"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sweet baby of Ours

We got to see baby again this morning, this time my parents were with us. They had never seen an ultrasound before so they were amazed by it all. It is pretty amazing even to those of us who have seen one before. :)

Baby was moving a lot today, very busy little thing. Heart rate up to 158 today. Measured at 1 lb and 1 ounce and probably around 11 inches according to the sonographer. Once again, we had the student sonographer we had the last time. :) She is pretty slow even after 4 weeks of practice. But once the real lady came in we were able to see a lot more, heart beating, legs, arms and even the little ones perfect little ear. So SO cute.

Only a couple of pics to take with us, and none were great. May scan one in later. Looks a lot like 4 weeks ago.

We also had an OB appt this afternoon with our regular Dr. He was very pleased with the results of the ultrasound. He says that although the umbilical cord is not attached to an ideal location he doesn't think it will be an issue. We will continue the ultrasounds to be sure all is well and baby is growing properly and getting enough nutrients, but he felt that this would not be a big deal for our little one. So that was wonderful to hear. Please continue to pray that baby is healthy and strong.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear there continue to be no concerns over the umbilical cord. I bet your parents are still on cloud 9 after that experience today - it's such a miracle to see your baby inside!
