"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankfulness: Day 18

Today I am thankful for my friend Ruth.  I met Ruth 1.5  years ago on the baseball fields when her son Josh was on Jack's team.  At the time she was going through breast cancer treatments.  She told me she did "drop off" childcare in her home if I ever was interested.  I wasn't at the time, and I didn't know her at all.  As I got to know her through sitting in the stands I learned what a GEM of a person she is, the heart in her is made of gold I believe. I also found out she goes to our church, and "drop off" childcare wasn't 20 kids running around her house.

Fast forward to last fall, I was busy with pictures and thought I would try her out for a morning.  9-11:30.  Just to see how Max would do…when I got there he didn't want to come home.  So I tried it again the next week, Ruth asked if she could get him to nap could he stay all day.  I informed her "he will never nap for you, he hardly naps for me"…I got a text early afternoon that he was sound asleep on her family room floor on a sleeping bag.  HOW DID SHE DO THAT?

Long story short "Mrs. Ruth" has become one of Max's very favorite people.  He LOVES to go to her house, he asks nearly daily, if he can go.  And she has been such a blessing to me.  She has seen me at my worst, she has come over at 4 am to help me with drains after surgery, she has loved on and loved on and loved on our Max.

I am so thankful for her…and for the impact she has on Max's life and mine.

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