"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Snack Shack

Thursday was the day Tommy has been waiting for 3 years for, the year he got to have a booth at the Schools Annual "Snack Shack".  The Snack Shack is part of the PreAlgebra math class curriculum.  (nope he didn't get his math skills from his Mom)  For the project, they choose a partner, they have to plan what they will sell, purchase and make the items, market their products, set the pricing and then finally set up and SELL to the entire K-12 school.  He loved every part of this project,  He and his good friend Noah sold the following...

Their shack was called 
SNACK CENTER (get it like ESPN Sport Center)

-chocolate dipped strawberries
-Mountain Dew Throwback
-Homemade Strawberry Smoothies
-chocolate chip cookie dough
-GIANT Hershey candy bars

Tommy teaching Noah the art of measuring and making a Strawberry Smoothie

 Drew checking in to see if they needed anything before they opened

Notice their "uniforms" they decided on, Air Jordan apparel.  White tees and black shorts.

 one of their top customers back for his 2nd time

Tommy and his friend Noah had to leave 10 minutes before "Snack Shack" officially closed for their field trip*, Drew helped out for the last 10 minutes and sold them out of everything.

It was chaotic, but they had so much fun.  Tommy worked so hard preparing the days before.  We practiced different smoothie recipes and mastered that too.  If you want to try a good smoothie here is what he made
6 frozen strawberries
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup lemonade (we used AE)

The boys Snack Shack was a success.  They learned a lot.  They both earned $71.50 when it was all done, after they paid us back for their products so that was terrific.  That made their work worth it in their minds.

*On a side note....the field trip they went on was to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum.  A pretty BIG field trip.  They left from school at 2:00 drove until 2 am slept in the hotel a few hours and spent all day at the museum and will arrive home this morning after driving all night on the bus.  A whirlwind trip.  He will be on tired boy.


  1. it's so fun to see the snack shack from the seller's persepctive. This is such a BiG deal at our house. one of the things that helped them go back to school after spring break was the snack shack! All my kids went to Tommy's booth!

  2. Sounds so fun. Maybe next year we will go for snacks! :)

  3. Is this a school project? How cool! I think that teaches them such a valuable lesson - especially that they had to pay for their supplies. When I was a kid we went to the neighborhood market and bought a bunch of sodas and went and set up a table in front of Mama's Fish House and sold the sodas to the waitstaff for ten cents each. We had no idea we were losing money! haha

  4. How fun...was that a cotton candy machine I spy next to their booth?
