"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 4, 2011

Be inspired

Last week our good friend Gailen spoke at Crosstrainers, a mens group that meets at our church.  His talk is inspiring, motivation and from the heart.  God speaks through him, amazing stuff.

Please pray for Gailen.  Pray for a miracle.  As Gailen has said, he knows he will be healed, whether that's on earth or heaven he doesn't know.  He has not been feeling well since last Wednesday.  He was admitted into the hospital last night.  Things are hard right now, he really needs a miracle of God to heal him.  Medicine is not working.  Pray for his wife Stephanie, and their kids Erika, Grant and Sarah.

I assure you the time it takes for you to listen to him will NOT be wasted.


  1. What a powerful testimony! I have been following their blog. My heart and my prayers go out to them.

  2. Sending my prayers for healing for him, however that may be - and for peace and love for his wife and children.
