"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Must Do's

Okay I am on to my MUST DO list, not the to do's, or hope to get to's but the MUST DO's. After spending from 12:30-4:45 am in the hospital last night, maternity triage, I realized I need to get the must do's done "just in case".

I didn't feel well yesterday afternoon and evening, after calling the on call nurse around 11:45 they said I needed to come in.(thanks to my good friend Shannon for coming over and sleeping on the sofa while we were gone) I thought I was just crampy but told Mom I just felt different yesterday. I guess I was right, I was having contractions every 3 minutes when we arrived. The tears came as the nurse said she would talk to the Dr about our options, and mentioned delivering the baby...she walked out of the room and I told Scott I don't even have diapers or a car seat yet. Which he replied, I can go and buy those, not a big deal. Very true but at that moment seemed like a big deal.

I have never gone into labor with any of our boys, always made it to the planned csection date and good to go, so this was all new. Long story short, the contractions were not causing me to dilate and baby was very happily moving around so they had me drink a lot of water and stay for observation. After a few hours on a terribly uncomfortable triage TABLE oops I mean bed, the contractions became less frequent and we were sent home.

I am laying low this morning....hope to get out for that carseat and diapers later today for peace of mind more than anything. Praying that this was a one time thing and all will be well. The good news is that we are 35 weeks and so IF baby needed to be born it should be okay. But we would like this little one to stay snug as a bug for about 35 more days, but who's counting?


  1. Susan - I'm so so glad everything is okay. I can relate to your story because I, too, spent many times in triage with the same thing as you. Laying low, lots of water is the ticket - but how hard that is when you have three other children! I'm thankful that you are at 35 weeks and will pray for your baby - each day is another day bigger and stronger!

  2. In the midst of your Must Do List, you must also take care of yourself and that little one. Don't do too much. I think it would be fun to have a baby for Christmas--the greatest gift. But I will pray instead that everything remains healthy and he or she stays put a little while longer.
