"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, April 3, 2009

Station Wagons and other random thoughts

I love FRIDAYS!  Knowing in a few short hours we will have 2.5 days as a family makes me smile.  I love the weekends.  Saturdays and Sundays together with my boys make me smile.  

Scott is in Northern Iowa today meeting with a customer, he left early didn't even hear him, Tommy has a sleepover party tonight at a friends, Drew has baseball as does Jack.  Scott and I are sneaking out for a quick date night dinner to celebrate our anniversary while the younger 2 go to friends houses for dinner.  

The sun is shining which makes any day feel better always too.  The tulips are starting to come up too.  

My friend Jen, posted on her blog about Sara Groves music so I have been playing it all morning and it makes me so happy.  The CD is called Station Wagon that I have going right now.  If the name of the album alone doesn't bring back terrific memories of growing up with our various Station wagons in the Terwilliger house not sure what will.  The songs are terrific.  If you are a Mom you should really have this CD among her other ones.  It has been too long since I have listened to her.  She just knows how to make the important things feel important, and the not so important things seem just that.  She is a Mom at the core of who she is and so she "gets it".  She shares her faith through her songs so beautifully.  

Next week is Spiritual Emphasis week at school, every day the boys will have chapel.  I love that they are in a school that takes an entire week to focus on Easter and Jesus' death on the cross.  It really IS the reason we believe what we believe as Christians.  Jesus died on the cross for ME, for Scott, for Tommy, for Drew, for Jack and for you.  I love that.  That Jesus gave his life so that we COULD have eternal life in heaven.  Would I give up my life for people I did not even know yet??  Last week I heard a great story in church, about a Dad trying to teach his children about Jesus' gift to us and his atonement on the cross.  And here is what he did, his son was in his room being punished/grounded for something and it was family fun night so everyone else was downstairs playing games and having fun.  This Dad went up to his son's room and told him HE would sit in his room and take his son's punishment and the son was then free to go downstairs and have fun.  What a great example of what Jesus did for US....

He died for ME....and then HE rose again....and there WILL be a day where I will see him again. How great is that?  Heaven will probably feel like a weekend everyday.  Cannot even imagine.


  1. WHY do I always cry when I read your posts? Because your heart is so pure. I LOVE your comment about heaven feeling like the weekend -that really resonates with me because I LOVE WEEKENDS with my family!

  2. Susan, you write so beautifully and earnestly! I really enjoy reading your posts and being able to catch up with your life.
    This is just as precious as scrapbooks :)
    love you!
