"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Sweet 15 Month Old

A snapshot of our Sweet Baby Max at 15 months....
-loves books
-loves his blankies, carries them with him often
-sleeps all night, well til 5:00 then nurses then back to sleep until 7:00 or later
-loves being outside
-loves balls
-loves baseball bats
-dances to music and spins
-loves to ride in his jogging stroller
-loves to meet new people
-loves applesauce and chocolate pudding
-loves bananas and grapes
-wants to feed himself with a spoon
-wants to help with projects
-has mastered his sippy cup and asks for it
-loves kitchen utinsels, vaccums, brooms and strings
-can "sign" all done, eat, hot and sometimes more, working on signing "thank you"
-beams when he sees his brothers after school
-still nurses at naps and bedtime and sometimes, "just because"
-thinks he should be with the big boys at all times
-loves the basement to play in
-adores his Daddy
-says Mama, Dada, Ja, Dew, Ball, and today I think I heard Moo for the cow.

This sweet baby boy is 15 months old today, we couldn't love him any more.  He reminds me daily, to sit down and take time to enjoy him, enjoy the quiet.  To be grateful.  He is our precious gift.  He is one busy little guy, one happy little guy and one very well loved baby.


  1. I love the pictures with him and the broom...Hinckley is just like that. Such a fun age to enjoy each day with!
