"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, December 14, 2009

oh Happy day

Just getting home from the OB Doctor. Baby is fine as am I. We have another ultrasound on Monday to check in on baby. Probably will be our last one. Scott asked, once again, about the hospital policy on siblings visiting the baby when it's born. The Doctor said while the policy at the hospital still states no one under the age of 18 is allowed to visit, and this policy will be in effect until March or April....he said that the boys could visit! yipee. He said many have been coming and as long as they stay in our room, and don't wander the halls they can come. They have relaxed the rules and are allowing siblings.

SO I am doing a happy dance and thrilled that the boys can now come and visit us and meet the baby the day it is born!

This IS a big answer to prayer for our entire family.


  1. Doing that happy dance right along with you and continuing to pray!

  2. I am also doing a happy dance!!! :) This makes my day as I know how special that time is the be ALL together as a family. Thank you God!!!
