"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, April 1, 2011

16 years ago...

16 years ago today I married my very best friend.  The man who makes me laugh, who makes me feel safe,who loves me just as I am.  The guy who I fell in love with after our first date, who I KNEW I would marry before the end of our 3rd date.  We dated for 10 months before we were engaged...and Scott refused to be engaged longer than 6 months so 6 months TO THE DAY we were married.  April 1, 1995

 One of my favorite picture of my Love, circa 1995 Tailgating at the College World Series

 Newlyweds at the cabin 1995

Cheering on my Love at his annual Hoop it Up 3 on 3 tournament July 1995

After church one day in the summer of 1995...love the style don't you?  nice.

We have shared so much through the years and every year I am ALWAYS amazed at how my love has grown for him.  I thought I couldn't love him any more the day we were married...then after we had Tommy I remember watching him hold that baby of ours and thinking I couldn't love him more, then came Drew, then Jack...then our 10th anniversary we celebrated in Maui and I remember thinking I will NEVER love him more than I do this day.  Well...then came other ups and downs, family crisis', health scares with me, health scares with family, heart ache in our family...then came the blessing of Max.  And it just happens over and over again, I love him more and more.  The more "stuff" we face together, the more I love him.  It's not always sappy, soap opera love, most of the time it's not...but it's true love.  The kind of love that you KNOW you are in it for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health...loving and cherishing all along the way.

This past year has been hard in a lot of ways on our marriage, with 4 busy boys we rarely have time for each other it feels like most days.  With nursing a baby, my hands have been full, literally, most days and nights caring for sweet Max.  Just raising a family, and trying to do it right well it takes a LOT out of you.  It's hard...but through it all I know our love is strong.  I still get butterflies in my stomach when he holds my hand, or puts his arm around me in church...still EVERY TIME.  It's been quite the year, we have had front row seats to dear friends who are fighting for their lives against cancer...makes the little struggles seem...well little.  

So Happy Anniversary to my Love, my beloved husband, my only one.  I would choose to marry you all over again and again and again.  


  1. Happy Anniversary. I loved all the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a sweet tribute to a wonderful marriage.Happy Anniversary.

  3. Happy anniversary! Loved the pictures!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet post. Love it. :) I agree the little things are LITTLE. Rejoice Always...

  5. I love True Love! Made my heart believe in love, even when so many friends are leaving marriages in my life. Thanks for sharing!
