"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our baby

I am heading out the door to bible study but wanted to post this picture from last nights open house at school....Drew and Jack were so proud to show me everything. They are loving school. Tommy and Scott are still in Ohio, so they missed it.

In Drew's classroom they have a board where you can write your prayer requests. I found this written on on there. I just about cried, oh how I LOVE that our boys call the baby "OUR BABY" not the baby, not Mommy's baby, not your baby, not Mom and Dad's baby but OUR baby. Priceless little word OUR is to this Mommy.

This baby is a GIFT to us ALL...and the boys get that.


  1. Oh my. That is so tender. I just loved this...

  2. Tears pooling in my eyes. So precious and special.

  3. I LOVED this post. For all the ways I am so grateful that my kids are as close together as they are--things like this make me think it is so special to have older children, too. They will be helpful and truly understand what a blessing this little life is. Awesome!
