"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you ever feel?

Do you ever feel, as a wife and Mom, you are spread too thin?  There isn't enough time in the day for everyone and everything.  Like you are just treading water to get through the day?  Like you fail as a wife and as a Mom time and time again?

I have days like that, I am just being real.  Days where I feel like I accomplish nothing around our house.  I wake up with great aspirations and plans for the day and all of a sudden it's 1:30 and I am still in my jammies holding a sleeping baby who wouldn't nap in his crib, dishes on the table from breakfast, wet laundry in the washer, no shower, toys on the floor and my island far from cleared off.  (that may just have been today as a matter of fact)

sigh I know these days are fleeting, but somedays it feels like I am just stuck.  Like a hamster on a wheel...and yes we have one of those upstairs, the hamster AND the wheel.  I feel like I wake up to a mess, I go to bed to a mess and in between I do my best to get stuff done but it feels like an unending cycle.

So I wonder...

Am I a good wife to my husband of almost 16 years.  What happened to the days where I could dote on him, where I sent him love notes...where we had time to just sit and cuddle.  Why do I feel like I fail when I can't give him the time he deserves?

Am I really a good Mom to all of these boys?  Or am I just checking off the list the things they need to get done.  School, homework, baseball now, showers, bedtime routines...kisses and done.  What are they going to remember?

I am tired...most days I am tired.

Do you ever have days like these?  I want life to slow down.   I want life to be more simple.  I want to live in the country, sit on our porch and sip lemonade, with no activities for anyone.  Homeschool the boys so we never have to go anywhere...and just watch our dogs (which we don't own) play in the yard while the sun sets beyond the field.  I want to hold my husbands hand more...I want to hug our boys more.  I want to read my bible more. ....sigh


  1. YES YES Yes Yes and another YES! I most certainly feel this way. I'm always longing for lemonade on the porch and just told Steve over break I want to homeschool because I, too, long for simplicity. I say to myself when I pick them up from school, "I'm going to do nothing but look them in the eye, talk to them, and play games when they get home." Then I have to quick switch a load of laundry, and dinner needs started, and lunches need packed, and showers need to be taken, and and and and - I'm yelling at them to go to bed!

  2. Amen sister. And I only have one and a fourth!!! I think you are doing a fantastic job. your boys are really great kids!

  3. I'm pretty sure you already know I could have written this myself. Just switch out a few details and that's me. ((Hugs!!!))

  4. I could have written this too. Thank you for being honest.

    I'm not sure about the homeschool thing. My poor kids might never get into college if I homeschooled. :)

  5. I can totally relate. Lemonade on the porch sounds wonderful.:)
