"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A year ago...

Last year this is where we were...

Fast forward to this year, and we are in a different spot.  Stephanie is the wife of our good friend Gailen, who has been battling cancer.  You can see him in the video above.  He planned this birthday party for her last year, we were busy helping him store the birthday stuff in our garage, we were busy talking to him about it all.  He would pop in and out of our garage for a couple of weeks to drop stuff off, we would exchange quick words and smiles and see ya laters.

This year we are cherishing every phone call we get from him, every single email and text we are saving.  We are kissing him goodbye when we see him, we don't hang up without I love you's....we weren't doing that a year ago.

It makes me sad, sad that it took his illness for us to freely express how very much we love him.  How very much we love each of them.  I never told Steph I loved her before this, I never had hugged their kids, I had never wept with her in her garage while praying.  I was too busy doing other things.  Oh how a year can bring change.

I started this post yesterday and didn't know how to word things.  My friend Jen wrote it well in her blog, She writes

"Don't put it off. Whatever you've been wanting to do or say or change or make better. Today is the day because there's just no guarantee for tomorrow."

Such good wisdom in those words.  Last night, it was pouring rain, and we filled their front yard with friends and kids all with rain coats, and umbrellas to surprise her by singing happy birthday.  I didn't count but it seemed like there were 100 people there.  And as the door opened there stood Steph...with a smile holding Gailen's hand.  Helping him stand...and as we started singing she sobbed.  She leaned her head onto her weak husbands shoulder and I could see his strength still there.  Not in his physical body, but in who he is as her husband.  He stood there proud and strong.  He kissed her on the forehead while she sobbed.

I hope it showed them a small glimpse into the love we all have for them.  In the support that Steph has in friends....  Later in the night I received an email from Gailen...and in it he spoke of how he knows we will be there for Steph and his family for many years to come.  And he is right, we will continue to sing her happy birthdays, even if God does take him home to heaven.

What a difference a year makes...


  1. I'm completely sobbing..not just a tear but sobbing. What you wrote about Steph leaning her head on Gailen and him still being her strength. That is just so powerful. My heart aches and aches with sorrow for them. I can hardly stand it.

    I also enjoyed reading your post so much about your trip last weekend. Your family, cousins, etc. is a gift that is rare today!

  2. Sigh, very sad over here. So very sad.

  3. Beautiful post Susan. We often forget that the small things in life are really what matter the most. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
