"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thankfulness: Day 9

Today I am thankful for my teenage boys, Tommy and Drew.  I think it's fun to have them so close in age. When we had Tommy we were hoping our next baby would come close and soon, God planned them to be 23 months apart.  They don't know life without each other.  They are best friends and sometimes worst enemies.  Part of brotherhood.  14 and 16 are hard ages in some ways, super fun ages in other ways.

 I dread when people say "Teenagers are the worst", "Just wait until they are teenagers" and "Too bad teenagers these days are up to no good".  I disagree with those general comments.  Don't get me wrong while there are hard parts of teenagers, VERY hard…I try to remind myself that they are trying to test out independence and individuality.   Our boys have a hard time accepting NO for an answer some days with request after request…not necessarily for stuff, more for permission for apps, social media, movies to watch etc.…there are so many MORE blessings with teenagers.  AND I would like to add that our boys have GREAT friends, and we have been so impressed with the quality of teenagers that are growing up.  They have made wonderful choices in WHO they chose to spend time with and WHAT they chose to do with those friends.

For people who have no hope in this upcoming generation I completely disagree, there are great kids out there with big hearts and smart minds.  I just spend a week in Costa Rica with another wonderful teenage girl..and I watched her sweetness.  A HEART as big as you can imagine.  Last night Tommy had his best friend Will over and they were playing and what another great reminder of WHAT a great kid he is, another wonderful teenager.   Drew was at a friends' house last night, such a nice group of kids yet again.  Just playing board games, eating KFC and hanging out.   I have taken lots of photos this fall of Seniors and have been SO impressed with their drive, their hearts and their goals.  Teenagers are NOT bad.

 Our boys still enjoy hanging out at home with us, most of the time.  They still let me kiss them goodnight, they let us pray with them, they want to make us proud.

So today I reflect upon how thankful I am for these 2 specific teenagers that have been given to us to raise. I am so proud of both of them.  I love them so much and pray their relationship with each other will be around forever and ever.  As we often remind them, YEARS from now, when we are gone, their friends won't remember all of their birthday parties, goofy family trips, things Mom said…BUT they will have each other.  Forever, For always NO MATTER WHAT.


  1. Amen! And behind every great teen are great parents.

  2. when Michael and I talk about great teenage boys, your boys always come to our minds-you and Scott are doing an amazing job with them!

  3. this made me cry - shocker I know - but so beautifully written and speaks life into our kids!
