"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A day at the ballpark

This weekend Drew had his season opening baseball tournament.  He is playing for the Sticks this year and is SO excited about that.  It has been a great change for him, while he has been playing competitive baseball for several years this was a big deal for him to switch teams.  Drew is as loyal as they come.  He plays in a very competitive league and loves every minute of it.  He is ALL about the game face.  They played in SDM at Cownie Park.  What a beautiful weekend for baseball, a little windy today, but beautiful.  

 He pitched a lot...game face

 Max wandered around A LOT!

 He so wanted to get his hands on one of these REAL bats

 Waiting for the trophies with baby brother in tow

 Jack was the team bat boy all weekend, they even gave him a team trophy too.  He was BEYOND excited,  he told me it's the BIGGEST trophy he has ever seen and then asked Drew if it was "real gold".  He is in front row left.  This photo is of 2 of the "Sticks" teams, they played in the championship.  Drew's team is in the white vests, and they won.  But it was so classy how the coach just had ONE big team picture, instead of separating them into 2.  The Sticks program is out of Sportsplex, I think they have 5-11 year old teams...it was great that the top 2 met in the championship game.  

 Can you tell it was a little windy today, check out Jack's hair.

Classic Shisler boy photo...


  1. I loved all the photos but my favorite is the last one. :)

  2. congatulations to Drew - what a stud! Great pictures of him pitching!!!
