"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To Benson we go...

Friday, the boys didn't have school so we headed to Benson, MN, where my Grandma Lu lives.  She is our only Grandparent left, between Scott and I and she will be 90 in September,  Although you would never know it by how active she is...

We arrived dinner time and met at the hotel.  We did a quick bday celebration with my Mom since we weren't with her on her bday.  

 Jack gave her a cookie scoop...

 Tommy gave her cherry pie filling and crust...
Drew wasn't feeling well so he was up in our room at the time.

 Alice had ridden up with my parents so she was there too...Grandma Lu hadn't seen Max since LAST Easter, so she was SO happy to see his smiling little face.

 The next morning we headed to my Grandma's house...Alice all decked out in her new hat made by my friend Sarah.

 We played and played, Drew is missing from these photos, he was at the hotel with Scott under the weather.

 Then the kids were all sent away while the eggs were hidden for the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

 Here they are all set to hunt...
15 of Grandma's Great Grandchildren were there.  She was only missing 4 of her 19.

 my Dad and big brother Mike

 Alice in her new glasses

Alice loving on Max
We then headed over to Uncle Mick's farm which is a HUGE highlight for ALL of the boys.  This is the same farm my Grandma lived on when we were little, so it is FULL of memories.  We swung by the hotel and Drew was feeling better and didn't want to MISS the farm and the TOYS on the farm.

 Jack and Charlie on the 4 wheelers

 Max sitting on a dirt bike

Drew on the left, Scott and Tommy on the right, yes no helmets.  NOT my choice.  ahem

 Charlie's first year driving solo

Someone else I love reliving his younger years and yes without a helmet...

Alice even tried out the bike with training wheels

 A peek at some of the action..

 Scott and my sweet cousin Annette
Cousin Eric driving the Ranger, I took a turn driving for awhile.  Most of the kids not on the other toys rode in circles on this while awaiting their turns.

This was about Max's speed.  He loved it.

Much to his Momma's dismay, Max went for a 4 wheeler ride with his Daddy.  Uncle Mike took the photos, I was not real excited about this idea ...and ummmm Oh and I may have just been sitting in a heated pick up truck by now staying out of the cold.  

 Charlie and Jack are the best of friends...classic photo of them

And Jack and Soren, some of you may remember Soren is our sweet cousin who was born with many heart problems and has had several heart surgeries in his lifetime.  His Mom Gitte left for heaven very suddenly, 6 years ago and how we ALL miss her.  Soren is a walking miracle.  
"Good times, Good times"...is the motto he and Jack always say when they are together.

  One of my favorite things about going to Benson, besides seeing my Grandma is seeing my cousins, and all of their kids.  There were 9 of us and we were very close growing up, spent almost every holiday together.  I know that is rare.  We are also all very close in age.  I think there are 4 of us born within 12 months and the others aren't that far apart.  We always pick up right where we left off.  Kids are running everywhere, you never know which car your kids are going to choose to ride in, kids sit by random relatives at meals.  They are all so connected.  It's really amazing.  My cousin Eric, who is a widow, had a new girlfriend there with her daughter, I joked to her that she would need a flow chart to try to figure out who went with who since the kids all go to whoever, they are not usually with their own parents or siblings.

A special day filled with great memories....


  1. Love this. Especially loved the picture of your grandma with all of the great-grandkids. Such a great weekend of new memories! (however, I know you could have done without the memory of Drew being sick...poor guy! :( )
