"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Missing my boys

We are going on night number 4 apart...Scott and Tommy still in Ohio. Don't get me wrong I KNOW they are having a great time. They have been golfing, to the Ohio State game, to the Browns/Vikings game, to the Wayne County Fair, to the Dalton Dariette. They have seen the Townsleys, Uncle Doug, Aunt Kathy, Grandma and Grandpa Shisler...Cindy the dog. But we are missing them here...

We had a great weekend here. It was fairly quiet. Yesterday Drew went to his football teams game, remember he cannot play due to his mono coming back, but he still likes to go to the games and see his friends and help on the sidelines. Last night we watched a great Ohio State game.

This morning was church and Sunday School. Scott and I are leading a group of 6th grade boys this year, and I am loving it, even without my own 6th grader there or Scott today. It's a great age and I love boys. A fun new curriculum at church too in that age group, I really see the kids enjoying it and loving it. Which says a lot for boys that age I think.

Jack did have his first flag football game today, I forgot my camera but did take this shot on my phone to send to Scott. So cute, mouth guards this year which is very cool according to Drew and Jack. Hence Jack's smile, he insisted on wearing it for the picture so Daddy could see it.

Tonight we had mac n cheese and some pigs in a blanket and snuggled in to watch a movie, one we hadn't seen in forever about a chimp named Jack. The boys loved it and it was a nice quiet end to an easy weekend.

Jack's been trying hard to feel the baby move, but so far he just feels me breathing. But LOVES to talk to the baby, and he and Drew both LOVE to think about what it will be like. (Tommy too but he isn't here) Side note...we had lunch at Jason's deli today after church and there were twin babies probably 8 months sitting by us, and Drew says "Mom every time I see a baby I just can't wait until ours is born. Doesn't it make you just wish January were already here". I LOVE that our boys are so excited to be brothers again...just feel like that is SUCH a gift.

To our boys in Ohio...enjoy your last day there tomorrow, soak it all in. Know we are so happy you are having fun, but that we ALL miss you a lot and can't wait to get you under the same roof as us. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Drew's comment about wishing January was here already makes my heart melt. This new baby is going to have the best big brothers ever.
