"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Building a cabin

Today was such a beautiful day to be outside, the boys and I decided to build a cabin.  So we went into the basement strorage room and hauled up some lumber, logs, siding, roofing materials, a chimey, some windows and a hammer and screwdriver and got to work on the plans.

the builders assembling the walls...

our client had a hard time being patient for the roof...

And here is our final product.  Pretty great huh?  Max LOVES it, and it's right out on our deck so close to the kitchen for him to play.  We had this same cabin set up in the basement for Tommy and Drew, then again for Jack...this is it's first time outdoors, but the basement has since filled up with a pool table, a ping pong table and some exercise machines.  So this time we opted for the outdoors.

I think it will be so much fun for Max.

We had fun building it.  But we had even more fun watching Max's excitement with it all!


  1. I so enjoyed sitting down with my coffee this morning and catching up on all the Shisler happenings. I hadn't been on the blog in about a week and look at all the great things you guys are doing! Love all the pics!

  2. Yeah! I'm so glad you put it outside!

  3. How fun!!....and how sweet of his big brothers to build a cabin for Max.:)

  4. Yay! I'm glad that you got it set up and put it outside. Max is going to have so much fun with it on the deck!
