"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankfulness: Day 14

Thankful for the honor Drew received yesterday at the Des Moines Optimist club luncheon.  He was elected by his teachers and staff at school to receive this award.  Each Junior High in Des Moines nominates a boy and a girl, one of each from Jr High and one of each from High School.  Drew was chosen from Des Moines Christian, as the Jr high boy.

We received the following note from the school counselor a couple of weeks ago,

Each year several of the area Optimists clubs sponsor a youth appreciation luncheon and ask area schools to nominate 2 JH and 2 SH students to represent their student body.  I always ask our teachers for their nominees.  This year Daniel Hawley, Abby Hart, Greta Larson and Drew Shisler are our nominees.  These are students are are friendly, helpful and concerned about their school, community and others.

The 4 kids from DMCS, were taken to a special lunch yesterday hosted by Optimist International.  Scott attended as well as some other parents. He snapped pictures, shocking I know.

The plaque the kids are holding in this picture says

"In recognition of upholding the dignity of youth, for showing sincere devotion to the welfare of others and for generous and unselfish contributions to society,
 Drew Shisler
 is hereby commended on behalf of the Optimists Clubs of the Des Moines metro area. "

Proud of Drew, the kind of young man he is becoming.  What a fun honor. 


  1. Congrats to Drew!:) Love your thankfulness posts and your sharing of y'all's trip to Costa Rica. Great reminder that what we do as moms is most important. Praying for your young friends you met there.
