"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Many hats...

This summer is FLYING by...CanNOT believe it is almost August.  I feel like my summer has been filled with different hats.

The Taxi Driver Hat, where the boys have been needing rides all around.  Driver's Ed, sports, golf, friends, to MN and back, church group, birthday parties etc.  

The Referee Hat, with 4 boys I don't think I have to explain that much more.

The Skin Care Consultant Hat, most of you know, I started selling Rodan and Fields Skin Care about a month ago.  It has been going well and SO far EVERY one of my friends who has tried it has positive things to say.  It is stuff I LOVE so it just made sense since I was talking about it ALL the time to try to pull in some extra income for this CRAZY life we live.  If you haven't had a chance to check out the website or are interested in trying let me know.  It ALL has a 60 day empty bottle guarantee so really, you can't go wrong.  Same dermatologists that created Proactiv...they know what they are doing.  https://susanshisler.myrandf.com/

The Photographer Hat, I LOVE taking pictures, so this is a fun hat.  Finding the time to edit and sort through them is NOT so easy.  But I love it.  And Senior season is hitting which will be fun, I am excited to take some photos of Senior girls this year...kind of new to my repertoire.

The Wife Hat....this goes unsaid.  It is my most important hat, not so sure I have been wearing it as well.  Grateful for a patient and understanding husband.

The CEO Hat...trying to stay on top of household stuff, bills etc...I have recently decided I need to be sharing this hat with Scott. I am one who likes control and likes to know what's going on and doesn't always like to share that...I am learning I need to let go.

The Momma hat...love it, love it love it...but it wears me out in the summertime months too.

...it's a summer of Hats...just a lot going on and a LOT on my mind ALL the time.  I am struggling to sleep so if you can pray for that, I would appreciate it.  

Also just between us bloggers...know there aren't a lot of you out there that read this.  But be praying for some BIG decisions for Jack.  He feels strongly about wanting to go to Eason Elementary this year and NOT back to DMC.  He wants to see what a Public school is like.  He wants to be in that environment, he wants to be in a bigger place.  He has been praying, we have been. Part of me really struggles with NOT having them all in the same school.  and NOT doing the same things the older boys have done in upper elementary.  I KNOW that if he tries Waukee and doesn't like it, his spot will be gone at DMC for possibly the next 2 years.  Our sweet Miss Emily was just hired on at DMC as the new Elementary Counselor....and I was excited for Jack to have her there, they are SO close.  But even with that news is still feels strongly about Waukee.  Ugh...decisions decisions...I wish God would just send me a neon sign.  We have to make this decision soon.  There is a BIG part of me that is excited to see what God would have for Jack at a new school, and to see how he would do in a new environment.  He is an excellent student and makes friends with kids easily.  I don't know...I LOVE having them ALL at DMC and the fact that he sees his brothers all day long in passing.  But I think he realizes that both Drew and Tommy will be in the Secondary side of the building from now on and he won't see them as much....see I am rambling.  Do you see why I don't sleep right now?

Thanks for listening friends...and for praying.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Catching up

While I have 2 busy 2 year olds (Max and his buddy Hinckley) bringing me pretend food back and forth from our sunroom thought I would take a few minutes to post some of the photos off of my phone from the past week or 2....I have NOT had time to sit at the computer.  Life is BUSY and somedays OVERWHELMINGLY so....

My mind has been swimming with MANY things lately...and I haven't been sleeping well so have found some funny things off of Pinterest as well as snapshots from my phone.

 Tommy is doing Driver's Ed this week and next...it's a
 LOT of time and boring he says...but he will make it.

 Don't drink wine but I would like Chocolate and Yoga Pants.

 Scott brought corn home for us to freeze

 Boys went golfing one night at the range

 Jack did Lego camp last week and LOVED it...and I mean LOVED!

 Corn ready for the freezer all 39 bags



 SAd but true

 More confessions

 Sending pictures to Grandma at Max's request

I cannot even tell you how TRUE this is about me this week

 My HS friend Kim was in town, we had lunch downtown on Monday.  

 Snuggled and napped one day

 Heading out in the 100 degree heat for Living History Farm Camp

Scott was out of town, I wanted to go to bed with a clean main floor...this 
is as far as I got...just too much somedays

 Some nights it's not worth the battle of bedtime...so he goes to sleep by me and we move him.  He likes sleeping without a shirt these days?  

 Lest you think our home is beautifully organized...the "Walk In Pantry" that you currently cannot walk in.
 Tommy golfing with one of his best friends and friends since he was 4...matching even

 Lunch at the Mall visiting with friends, our dear friends the Ericksons were in town and this was our way of seeing a lot of people at once...and guess it was pink day


 The 2 silly boys...covered in Vaseline earlier this morning.  Tricky huh?  But well moisturized.

Camp Grandma

Drew is at "Camp Grandma" this week in Northern MN at the cabin. Left yesterday will be back on Tuesday.   He took his good friend Tyler with him.  I am not sure who was more excited...Drew, Tyler or Grandma...

Here are some pictures I received via text today...

 Mall of America yesterday Nike Store

 Go carting today...

 At Pirate's Cove

 Breakfast at Munchies...

The new sign that my Dad gave Mom for their 49th Anniversary last week.  You know you are loved when your Grandchildren choose to spend a week with you at the cabin vs go to Bible Camp or Sports Camp.  A camp full of spoiling children might be a good line under the bottom. :)

God Knows

I was honored to be asked to take some photos at a funeral on Sunday...of a sweet baby girl named Milly who died from Turner Syndrome at 22 weeks in her Mama's tummy.  

It was a beautiful service, my dear friend Sarah's husband was the Pastor who presented the message and it was so perfectly done.  Reminding us that our life desire is to make a difference for God, make an impact on this world for Him...and sweet Milly Jan did just that.  Even at 22 weeks.  Amazing stuff. ...
God has a plan, as hard as this service was there is truth in that.  

Also a beautiful reminder when you see the tiny handprints and footprints...how a baby is a BABY at 22 weeks,  Precious big brother too....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

End of Season

Drew ended the baseball season this weekend with the World Series Tournament...they ended up not finishing up as well as they had hoped.  But they had so much fun.  He has a terrific coach who has so much experience in so many ways, he is wise, level headed and very much knows baseball.  Most of all, he is about raising young men.  He is such a great fit for Drew....they are very similar in their demeanor.

Some pics from the last weekend....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Home Sweet Home

10 days at the cabin filled with....bug bites, giggles, cousins playing, neighbors over, firecrackers, rainstorms, fishing, swimming, sliding, learning to water ski, a trip to urgent care, suntans, shared baths with cousins, throwing rocks, family time, fourth of july traditions, hooks stuck in fishes eyes, pontoon boat rides, little guys, bubba, cousins there for a couple of days, some there for a week, scott there for 36 hours, the quick stomach flu, kisses, laughs, few tears, sharing, screams, movies, snuggles with Papa, books to be read, Instagram to be shared, 15th birthdays to be celebrated, AC on, hot days, Rafferty's pizza, Bumbleberry pie, Papa's alphabet pancakes, cookies from Grandma made for the neighbors, a few left for us, banana bread, Papa's BBQ ribs, mulching, mulching and more mulching, watering flowers, growing children, cousins that are best friends, bergersen cousins visiting, traditions, baked jello, flags, golf, movies, Wii games, pictures and more pictures... old memories, new memories...

such a full week.  So blessed we are....
but it's always good to be home.