"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How do you?

How do you tell your 11 year old son you are dying?
How do you tell your son to believe in God's miracles and healing?
How do you explain that God can heal you if He so chooses?
How do you explain that right now, God is NOT choosing to heal you?
How do you look into your daughters' eyes knowing you will most likely miss her wedding, miss the birth of her children...not walk her down that aisle?  
How do you hold your wife's hand and look at her and KNOW you are leaving her with so much responsibility?
How do you continue to passionately love God amidst your suffering and sadness?

While we trust that Gailen will go to heaven if God so chooses not to heal him here on earth...we are still so sad.  It's heartbreaking in so many ways.  And it's joyful in so many ways.  Heaven is for real, I have NO DOUBT about that.  It's real, and Gailen will be there I have NO DOUBT.

There are no more medicines to try, no more chemos to endure...no trials, no testing, no scans...it's all in God's hands now.  EVERY little bit.  And we are praying in this house, with all of our might, that God will just BLOW us away and will heal Gailen's body.  We are waiting for that moment.  
Please pray with us....
Oh how we love this family....

We just hung up the phone with Gailen.  How I treasure hearing his voice....

Grant and Gailen at the Duke practice this fall in KC


  1. So well written, Susan. We are asking these questions, too. I just don't even have any words to add. We're sad.

  2. Your unwavering faith is amazing and inspirational. Keeping Gailen and family in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I was wondering many of the same things. I am sad for them and for you.

  4. now I am crying again. Faith waivers in the face of life on this earth coming to an end. I know Heaven is real and that Gailen will be completely healed, but for those left it is so very hard. I have not been able to verbalize what you have written so well.
