" a couple of years ago due to his outgoing and friendly personality. The name stuck. Brian is a good friend, and customer, of Scott's who lives near Story City, Iowa. He owns a business but also does a lot of farming on the side, he has come guys who head that up for him.

Jack and Mr. Sansgaard share a love and passion for John Deere, corn and harvesting. Brian has been kind enough to invite Jack up for the past 3 maybe even 4 years now to harvest some of his corn. Jack looks forward to it like you wouldn't believe. It is one of the highlights of his fall and something he doesn't ever want to miss.

Here are some pics from the day, Daddy drove the combine for some of the harvest and then Jack rode in the tractor with Mr. Chris, for some too. Brian always seems to have some fun John Deere goodies for Jack at the end of their harvest as you can see in the picture of Jack at his office.

Drew's Buckeye Weekend

Drew chose to go to the Buckeye/Iowa game long ago. Before we knew what a BIG game it would be, and we knew the pressure that would be on our beloved Buckeyes. What a fun weekend they had...just the 2 of them.

They left after school on Thursday and stayed in Indianapolis Thursday night. Friday morning they were up early, enjoying a big breakfast at the hotel and off to Columbus they went. Once in Columbus it was 70 and sunny so they were able to get in a round of golf at the Ohio State University Golf Scarlet course...all 18 holes of it. They headed to Drew's favorite, "Eddie Georges" restaurant for dinner. And then off to see our friends the Townsleys for the night.

Golf at the Scarlet Course

Eddie George's Cafe Nachos

Saturday they headed down to the stadium to meet up with one of Scott's friends, and a guy he works with here in Iowa Brian Sansgaard. He is a Hawkeye fan so they wanted to show him around. Scott and Drew then headed to the Ohio State Presidents luncheon pregame party.

Showing Mr. Sansgaard and his nephew around campus, at the hockey rink
Presidents Club Lunch

They found our family paver at the stadium, pre Jack and pre baby :)

At the Presidents Club pre game lunchThe game was as close as it could be 24-24 in the end with an overtime that gave the Buckeyes the WIN. They then "stormed the field" after the game.

Cheering during the game...

Game time

After storming the field, laying on the block O

On the field

They headed to the farm that night, where Grandma and Grandpa Shisler are...went to church with them on Sunday, had a quiet afternoon there, went to play 9 holes at Lions Den golf course in the afternoon and home for dinner. Scott's sister, Kathy, was there part of the day as well.

After church with Aunt Kathy at the farm

With Grandma and Grandpa Shisler Monday while Scott chopped stalks for his Dad in the field Drew played with their dog Cindy and went to town with grandma and grandpa Shisler for lunch...and then Scott and Drew headed to Cleveland in the late afternoon. They went to the Monday night football Cleveland Browns game, Drew's first in Cleveland, Scott's second.

At the Browns game

Tuesday...they came home. Drew talked non stop at dinner last night. I am not kidding, he hardly took a breath. Had SO much to share and had so much fun being with his Dad. What wonderful, blessed weekends.