"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 28, 2014

Back in Edina... #mnmonday

I headed back to Edina this morning to check on my Mama.  To my surprise she was standing in the kitchen to welcome me. Back to her normal welcome spot. She looked amazing. Dressed and smiling and standing.  She's so strong. I'm so proud of her.

Spent the day here with her...Dad ran some errands.  Some of Mom's friends came by. Mike, Cara and kids came after school for a bit. My cousin Tommy and his wife Michelle brought dinner...

So nice to just be here...close to Mom. To see for my own eyes how much stronger she is already. Keep praying for her. We meet with oncology Dr in 2 weeks to come up with the treatment plan. That's a big deal. 

Again so grateful for my team at home that cheers me on so I can be here...thanks most of all to my Love. 

The prayer quilt I brought Mom...made by the women in our church, prayed over by them and given to my dear friend Ruth as she went through chemo and beat cancer...now it's Mom's until she beats cancer.  

Ruth and Max after getting soaked at Costco. This is Ruth whom I love...who loves our Max, who is caring for him during the day so I can be here...I think Max kind of loves her. 

Mom's best friend Dottie stopped by with her husband. She's suffering from Alzheimer's...but adores my Mom to no end. 

Charlie and Alice wanted to play a board game. 

Helping Grandma open and read cards...

Some girl snuggle time ❤️

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