"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heading North

Max and I are headed to Minnesota later today....

I have an appt tomorrow morning at Mayo Clinic.  You can pray for all to be fine.  It is really a second opinion for an issue I have had for 5 years.  It is called a pituitary adenoma Basically in non medical jargin it's a benign tumor that resides in my Pituitary Gland.  It was found 5 years ago by accident...they were scanning my brain due to an allergic reaction I was having to a medication and there it was.  It could have been here all of my life and we never knew.  Mine is not producing hormones, or messing with my hormone levels at this time.  So it's pretty much just "there".  The main problem would come if it grows larger and pushes on my optic nerves which would, in turn, majorly affect my vision.  So between the MRI's, endocrine work and the Eye tests I am required to take I think we have been following it well.  The time they found it my endocrine system seemed out of whack, and so after trials with different steroids etc we decided a few years ago, Scott and I and our vast medical knowledge, it was time to go off of ALL medicines and just see if things would settle down in my body.  No more hormones, no more steroids, no pills of any kind.   AND it worked!  My levels went back to normal, and the tumor stabilized.  ...oh and as a side bonus and in God's greater plan and Jack's bigger prayers Max came along too.  :)

So I will meet with Mayo Doctors tomorrow to see what their thoughts are...we would like to push back surgery as many years as possible due to it being located in my brain.  And we will go to Mayo when it is time for the surgery.  The recovery is quite long too, so we want to wait as many years as possible.  If God wills it to be long we will be thrilled.

Then after that fun stuff...we will go back to Edina for a couple of days.  And then Saturday head to Benson for my Grandma's 90th Birthday PART----AYYYYY!  It will be wonderful to celebrate her.  She is such a blessing in our lives.

So better get packing and organized around here...maybe even shower.  :)

love to all...thanks for the prayers

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quick update

Okay here is a quick run down of the week, sorry I didn't write much.

I have been busily trying to dig my way out of the house.  The summer has reeked havoc on my organization in a very big way.  So every day I have been attempting to tackle some closet or room that needs MAJOR attention.  So far I have made my way from the kitchen, to the pantry, to the boy's rooms, and my closet.  Next week other parts of the house will need attention.  And this could go on for quite some time considering the storage room upstairs, needs more than a day, and possibly more than a week to actually go through it the way I envision.

Today I shipped off a box of Max's clothes to his buddy Jack in North Carolina, shipped a pair of too big for me jeans to a friend who loved them, and shipped off a box of nursing bras to a friend who is expecting.  I have a load for good will, another load for our nephew Charlie and a pile of things for Craigslist or ebay when I have time to upload and work on that.  :)

Today I had quite a bit of down time, I had a hair highlight and a nail appt.  So I was gone for a chunk of the day, which is NOT normal for me especially on a Saturday, but that's how I get stuff done now with school.  Max needs people home to do those things.

It was a fun week of some lunches with dear friends, who I didn't see all summer long due to crazy schedules and kids everywhere.  So it was wonderful to meet with them and I love catching up.  And I love that they are sweet enough to bring food here so we can eat and talk and Max can do whatever it is that Max loves to do...and Friday I even had the treat of going OUT for lunch as Scott offered to keep Max over lunch so I could do that.  So fun....

Boys all had a great week back in school.  They are getting used to the routine of it all.  They are tired though.  Football is in full swing for the older two and Jack has one practice a week as well.  So there is plenty of football going around....oh and that reminds me...speaking of football.  Their Fantasy Football draft is tomorrow night, they are in one with buddies from school...and so Tommy and Drew have been busily preparing for it.  It's fun to watch them read magazines, check the computer and listen so intently on the TV to all of the football details.  It amazes me how "into" it they get.  Cute.  And remind me say Mid-Novemeber that I think this is "cute" because by then I am tired of the constant chatter of them and football "stuff".

Is anyone else THRILLED that it's almost fall?  Ummm I am ....we are I should say.  Neither Scott nor I are HOT weather people, so the idea of fall being weeks away makes me smile.  Jeans and sweatshirts and blankets...oh how I love thee.  Ugg boots....oh I love thee as well.  Mums and pumpkins and the smell of scented candles around the house, windows open, leaves falling...oh I think Fall has become my very favorite season of all.  You will NOT find us ever retiring south of Iowa...this is warm enough.  I feel for my friend Mariah in TX where it's still over 100 every single day....ewww.

We have several friends going through some hard times right now, so it's been sort of an emotional week for me in a lot of ways.  Lots of people on my mind and lots to pray for....and in turn lots around this house to be grateful for. Scott showed up on Thursday night with flowers for me...sigh I love that.  It never gets old.  Grateful...

Next weekend we will celebrate my Grandma Lu's 90th Birthday in Minnesota, a special weekend for her!  90 and healthy, and living at home, gardening and canning to her hearts content, baking, card playing, serving others at church...she never stops.  I hope I have a LOT of her genes in me.  She is an amazing woman.

That's about all I have for tonight...

Oh and My personal Book Club update....almost done with the Tim Tebow book on my book list...now to figure out how to cross it off on my side bar?  Anyone??  I am going to read "The Help" next because it's all I am hearing about right now.  And I will end on that note, aren't you going to all sleep better knowing that.  :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I love him

I love him...

(oh yeah and that cute baby too)

That's all I've got for blogging today.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Will Be Here

This song was sung at our wedding, it is still one of my top favorite songs!  The words are so true and after almost 17 years of marriage and 18 years together the words mean even more to me now than ever.  Please pray for marriages..pray for yours, pray for your friends, pray for people who you don't think will ever need your prayers...marriages aren't always what they seem on the outside.  We are learning that right now.  Pray for marriages to be restored and healing.  Pray for the children that are being affected by this....  Marriage isn't easy..but it's worth it!  Keep lifting these families and marriages up.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.
I Cor 13:4-8

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Very Own Bookclub

So I am wanting to read more, I am the ultimate writers dream, I buy their book with GREAT anticipation and can't WAIT to read it.  I read the first chapter, maybe two...then it sits on my night stand, and sits and sits.  And now with electronic books they sit on my ipad waiting for me.  I have never been in a bookclub, and certainly don't have the time to do one at this stage in my life...but I can have my very own book club simply by reading more.  I am determined, now that the boys are back in school, to be better about my reading.  My only time to read is after the boys are all in bed.  I often times use that time to fold laundry, watch TV, catch up on Tivo shows, read blogs that lead me to other blogs which lead me to more blogs or check facebook.

I want to do less of all of that, especially the laundry part haha...and more reading. (don't get me wrong I will still be reading my favorite blogs) BUT I am determined to get these books that are now filling my dresser and my ipad read.  Sadly the other day a friend sent me to a link for a New Book and I said, that sounds familiar and as I was reading the details about it on Amazon I realized...hmmm I have that book.  Sadly that happens to me often....I must read more.

So I am going to start a list of my books on the ride sidebar of my blog, if I can figure that out.  These are all books that I currently have on my nightstand, in my nightstand drawers or on my ipad...and as I read them.  I will cross them off, once again if I can figure that out.  Because after all, I love lists and even more than loving lists....I love CROSSED OFF lists!!!!  The books will not be listed in any particular order, I am just going to pull all of the ones off of my nightstand and put them down.  Other than my bible and my daily devotional book on my nightstand which would be silly to list on the blog....other than I could cross them off daily.  :)

Please don't recommend any more books for me until I get these read or I will get side tracked... Just kidding.  I will get side tracked all by myself without any of your help.  And I want to keep the writers writing....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little Hands on the Farm

When we went to the fair as a family on Saturday, it was SO crowded and the line for "Little Hands on the Farm" was WAY too long.  Little hands on the farm is an exhibit that our boys have loved for years. Tommy and Drew have outgrown it but will still do it for the free food at the end.  Jack still loves it.  But sweet Max, he has never gotten to do it.  Poor baby I know...he's all of 19 months old.  As SILLY as it may sound, I was having Momma guilt over the fact that he didn't get to go this year.  The fact that pretty much everything we did on Saturday was geared towards his older brothers.  So this morning, Scott and I snuck back to the fair after the big boys went to school.  :)

 And to say it was worth the trip was an understatement.  Max LOVED it...he was so cute and so serious and SO into it.  Here he is with his little apron and basket.

 Planting his seeds in the dirt.

 Picking his vegetables, he really liked the tomatoes....Scott called him the "Tomato Farmer"  :)
(side note...do you see the Green Pioneer hats on everyone else?  Yes, we don't ever get those...they are Monsanto's direct competition.   :))

 Milking the cow with Daddy

 Driving the tractor

 Getting an egg from the chicken coop

 At market...gently placing *ahem* our football, I mean potato in the proper basket

 Enjoying the fruits of his labor with the $1 he earned at market, Chocolate Chip Muffins he chose in the General Store

 And snuggling with the Momma who is guilt free now that Max has been a Little Hand on the Farm

Worn out from all of the hard work...this is how we do the fair with babies.  In backpacks, we avoid hauling strollers around at all costs.  He LOVES his backpack.

We spent a couple more hours there looking at the stuff we missed on Saturday.  Scott takes each of the boys alone one day so he sees it all, but I missed some stuff so we went back through.  Ate some mashed potatoes that looked like an ice cream sundae, drank more lemonade and had a cup of cookies.  It was a fun morning at the fair.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School

This morning it was back to school for our boys....

 Tommy 8th grade

 Drew 6th grade

 Jack 3rd grade

 On the porch before school...Max has NO idea that he is about to lose ALL of his daytime playmates.  

 Tommy headed to the Jr High side of the building, didn't want me to walk him in...first time EVER.  *sigh*  I always bring his tears on, so think it was probably best.  I brought on the tears enough in the parking lot.  

Jack with Mrs. Rittgers

Drew with Mrs. Wilson

Cute side note...my Mom sent an email today anticipating the back to school front porch photo and she said to me, I bet one of them will be wearing a Buckeye shirt.  And I didn't even realize it until I uploaded the pictures, ALL of them have on Buckeye shirts.  So funny and cute.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School Thoughts

School starts tomorrow for our boys, I always have mixed feelings this time of year.  The teacher part of me LOVES the beginning of school, the newness of a classroom of kids, your lockers, your desks, school supplies...new markers and crayons.  Everything neatly labeled, oh how I LOVE anything labeled.  Love back to school shopping, going through closets and seeing what fits and what doesn't.  Buying new shoes.  Making sure backpacks are good to go.  I LOVE that part of school. 

 The Mom side of me loves the idea of routines again for everyone, the idea of the boys learning more and growing their brains.  The selfish and honest Mom side of me loves a little less chaos in my days, and a little more time at home. (at least between the hours of 8:30-2:30) There is a side of me too that is sad that the boys are going back, I love the lack of routine of summer in a lot of ways.  I love the spontaneity of summer.  I love seeing the boys so much, I love their help with Max and house stuff.  I will miss them.  My heart aches for them to have stress again, I know the beginning of school brings about a lot of anxiety for our boys...some boys more than others.  The lists that run through their minds of the "to do's" and tests coming up, and projects...all the stuff they have to keep track of.  I don't like for them to feel that stress.  It makes me sad for them.  I love their carefree summers.  

So today I am a ball of mixed emotions...we leave in an hour to drop off supplies and meet their teachers, who we already know.  :)  But I ALWAYS get choked up at meet the teacher.  ALWAYS...almost worse than the first day of school.  It's the anticipation of it all, and the unknown of it all.  We have been praying for their teachers and for the classrooms.  And I know our God hears those prayers, and I know my anxiousness is probably not real pleasing to Him.  I have a hard time letting go and letting Him...and the irony is, they are HIS children and He loves them so much more than I ever could.  

This afternoon, if the rain clears, we will head to the pool for a few last summer hours of fun!  And the plan is to go with my good friend Stephanie, and her kids.  Steph is the widow of our dear friend Gailen.  She has been heavy on my mind this week, while I worry and think about back to school...she is facing SO much more and I know with school starting and her kids now gone all day, she will go home to a VERY quiet house...and I think her grieving will really begin.   Gailen died at the very beginning of summer and I know she has been non stop with the kids all summer long.    So if you think of it, would you pray for her?  And pray for their kids as they won't have their Dad there in the morning to wish them off to school and pray with them....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iowa State Fair

It's that time of year again...Iowa State Fair time.

We all went yesterday as a family.  It was PERFECT weather, I know I have posted a lot about weather lately but seriously the weather was beautiful.  Seriously beautiful.  

 We rode the bus down to the fair from the State Capitol Building...

 Jack and Tommy tried the Crazy Mouse ride...loved it

 we sat in and checked out LOTS of tractors and equipment

 Max tried the BIG Yellow Slide for the first time, kind of indifferent on it.  Didn't come down smiling and laughing and didn't come down crying.

 Max loved the cows and baby calves

 Jack posing with a cow *wink wink*

 New this year a Lego Creation Station.  Jack and Max loved this new area.  Jack built a guitar in a contest there and had a great time.

Back for one last slide on the way out...we may need to work on humility a little by the reaction of Jack as he "wins"...

Super fun day.  We ate chocolate chip cookies, shared a lemonade, had lunch at the Pork Producers tents, had some caramel apples and hard boiled eggs too.  It was another year in the books for our family at the fair.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bucket List

We have been busy trying to cram in the "Summer Bucket List" for the boys.  They had several things they wanted to be sure and get done this summer and I have left it to the very end to get them all done it seems.  We have been gone so much this summer that it's been tough but I think we are about there...

Scott was out of town this week so that made it even a little bit trickier to get it all done.

Monday...Pizza Lunch out at Red Rossa Brick Oven pizza...yum  I think we went to the pool in the afternoon for awhile as well.

Tuesday...the big boys and I went to an ICubs baseball game.  We share season tickets and Scott usually takes the 3 bigs while I stay home with the little.  But when I saw the weather forecast for THIS Tuesday I decided I could handle another ball game.  I got a sitter for little Max and the rest of us went.  We had a great time together.  (Scott's running joke that he tells friends is that I don't go to games unless there is someone on the team with SHISLER on their jersey...meaning we have enough sporting events between our boys that I don't usually choose to go to MORE games than that...quite true)

 We got a ball...

 The Chicken was there entertaining us all...but no one laughed harder than...

 ...Jack!  He thought the Chicken was "hilarious"

 What's a ball game without at least ONE trip to the concession stand?

Wednesday....once I again I hired a babysitter and left Max and Jack as well this time and Tommy, Drew and I went to play 9 holes of golf.  I haven't played for 2 years, I will say my game hasn't changed much since.  VERY inconsistent...sometimes a beautiful shot, and other times a very ugly shot.   But it was fun and the snack shack was wonderful. :) I certainly have been passed up in skills though.  And of course I had looked at the weather before I made the tee time and it was a lovely 78 degree start to our golf game.  

Before our round...yes we took a cart.  I am more of a softy than their Dad and thought we should ride in a cart.  Tommy and Drew loved taking turns driving it too.

Thursday....In Ames there is a place called "Perfect Games" we went last summer with friends right before school started.  This year I had the boys hop in the car for a "surprise ride" and off we went.  They asked for a clue and I told them we had to stop for gas and at the station there would be a clue.  We drove for a bit then pulled off for gas and while Tommy and Drew were pumping gas they saw Miss Emily pull up with baby Blakely along...Drew's response "that is the BEST clue EVER Mom"...our boys LOVE their Miss Emily.  And they also knew that meant we would be heading back to Perfect Games to meet Ross for lunch (he works in Ames) and some games and laser tag, this year Blakely was along too.  We had a great time.  They are like family to us, so it was so fun.

 Excuse the freaky eyes, it's the iphone camera in a dark room.  Getting ready for game 1 of laser tag.  

 Max was perfectly thrilled with the little kid basketball game. The best part, it was FREE!

 The whole crew.
 Drew snuggling Blakley

Jack loving on Blakely...I didn't get a picture of Tommy kissing sweet baby girl.  But trust me she does NOT lack for affection from these boys.  Max just wants to pat her and kiss her too.

Friday...Scott is back home and he and Jack just snuck off to the Iowa State Fair late this afternoon.  Scott takes each of the boys for time alone at the fair.  They opted to match too.  :) (once again weird eyes due to my iphone, I was holding a sleeping baby while I snapped this)

And now for some rambling...

Tomorrow we will go to the fair as a family.  The high is 78 which is MY kind of fair weather.  We will be down there first thing in the morning, so hopefully we will avoid any possible heat.  :)  I live in a house of morning people, so trust me when I say we will be there FIRST thing.

Whew...I still need to fill you in on our DC trip but that will have to wait for another day.

Max turned 19 months old yesterday and I didn't get a post written about his latest tricks.

 School starts on Wednesday, the boys got their class lists last night...we have had the supplies ready for quite some time. The boys all have new tennis shoes...that's the beauty of boys, there are no "new school outfits", no new hair accessories, no big debates on "the First day of school outfit"...it's all about new tennis shoes and that's it.  :)  Football has started for Tommy, Drew and Jack both start next week.  We will soon be in our fall routine.  I LOVE routines, I am the queen of loving routine and order...so I am looking forward to that. Not to mention this HOUSE is in dire need of organization and order.   But I will miss having them home and having the freedom to do what we want each day.

On a sad note, Drew's hamster "Beanie" was found dead this morning.  Drew was sad, but not terribly.  When his first hamster "Scruffy" died a couple of years ago THAT was trauma, this wasn't nearly as bad. I feel badly for Drew, he is a true animal lover.

And so on we go....there is ALWAYS something.