"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jack's tummy

Scott and Jack got home last night around 9:00. So good to have them home.

Jack said to me this morning "Mommy my tummy hurts I don't think I can go to school"

Mommy: "Jack I know you missed being home but you need to go to school"

Jack: "Mommy I am not pretending my tummy hurts so I can stay home, play with my Legos, my new happy meal toys, snuggle with you and watch TV. Really I'm not."

Mommy: "Jack get your shoes for school"

Aww how I would love to have kept him home, now if he calls from school and really is sick I will feel badly. But I think he knows as well as I do that his tummy just wanted a quiet day home with Mommy. And to tell you the truth, I would have loved it.


  1. Sweet boy. I love how he already had his list ready of things to do if he was just pretending his tummy hurt. :)

  2. :) I don't think Danielle was ready to go back either. She didn't want to get out of the van this morning.

  3. Good for you for standing firm-- I fear I would have easily been pushed over in this situation. As a former 1st grade teacher, what are they really going to miss in one day? :) Plus, that little boy of yours is just TOO cute for words. His face alone would have had me saying, "okay, just this once."
