"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

15 years ago

I was hoping to get the proposal video edited and uploaded for today, but hasn't happened.

Needless to say, 15 years ago today Scott came into a room of first graders that I was teaching a lesson on LOVE to and asked me to marry him. And I said "what are you doing here? why are you doing this here?" in complete disbelief that he had pulled off the surprise of MY LIFE. (I am SO not easily surprised by anything ever) Of course I said "YES" and the rest is history. :) Sort of...

It was a wonderful proposal, creative, sweet, thoughtful and MORE than I had ever dreamed. My parents walked in the room behind Scott in full support of it all, it was perfect. And the screaming first graders made the day that much more special. And the fact that the local Mpls NBC station caught it all on film for the evening news was even more of a riot.

The video is most classic, and sometime I will figure out how to get it on here for you all to see. A beautiful ring for me, chosen completely by Scott. He didn't believe in "looking at rings" together as that was HIS gift to me, and candy rings for all of the kiddos wrapped by the jewelry store. He missed no detail.... I told him I wanted to get married in April, he told me he didn't believe in engagements ANY longer than 6 months, so we both got what we wanted. He proposed on September 30, 1994 and 6 months later, we were married April 1, 1995.

love you my Love and happy 15 years!


  1. Happy Engagement Anniversary! What a cute story. :) It is our anniversary today...14 years! Glad to know we share a special day!

  2. I have never heard such a wonderful engagment story - even down to the candy rings!! I just loved it. can't wait to see the video!

  3. Yes, please upload the video if/when you can--that is a precious engagement story, one I am sure we'd all LOVE to see!

  4. I've heard you tell the story before..I hope you can get the video up!

  5. Like others, I'm really hoping you can get the video up! :)
