"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 18, 2011

Not Caillou's Mom

Let me start with this, I do not like the show Caillou.  I find him very whiny and frankly annoying.  BUT Tommy and Drew have found that it is one of the few shows Max will sit for 4 minutes to watch, so they have had it on lately.  It's even been put on our DVR, when Tommy watches Max, he thinks it helps.  :)

So, on Sunday, after church, we were home making lunch and Tommy turned on a recorded Caillou.  It's one where Caillou breaks one of his Mom's FAVORITE glasses, in fact it's a glass Caillou's Grandma made for her.  Her response to Caillou when he broke the glass was the following "Oh Caillou, that's okay.  I am sure it was an accident.  That glass was very special to mommy." in the sweetest, kindest voice you could ever hear.  She almost sounded happy.  Here was Jack's response "Mom you are SO NOT like Caillou's Mom, you would have been mad." and then Tommy chimed in with this "yeah you would have said "you should have been more careful, why were you using that glass anyways when you know it was my favorite, I hope that really WAS an accident"...

well I guess I am not Caillou's Mom...she is much sweeter.  Oh and for the record, Caillou's Grandma's response was just as sweet "oh that's okay Caillou I am sure it was an accident"...seriously?  Let's make some more realistic TV people. You see why I don't like Caillou now?


  1. That is too funny !! I never liked the whining part of the show either. Max doesn't have to like TV, he has three brothers for constant entertainment !!!

  2. Oh my gosh, I am laughing. I'm not Caillou's mom, either. Unfortunately.

  3. This made me laugh outload because Lucy LOVES Caillou and I've often thought, "Wow, she's a lot more patient than me!" I'm glad I'm not Caillou's mom - she always has to wear the same shirt! (The kids always ask me why she never changes her clothes :)

  4. I am laughing out loud as well. First, I feel exactly the same way about Calliou and second, I would not have reacted in that manner. Something to learn? No way. I think the person who wrote Calliou is a parent who did everything wrong, wished they would have done it better and decided to write like they really were that type of parent. Make sense? I think that is generally the case with most child rearing shows and books that use type of approach. NO ONE (on earth) is that good. Thanks again for Friday. It was great to be around other little cuties. Let me know when you think is a good time to have another one and I will host. If it isn't cold enough for hot chocolate, I will make sure to have something special! ;-)

  5. OH MY WORD. Funny. I despise Caillou. My kids have never been allowed to watch it.

    SOOOOOOOOO Whiny. I get enough whining without it being on tv.

    I can't stop laughing.

  6. i can't stand calliou either... ugh! thankfully no one in our house has shown any interest in calliou.

    i subbed last week at our co op for a teacher who is so gentle, sweet, and much more patient than i am. the kids in the class asked when miss barbie would be back teaching :o) her tolerance level is much higher than my tolerance level.
