"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Picture Catch Up

It's been a busy few days and I was, once again, without my computer so catching up on posting these...so be forewarned a lot of random pictures for you...

 Shocking but the house CAN be clean...
"If you want to visit me, feel free to stop by.  If you want to see my house, make an appointment"...love that quote my friend Niki shared.  We had friends come over on Saturday night.  :)

 Even the laundry room was clean.  

 And since Valentine's day I have slowly been replacing winter florals with these..

 ..and these...

 ..and these...

 ..and the apples are back replacing the pinecones

 Max got a new Monogram by his crib

 Drew has been playing this more and more

 Tommy's Christmas gift FINALLY was hung up

 ..and since I was walking through their bathroom I snapped a shot of Brutus

 ..and a shot of Pooky, my bear from 5th grade on...don't think I ever missed a night with him until I was 30 and Drew asked for him...now he resides with Drew.

 ..and this sweet baby would rather play with this box..

than any toy you see in the background.

 ..although he likes THIS toy too with big brother Tommy

 Drew made 2 fleece tie blankets to donate to a friends blanket drive for the Children's Hospital, 

 ..this was his favorite one for a boy...

 ...trying all on his own to work this.

 today one of my high school friends was in town and we spent the day with her, Kim is a flight attendant and had the day off.  So fun to catch up, it's been SO long.

 Max is a lover of the basement now, and when Daddy goes down to his office without him...

 ..it doesn't always go over so well.

..and lastly at the mall today I found this.  It sums up so much.  Even when days are hard with kids, consistency is not always fun....this will be a good reminder to me in our laundry room.  What a gift children are from God. 

So now you are caught up.... 


  1. Oh.....where did you find the 'Bless Your Child' wall decor??? I LOVE it! Great pix Susan! I want to be you when I grow up!

  2. Love the pictures. Love the appointment comment.

    :) Love you.

  3. These were all such fun pictures and I love how good Tommy's print looks on his wall, and the new one for your laundry room. All such good things for me to read tonight!

  4. 2 washers and 2 dryers? Is that what I need with 4 kids? I do laundry all of the time...and I am sitting here thinking how that could really make it that much easier...hmmm....
