"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Do you think he will ever come home?

Scott took Jack to MN on Wednesday to spend a week with my parents.  Jack's wish for the summer was to get to go ALONE to the cabin!  Sweet boy is longing for some one on one time I think...

Grandma has been texting me pics....

Do you think he will ever want to come home?

 At the lego store at MOA

 Riding with our niece Alice in the semi, don't think he really fits

 Poppy met Grandma and Jack for breakfast at our favorite Original Pancake House this morning..the famous choc chip pancakes with EXTRA whipped cream

 Trying out the Kayak at the lake

 First fish of the summer

 Dinner at our favorite Rafferty's Pizza in Nisswa

By the book store in Nisswa...after dinner

Jack's Commercial

Jack's Commercial for Iowa State

About a month ago Jack got a call to see if he would be interested in having a small part in this commercial.   He had so much fun making THIS one last year that he didn't have to think twice about saying yes.  Here is the commercial that will be airing in Iowa soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kitty Love

Sometime this past week this baby kitty found it's way to the farm.  Scott's parents had been keeping her safe in a cage away from the dog so that we could see her. Max was in LOVE, and I mean LOVE with the kitty.  At first he was scared and as you can see by the progression of photos below, he fell in LOVE with her.  Now before you all comment and tell me we should get a kitten for him let me remind you both Drew and I are TERRIBLY allergic to cats...not to mention our sweet niece Alice would never be able to come to our house either due to her allergies.  And lastly, kittens are darling and sweet and cats...well let's just say I don't like cats once they are grown.

Enjoy the sweetness...

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Shisler Farm

Home from a few days on the farm in Ohio.  Scott's brother Doug came home from Virginia and his sister, who lives close, came out too.  Saturday we were all together....we, of course, opted to snap some family photos while we were all together since it doesn't happen very often any more.

Here is one of the best ones, and this I set up with the self timer.  Pretty amazing we are all looking ESPECIALLY the boys.

More to come later...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It takes a village...

The saying is so true, it takes a village to raise these children of ours.  I am SO grateful that I have so many wonderful women in my "village".  Friends who will help me with about anything I ask.  Friends who will pray for me, cry with me, laugh with me, bring me a meal when I need it, show up at an ER and park my car and give me sanity, friends who love my children, friends who care for them and will even put them in time outs because they KNOW it's what I would do and mostly dear friends who reassure me that I am going to be just fine and we are going to make it.  This motherhood gig is not for the weak....it is a marathon and we take a few steps every single day.

Going to graduation open houses this month for some of these kids that whose Momma's are in my "village" is bittersweet...watching these kids growing up.  Sigh, we are here to give them wings and pray them up before they set out on their own.  I know that but man, sometimes it is hard.

Today this funny chain of emails went through a group of us...and please know how very much we all LOVE our children, and also note that school is just out, or almost out for all of us.  But this just made me smile.

Friend 1 - I am seriously tired of being in charge and being responsible!!!!!!!  I feel much better getting that off my chest. Carry on with your afternoon.   :)

Friend 2 - Lol. Ditto. And with the way (child) & (child) were with each other today, I need to make some serious plans for the summer or I may need to be committed.

Friend 3 - Oh man...summer has definitely started over here...messes no one wants to be responsible for, hitting, fights, tattling, non stop requests for food NOW, did I mention messes...and we were only home for 1 and a half hours b4 we left for pump it up (w coupon they were willing to extend). I believe in us moms tho! We will survive!!!

Friend 1 - Summer hasn't even started here!!!!! LOL! :). Maybe if we all just gathered, threw food in the middle of the room, like chips and pop, they would fend for themselves for a couple of hours. :)

Friend 4 - I already tried to make arrangements for a couple of my kids to go elsewhere for the summer.  None are panning out so far.  Right now I'm sitting in my van in my driveway, by myself. Don't get me wrong I love them like crazy but I am s.c.a.r.e.d. for summer.

Friend 3 - Does anyone have invisible fence? We could get them all collars, put the voltage on low, sit inside and sip beverages as they play.

Friend 1 - LOL!  I just told my kids they could have whatever they wanted for a snack, even candy! They are currently watching tv while I hide.

Friend 5 - I'm laughing at all of these messages as I just hauled around an extra child for the afternoon and she just threw up at Yo To Go!!!!

Friend 1 - Please tell me she threw up in an appropriate place?????? Like a toilet and not your back seat?

Friend 4 - I can't stop laughing...invisible fence, hiding...hahahaha!

Friend 4 (in response to the email about the throwing up) - SHUT UP!!!!!

Friend 2 - LOL!  This is the best string of messages ever.  I really want to anonymously blog about it.  I'm just sitting here with "we're all in this together..." going through my head.  C'mon, sing it with me now...

Friend 6 - lol like the invisible fence :)  3 of mine are in the back with the hose on...I am just letting them soak themselves.  the fence doors are locked and shut

Friend 1 - I might have to blog this. I will keep names out because it makes me laugh. Hard.

Friend 2 (in reference to blogging this) - ditto.  so ditto.  think about how encouraging it will be for the moms who read our blogs and only have babies and toddlers.  they'll really be looking forward to the next phase of life then.  lol

Friend 6 - So true. Pls blog. And copy me in on it do I can repost without the effort. We are in this together ladies. And I've got the oldest child of the bunch. It's still hard!!!

Friend 7 -All this signals one thing and one thing only..you all need to plan a girls trip down to see me and we will go to the beach!!!  This whole conversation is making me laugh out loud in the aisles of Target! I love you all, you van-hiding, candy -bribing, vomit-cleaning, shock-collar moms!!! Hugs! We will survive! Fist pump with me people!!!

Friend 2 - and, for the record, all of my kids are outside sitting in the top of the swingset "house" and there's no way on earth i'm calling them in for dinner anytime soon.  when they come in to eat, that's when i'll feed them.

Friend 2 (in response to beach email) -  Woot! Woot!  All summer at the beach!  Oh wait.  You weren't offering all summer.  Never mind. ;)

Friend 1 - I have tears rolling down my cheeks I am laughing so hard.

Friend 4 - I'm still in my van deciding if it is really necessary to feed them dinner. 

Friend 1 - They are resourceful. Stay in van.

Friend 7 - (husband) just texted me "where are you?" should I say "hiding at Target"? Is he ready for the truth? 

Friend 6 - call dominos and STAY IN THE VAN...pay the man in the driveway and send the pizza to the door

Friend 7 - If you are already in the van (name), come to Target!!!! 

Friend 2 - convo in my kitchen 15 minutes ago.
(child): "Can I have a snack?"
(mom): "No, we're having dinner soon."
(child): "But I'm not hungry."
(mom): "If you're not hungry, then why in the world do you need a snack???"
(child): "I don't know."
(child): "Can I have string? I really need some string."
(mom): "No, you're going to have to wait."
(child): "Can I have a safety pin then?"
(mom): "No, you're going to have to wait."
(child): "But can I have some string then?"
(mom): "Arghhhhhhh"
And so it begins...
Friend 5 - I'm sitting on my couch covered up laughing my butt off...
Friend 6 - And where r your kids while u r on the couch

Last day of School

It is the last day of school....not sure which ONE is the happiest?  :)

Max insisted he had "Firetruck Team" Practice this morning and needed his baseball stuff for his photo

August and May

August and May

August and May

 Last day of school on top
First day of school on bottom

I am laughing at the Ohio State Theme that seems to run throughout our photos, it's always so OBVIOUS to me on these school pics.  Man do these boys LOVE their Buckeyes!

One of Jack's goals this year was to pass up his teacher by the end of the year, looks like he succeeded!

We also celebrated Drew's bday a little bit early at school today with a cookie cake...

 Jack and some classmates

It's hard to believe that we now have a Freshman, a 7th grader and a 4th grader.  As well as a VERY busy 2 year old!  Sigh, where did this year go?  Excited for summer, it will be BUSY, the calendar is FULL!  But it will be SO nice not to have school on top of the other busy "stuff"! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Insta Monday

Pictures off of my phone from the past week....
 Max with a washcloth on his owie...

 Max trying on Tommy's helmet

 Snuck Tommy out of school over lunch for a haircut...with baseball daily until 7 that was the only time.  A little Fuddruckers after

 The other beautiful necklace the boys gave to me that made my cry

 Max fell on the driveway

 Ready for his "Firetruck Team" game

 Scott sent this from his "meeting" in St Louis with customers at the Cardinals game

 I found this funny on Facebook this week 
 Another funny..this is SO true.  It's how my brain thinks

 One more good reminder for me..

 Scott's good friend David came to town, we had a fun time with him.  Even snuck a late dinner to Texas Roadhouse after Drew's concert

 Scott took the boys for yogurt on Friday night after Tommy's scrimmage

 Drew and I went to Iowa City to watch his friends big brother play for the Hawkeyes, ignore the tired momma and the wrinkles

 #14 Jake Yaccinich

 Field day on Friday, someone texted me this...doesn't my hubby look great.  40 lbs off since January

 With my dear friend Stacey at field day, same friend texted me this

 Drew fell asleep on the way home from Iowa City on Friday night

 Tommy all dressed up to go golf, handsome boy

 Out to Macaroni grill with Tommy and Max on Saturday night while Scott and Drew were gone for baseball to Iowa City...ignore the fact that my outfit hasn't changed since Friday.  :)

 Found on Pinterest and LOVED
 If you are NOT on Pinterest you are missing stuff like this...

 After finding the chewable Melatonins on Sunday morning, Max had a sleepy day.  Here is is, nap number 2 on my chest.  Ahem, no worries he is okay.  Just a slight scare for this Momma

 Our neighbors across the street got a new puppy...EXCITING stuff I tell you

 Drew's team won the Championship in their Iowa City Tourney, Go STICKS

Max is into the harmonica, playing it and tapping his toes.  He's even added clapping to it now too.  This boy LOVES his music.  It's so fun.