"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 20, 2009

The sheep by Jack

Jack's class is working on their chapel presentation for Wednesday...doing the parable of the Lost Sheep.  This was this mornings conversation as we practiced Jack's "lines".  (Words in caps are loud and emphasized by his voice)

Jack:  "The lamb was heavy, but the shepherd did not mind.  He did not mind AT ALL.

Mommy here comes the best part and you'll know why...

AT LAST they came to the sheep-fold.  The shepherd opened the gate.

Mom here it is...you're gonna love it.

He put the little lamb down beside his MOTHER (prounounced mud-er)"

See Mommy the shepherd found the baby sheep and brought him back to his Mommy.  Are you gonna cry Mommy?  Don't you think that I have the best part in the whole thing?

Me:  Jack I loved it, it is the best part of the whole story.  and yes I might cry...

...then a big hug and kiss for me from my Jack.


  1. I LOVE (said loudly)the way Jack loves his Mamma and vice versa. What a special relationship. :)

  2. Now I am almost crying...
    You are going to CHERISH these sotries one day!
