"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Birthday and Basketball

This weekend has been full of basketball and today is my birthday.

Yesterday Tommy was in a tournament and Jack had his last YMCA basketball game. Scott and I had a date night out to a customers Christmas party then a trip to Target, while Emily and Ross were here.

Jack on defense

Jack takes a shot

Tommy and best buddy Will, lives across the street, they have been friends since they were 5

Tommy has a slight size disadvantage #31, I'd say 100 lbs. :) But still takes the shot

And yes, 38 years old today! The boys have showered me with love and affection, breakfast in bed made by Drew (he is the King of making scrambled eggs and toast), phone call including singing from my Mom and Dad, church (including a birthday song by the entire 5th and 6th grade Sunday School class), lunch out at Jason's Deli, a basketball game for Tommy, home to make peanut blossom cookies, deliver cookies to the neighbors for Christmas, a nice nap on the couch and dinner out at Biaggi's. Then home for cake and ice cream. The boys each made me lists of 10 things they are Grateful for in their Mom...that was the BEST part. Special day...

And if I am correct, my pregnancy goes officially today from "Advanced Maternal Age" now to a "Geriatric Pregnancy"....what a day. :)

Cake Drew and Scott ordered from Hyvee...notice not a Christmas themed cake and note the cute baby booties on top. Sweet.

Tomorrow we have another ultrasound to check in on baby, probably the last one...we pray he/she continues to be doing well and can stay put for another month. One month from today, January 20th we will meet this little one. If NOT before...


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Susan! It sounds like you've had the perfect day. I LOVE the cake - the booties are just the icing of living with men and boys who "get it." Love you!

  2. We were at Jason's Deli yesterday too! We must have just missed you.

    I'm glad you had a great day!

  3. Happy late Birthday Susan!! So sorry I missed it. Glad it was happy...sounds like you had a special day :)
