"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Celebrating my Mom

Celebrating Mom's 70th in California earlier this year.  Just us!

Mom with my Dad, who couldn't adore her any more!
Mom and Jack
Mom and the boys

Mom and Drew boating
Mom and Jack in Cabo 2008

My Mom's birthday is this Sunday, Easter Sunday actually.  April 12, 1939 was her birthdate so she is 70 this year!  Which sounds much older to me than I think she really is...

I love my Mom, I adore my Mom.  She is one of my best friends.  I talk to her almost every day of the week.  She has always been one of my biggest fans and supporters.  For as long as I can remember she has believed in me and the person I am.  She has stood up for me time and time again. Growing up the baby of the family I had a lot of extra time alone with my parents. :)

I remember in Kindergarten I went half days, afternoons actually.  And she and I had the mornings together and then she would make me one of my favorite lunches, either PB and J or a bologna sandwich with applesauce...and MOST days she let me eat it in the family room while I watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.  We NEVER got to eat in the family room, and we NEVER got to watch TV while we ate...but this was a special treat for me.  (of course she probably did it more so I would quit talking and eat than anything)

Then came first grade (promise I won't write about every grade)...but I went full days.  And WOW those days were LONG being away from my MOM!  I went home at least once a week sick for the first 7 weeks of school...I was homesick.  Then Mom caught on, as did the school nurse and they put a kabosh on that deal.  I loved being home and with my Mom.

Fast forward to Jr High and High School...I still called home for her to pick me up at least 2 times a month.  I loved sneaking out of school early and going home with Mom.  This time I used the payphone at school so skipped going to the nurse...I was catching on now.  I knew which days were good to be sick and stay home too.  Mondays you should go to school so you knew what was ahead for the week, plus you just had the weekend.  BUT Tuesdays and Wednesdays were great "I don't feel so good" days for me.  You could look back at my school records for that info.  You didn't want to be sick on a Thursday or Friday as that could mess up the weekend plans with your friends.  :)  I loved my MOM!  I always requested her and Dad to chaperone our dances, which my older brother didn't think was such a terrific idea.  :)

Then came college, a HUGE change, 3 hours from home now.  I called home almost daily in college, and ALWAYS on Sunday nights.  And there was a point my freshman year Mom told me that I didn't need to call home so often..once a week was enough....I am sure their long distance bill was astronomical as I used their calling card to call them.  So I didn't call, I talked to Mom and Dad on that Sunday and didn't call...didn't call and by Thursday she called ME to make sure everything was alright and informed me she thought that once a week wasn't enough and to go back to my old ways.  :)

Can you tell we are connected?

Then, I married Scott and I moved away...to Omaha.  That was SO hard for me to leave my Mom and Dad.  I continued to call often as I had a million questions then for Mom, how do I cook this?  how long does that stay in the oven?  how do I time my meal to come out at the same time?  

And then I had Tommy...the minute he was born my respect and love for my Mom multiplied 100,000 times over.  I FINALLY understood how very much SHE (and my Dad) LOVED me.  The feelings of love I had for our little baby, WOW!  Mom and Dad were at the hospital of course and I will never forget handing Tommy to her...and watching her smile, and her face glow.  I GOT IT!  I got how much she loved me, how she would give her life for me, how she longed to protect me from this world, how she prayed for me...the years of worry I probably gave her.  I got it!  She stayed with us for Tommy's first few days home, as she left I sobbed.  Partly because I was now on my own with this baby and a little scared but MOSTLY because I had this new bond with her, I knew how much she loved me. I really KNEW in my heart.  And I was SO grateful.  

Mom, happy birthday to you.  I couldn't love you any more.  I couldn't appreciate you any more than I do...I get it!  I appreciate everything that you gave up in your life to make our growing up years wonderful.  Thank you for all of the love you pour into our boys...they adore you too!    I hope YOU know how wonderful you are, and how much YOU are loved and honored this week!  Can't wait to celebrate YOU this weekend!


  1. What an special tribute to your mom and the relationship you have with her. You have such an incredible family and you are an amazing mom AND daughter!! I love reading your posts...you always seem to remind me what is REALLY important. Thanks so much sharing your heart Susan.
